
Two more Gale wolves came running, and three Gale wolves surrounded the woman, with indifferent wolf eyes, sharp fangs, and greedy saliva flowing from their mouths.

"What should I do? Why am I so unlucky to meet this Gale Wolf, and three of them came at once." Tears rolled in the eyes of the woman, the sword in her hand trembled a little, and she secretly regretted coming to the Canglan secret realm.

"Whoosh..." The three Galewind wolves pounced on the woman almost at the same time.

Before he could think about it, the woman poured her Spirit Power into the Magical Item long sword. The long sword sang softly, and a crescent-like energy slashed out, repelling the two Gale Wolves. legs.

The Movement Technique under the woman's feet didn't dare to neglect, and narrowly avoided the attack of the Gale Wolf.

The three Gale wolves were not in a hurry when they saw that the blow would not succeed, they readjusted their position and surrounded the beauty, and walked towards her slowly.

The woman backed away in fright, the scene was very urgent.

"Hey! Let it go! Let it go, I can't stop!" Zhong Tao shouted at the top of his voice. He used the magic amulet to run at a high speed all the way, and found a Spiritual herbs on the way and wanted to stop to pick it, but found that he couldn't stop. When he couldn't come down and scolded himself for making another defective product, he found a woman in front of him, and hurriedly shouted to remind him.

The woman looked for her reputation, and saw a fat figure running towards her at a very high speed, almost hitting her and avoiding it.



As soon as the woman's figure moved away, the figure of a Gale Wolf was revealed, and the Gale Wolf had no time to dodge, so it bumped into Zhong Tao fiercely.

One wolf and one person flew out one after another, and only then did the amulet lose its effect.

"Careless! Hehe..." Zhong Tao slapped the dirt on his body and got up, looking at the woman, and said with a simple and honest smile.

The Gale Wolf also got up, shaking his head, as if he was a little dizzy.

The three wolves continued to grin their teeth and moved closer to the two.

"This junior brother, junior brother! The wolf is coming!" Seeing Zhong Tao staring at her in a daze, the woman shouted urgently.

"Oh! Haha... I'm sorry I was distracted just now," Zhong Tao quickly put away his piggy look, and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth without any trace. He felt that he had met love. Biqu library

At this time, the three Gale Wolves had already rushed towards the two of them.

"Humph! Let you three beasts taste the taste of thunder and lightning." Zhong Tao took out three lightning talismans, and they were first-level high-grade, comparable to the nine-level attack of the Qi refining period.

There are nine grades in Fulu, from first-level to ninth-level, and each first-level is divided into upper grade, middle grade and lower grade.

Zhong Tao's Spirit Power activates the talisman, and the talisman glows blue.


Before the three Gale Wolves got close to the two of them, they were hit by three bolts of blue lightning that appeared out of thin air.

, fell to the ground and kicked up a cloud of dust.

Animals have an instinctive fear of lightning, and so do Demonic Beasts.

The three Gale wolves knew that the Fatty cultivator was not easy to mess with, so they quickly got up and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Zhong Tao clapped his hands, proud of own, turned his head and said with a smile: "What do you call this senior sister? My name is Zhong Tao from Xuantian Sect."

"Ah? Oh! Thank you, Junior Brother, for your help. My name is Mo Xiaolan, and I come from the Jade Maiden Palace." Although Zhong Tao's Cultivation Base is not as high as his own, Mo Xiaolan is still grateful for being able to defeat the three blast wolves with his own power. road.

"Oh! It's Senior Sister Xiaolan. What is Senior Sister Xiaolan's plan next? If we go together, it can be regarded as a support." When Zhong Tao heard about the Jade Girl Palace, his heart was full of dreams, and he kept trying to bring the two closer together. human relationship.

Mo Xiaolan thought in her heart: "It looks like Junior Brother Fatty is not a bad guy. It would be much better if he had someone to go with him."

After thinking for a moment, he finally nodded in agreement.

Zhong Tao was very happy after seeing the success of the first step of the plan, and he showed courtesy to Mo Xiaolan along the way, which made Mo Xiaolan helpless.

As soon as Lu Chen returned to the Canglan secret realm from the Golden Pearl World, he took out the sensor Jade Slip. He wanted to see if there was any information from the same sect nearby.

Divine Sense was injected into the information Jade Slip, and sure enough, a large red dot and forty-five small red dots were scattered in it.

The big red dot represents Lu Chen himself, and the small red dots represent other disciples, forty-six in total, indicating that four fellow disciples have fallen.

At this time, the message Jade Slip is flashing a faint red light, and a small red dot is rapidly approaching the large red dot.

"Which fellow is approaching me?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously, retracting his Divine Sense and quietly waiting for someone to come.

Time for a cup of tea.

Two figures appeared in front of Lu Chen, and Lu Chen smiled when he saw the person coming.

"Haha... How about the little bug? We met again, isn't it a surprise? I said I would wait for you in the secret realm, you don't know yet! You have been marked with Divine Sense by me a long time ago, Let's see how I can crush you to death today." One of the men laughed arrogantly. Biqu library

The people who came were Liao Wei and another cultivator of Dzogchen during the Qi refining period. Judging from the costumes, they should be disciples of the Hehuan Sect.

"Brother Liao! A disciple on the ninth floor of the Qi refining stage is worth your trouble?" the disciple of the Hehuan Sect said disdainfully.

"Brother Hua! You're joking. I'm not going to put this bug in one's eyes yet. Wait a moment. After I get rid of this kid, I'll take you to Ye Rushuang. This bitch doesn't know what's good. Wait a minute." You and I will surely capture her together, Brother Hua, you will go first...haha." Liao Wei said with a lewd smile on his face.

"Hey! Have you two finished talking? Are you here to chat?" Lu Chen felt a chill in his heart.

However, they wanted to join forces to deal with Ye Rushuang, so they decided to send them to get a box lunch.

"Hmph! Since you are so anxious to die, I will help you." Liao Wei performed the Xuantian Nine Steps, and his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

Appearing again, it has come to Lu Chen's back, and the long sword stabs at Lu Chen's back with a sharp Sword Ray.

"Xuantian Nine Steps? It's a pity it's too slow." Lu Chen didn't expect that the Movement Technique that Liao Wei chose was the same as his own, and he also used Xuantian Nine Steps to skillfully avoid Liao Wei's attack.

"This sword is not right, the speed is too slow, and the strength is not right," Xuantian Jiubu led Lu Chen to form an afterimage. Liao Wei couldn't attack Lu Chen, but Lu Chen pointed around like a master, yes Liao Wei commented.

Liao Wei was angry and shocked in his heart, "Xuantian Jiubu's own Cultivation Base is also a level higher than Lu Chen, why can't he defeat him, and this kid hasn't made a move yet, could it be that this kid has hidden the Cultivation Base? No, you must kill him."

Liao Wei moved away from Lu Chen, and took out a long bone whip from the storage bag. The spirit power of Dzogchen in the Qi refining period was poured into the bone whip, and the bone whip flashed black light, condensing into three giant cobras The shadow, spitting snake apricot, with a terrifying aura, rushed towards Lu Chen.

"This Magic Treasures is a bit evil!" Lu Chen thought to himself, the black turtle shield in his hand became the size of a door panel under the infusion of Spirit Power.

"Boom..." The three snake shadows collided with the black turtle shield, making a loud noise.

After the dark light dissipated, Lu Chen stood in front of Liao Wei safe and sound, looking at Liao Wei with a smile.

"Brother Hua! Please give me a helping hand. This kid is a bit evil. I will give you five hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones later, and I will give you all the resources in the Sect storage bag." Liao Wei saw that Lu Chen was actually strong enough to At the point of contending with himself, he immediately asked for help from the flower surname cultivator.

"Okay! But give me his storage bag too." The cultivator, surnamed Hua, was convinced of Lu Chen. He thought that if the two Qi-refining Dzogchen could not kill a Qi-refining Ninth Level, then it would be What a joke.

"Hey! Are you two qi refining period Dzogchen joining forces to bully me for a qi refining period ninth floor?" Lu Chen pretended to be angry.

Lu Chen was actually not afraid of the two teaming up. He originally wanted to play with Liao Wei, but he didn't expect the Hua to jump out.

"This... Huh! Where did you come up with so much nonsense, kid? Remember your grandfather, my name is Huamanlou, don't give the wrong name when you arrive at King Yama." I'm sorry to cover up my own, after all this matter really has no face when it gets out.

"What's wrong with bullying you? Why? Are you scared?" Liao Wei smiled triumphantly.

"Hua Man Lou? Hehe... Do you know someone named Hua Guangyuan?" Lu Chen asked with a smile when he heard the name.

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