Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 189 Eye-Catching Debut

Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang's expressions changed slightly when they heard the words. They didn't expect that when they were waiting for someone to speak, someone would come forward and speak rudely.

Looking at the reputation, I saw that the other party looked like a young man, who looked about the same age as himself and others, but with disdain in his eyes, Cultivation Base was nothing more than Foundation Establishment middle stage,

What's more, everyone is young, Qi Yutang immediately wants to go back in a rage,

But Zhao Chengzhi took the first step, bowed to the cultivator and the young son around him, cupped hands, and smiled embarrassingly:

"Sorry! Sorry! Hehehe... This young man is really sorry. It was our fault. It disturbed you. We will pay attention to it next time. I am really sorry."

Speaking of holding Qi Yutang who was about to stand up firmly, Yang Yunfei didn't understand Zhao Chengzhi's approach. He usually rushed to the front when encountering such things, why did he change his temper today.

The young son saw that Zhao Chengzhi's attitude of admitting his mistakes was not bad, so he didn't care about it any more.

Zhao Chengzhi always maintained an apologetic smile. Seeing that the other party did not make things difficult for him, he whispered to Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang:

"You must not be impulsive. It is said that the audience sitting here are all young people from various powers.

There are many people with extremely domineering backgrounds among them. As far as your family background is really not enough for others, so don't be impulsive, and peace is the most important thing in everything. "

After hearing the words, the two of them also realized that they were a bit menglang just now, and this place was not the Shun'an City they were familiar with, especially Qi Yutang's eyes showed a look of fear.

He glanced at Zhao Chengzhi gratefully, then bit his lips lightly, bowed his head in self-concern, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, after all, it’s all because of that damn strength. If you don’t have the strength, you’ll be afraid to go wherever you go. Dwarves are the first class.

If you have strength, no matter who you are, everyone will look at you with admiration. Even if you fart, people will say that you are delicious.

At this time, a large group of people, headed by two people, came to the martial arts arena from the city lord's mansion talking and laughing, and then sat down in order according to the established order.

The man in the middle is short and tall, with a kind face, eyes like a phoenix, eyebrows like lying silkworms, two earlobe beads, bright and bright eyes, square lips, broad forehead and flat top, plump flesh and sky. Young looks but has the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul middle stage.

It was Su Ziming, the lord of Qianyang City, who was the notary for this competition.

The one next to him on the left is a tall and thin figure with a handsome appearance and a graceful demeanor. Xiao Shuxuan looks like a god. He is dressed in Tsing Yi and has the style of a literati.

It was Liang Chaobei, the deputy city lord of Pill City, who was the chief referee of this competition. If it wasn't for the joint invitation of the two chambers of commerce, he would generally not be able to attend this kind of competition between elixir masters.

Then came the two assistant referees, Dan Gui Yin Cang and Dan Wang Yu.

Tong Wei.

Next to Su Ziming's right is the prince Hu Shilong of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, followed by Yan Zixia, the son of Tianjiao of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

"Hehehe... It's quite formal." Lu Chen followed behind Yan Zixia and other big shots, looking around, looking at everything with fresh expressions, and entered the competition field together, looking very relaxed and casual.

However, when Lu Chen saw the figure of Chu Dingtian in the guest seat on the left, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he froze on the spot, so frightened that he was ready to hide in the Golden Pearl World to escape for his life at any time.

So much so that everyone else left, and he was left alone, lagging behind, very eye-catching.

In this scene, almost all the cultivators stared at Lu Chen strangely, wondering why he suddenly froze there alone.

Seeing that Chu Dingtian didn't seem to have the intention of doing something as imagined, Lu Chen suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously touched the mask on his face, looking a little funny.

After looking around, seeing that nothing unusual happened, he adjusted his mood, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then returned to that cynical expression, and continued to walk towards the stone platform in the middle.

He thought to himself: "Fortunately, I'm used to being cautious, so I asked Yan Zixia to prepare a mask for herself in advance, otherwise, I would be dead today."

"Hahaha..." However, Lu Chen's move caused roars of laughter from all the cultivators present.

"Hahaha... who is this guy! He looked so funny just now, I wonder if he went to the wrong place." Zhao Chengzhi from the audience pointed to Lu Chen and laughed.

"Is this Ximen Qinghong? Everyone has no manners at all, it seems that I really think highly of him." Dongfang Yuanhua who had already walked to the stone platform looked at Lu Chen and thought.

Before he heard that the opponent was the registered disciple of the alchemy god Kong Qiu, he was a little dignified, after all, the prestige of the alchemy god was there,

But now seeing that the other party is just a foolish kid, Dongfang Yuanhua feels that he has the chance to win.

"Hmph! This Lu Xiaoyao is so frivolous. I don't know why the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce would suddenly replace Nephew Ximen." The referee Liang Chaobei watched Lu Chen walk to another stone platform with disdain, leaving behind good impression.

At this moment, Lu Chen has changed his name to Lu Xiaoyao and reported it to the referee team.

On the other hand, his opponent, Dongfang Yuanhua, was calm, unhurried, well-educated, handsome, with a confident smile on his face, which left a good impression on Liang Chaobei's heart.

Seeing this, Yan Zixia's forehead was covered with black lines. She didn't expect Lu Chen to make such a joke, so she lowered her head and pretended to think.

On both sides of the high platform, there were guests from the observation groups invited by the two chambers of commerce. On the side of the Feiyu chamber of commerce, there were more than a dozen people including Zhang Bingtian and Wang Haocang.

The Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce has: Chu Dingtian, Hua Youyuan, and a dozen others.

On the high platform, Su Ziming saw that everyone had already taken their seats, and started facing the side of the high platform.

The middle-aged man who kept smiling all the time nodded.

The middle-aged man seemed to be paying attention to Su Ziming's instructions all the time, he nodded respectfully in response after understanding, and then walked forward, circulating his true essence and smiling faintly, but his voice spread like a bell:

"Hehehe... Everyone please keep quiet, our game is about to start, next..."

The middle-aged man first introduced himself briefly. He is the steward of the City Lord's Mansion and is in charge of hosting the competition.

Secondly, he briefly introduced several important figures on the high stage, which caused cheers and reverence from the audience.

Then he introduced the identities and backgrounds of the two contestants. When Dongfang Yuanhua was introduced to represent the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, it naturally attracted the attention of many cultivators.

After all, the title of Little Pill King is not for nothing. Many cultivators have heard rumors about him.

This made all the cultivators who supported the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce's victory start to worry about the result of the competition.

When Lu Xiaoyao, the pill refiner representing the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, was introduced, there was an uproar immediately.

Especially the cultivators who supported the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce had the strongest reaction, because most of them had never seen Ximen Qinghong, so they didn't even recognize the replacement.

All kinds of discussions began to spread one after another, with affirmative voices and more ironic voices.

Because many cultivators knew in advance that the pill refiner representing the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce should be Ximen Qinghong, why was it suddenly replaced by Lu Xiaoyao?

Besides, who is this pill refining master named Lu Xiaoyao? Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They seemed to have never heard of this person, and they all cast Yan Zixia asking questions.

But Yan Zixia, the representative of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, had lowered her head at this moment, as if she had already prepared, and everyone was even more puzzled.

It stands to reason that for such an important competition, it is impossible for Yan Zixia to invite an unknown person, otherwise it would not have been reported before that the disciple of the Pill God Kong Qiu will represent the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone began to suspect that something unknown must have happened. At the same time, they also guessed who this pill refining master named Lu Xiaoyao was. Sacred must also have something extraordinary.

"Lu Xiaoyao? Who is Lu Xiaoyao? Isn't my opponent Ximen Qinghong, the registered disciple of the alchemy god Kong Qiu? Why is it Lu Xiaoyao?" Dongfang Yuanhua thought in confusion.

"'s over! The Feiyu Chamber of Commerce actually called a little-known pill refining master to fight against the Little Pill King this time. Isn't this an obvious surrender?" Zhang Bingtian sent a voice transmission to Wang Haocang Divine Sense.

"Hehehe... Brother Zhang, why worry about the sky, how could the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce make fun of such an important game, there must be something strange, you and I can just wait for the game." Wang Haocang responded with a smile and Divine Sense.

Lu Chen turned a deaf ear to all the voices of discussion, simply closed his eyes, and waited for the start of the game......

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