Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 224 Spherical Formation

In Banyue City, Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, in the dilapidated courtyard of the Chinese Mercenary Corps,

Because Horn received a summons from Yang Yuqin, saying that two cultivators who knew her own came to visit,

He thought it was a business visit, put down what he was doing, and rushed back immediately.

After more than a year of precipitation and the unremitting efforts of the Horn couple, the Chinese Mercenary Corps also began to have some regular customers, or old customers recommended new customers.

But after a brief inquiry, Lu Zhishen said that they were ordered by Lu Chen to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

This baffled Horn. On the one hand, Lu Chen was the founder of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, and the people he sent must be trustworthy.

But on the other hand, given the current operating conditions of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, if the two of them were added, they might not even have a place to live, let alone anything else.

Now there are only three rooms, with myself and my wife Li Yanan, one room for Yang Yuqin, and one room for Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, which is just enough.

We can't let them live with those two boys! If you add more rooms, there are not enough Spirit Stones.

"Hey..." Horn sighed secretly in his heart, very embarrassed.

But on the surface, they still warmly welcome the two of them to join, making it difficult for people to see the clues.

Li Yanan was originally with Huo En and the other two members, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, were looking for Demonic Beasts in the Half Moon Mountains, and Huo En left halfway.

Li Yanan continued to search for the target with the two of them, but not long after, Li Yanan received a message from Horn's communication beads,

Said: "Tell them to put down their affairs temporarily and go to Celestial Immortals to entertain guests."

Li Yanan's expression changed immediately after reading the message.

"Master! What's the matter?" Seeing Li Yanan stopped to check the communication beads, Zhao Hu changed his expression and asked in confusion.

When the rest of the members were dismissed before, only Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and Yang Yuqin were left, willing to continue to follow the Horns and stay in the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

Later, Horn saw that they were loyal and persevering, so he accepted the three of them as his personal disciples, and would take time to tutor them in cultivation on weekdays.

"Go! Go to Celestial Immortals!" Li Yanan said with a displeased expression.

When Zhang Long and Zhao Hu heard "Celestial Immortals", a bright and clear look flashed in their eyes, and at the same time they guessed that the master had no good fruit to eat today.

Because since moving to the dilapidated courtyard,

The business of the Chinese Mercenary Corps is even worse.

In order to increase the popularity of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, Horn would often invite some stewards of the local family to dinner at the "Celestial Immortals Residence".

"Celestial Immortals House" is a first-class restaurant in Banyue City, and one meal often costs them half a month's income.

At first, Li Yanan could understand Horn's actions,

But the stewards of those aristocratic families seemed to refuse to accept their account after eating, and did not bring any business to the Chinese Mercenary Group at all.

Later, Li Yanan strictly forbade Horn to curry favor with those useless stewards,

I didn't expect to receive a message today that Horn told me to entertain guests. How could this not make Li Yanan angry.

On the side of Yinfeng Valley, the remaining 200 or so death row prisoners, because of Dai Zong's threats, dared not speak anymore, fearing that they would die on the spot.

"Everyone! I have a way, maybe I can board the portal."

Just when everyone was downcast, the cultivator wearing prison uniform No. 250 said.

As soon as they heard that he had a solution, everyone cast inquiring glances.

"It's very simple! Form the formation!" Death row prisoner No. 250 pretended to smile mysteriously.

"Finished formation?" Everyone asked puzzledly.

"Yes! It is to deploy a defensive formation. With the strength of all of us, maintaining the strength of the formation should be able to withstand the destructive power of the tornado.

As long as we can get close to the distance of a few hundred meters, we can teleport to the portal and enter the secret realm. "No. 250 death row prisoner analyzed.

After everyone listened to it, they all felt that this method was feasible. With the real energy of so many people, if it is equipped with advanced formation,

I am afraid that even the cultivator of the Integrated Union period may not be able to break through the defense of the formation.

"What's your name? Are you a formation teacher?" Dai Zong asked with his eyes lit up after asking.

Dai Zong naturally heard what they said, and felt that this method was feasible. He looked curiously at the death row prisoner who was about the same age as himself,

"Hehehe... Jiang Dayan is the third rank magician." Jiang Dayan said with a proud smile on his face.

"Oh? Then try it. I will fully support you. If this method is successful, I will directly pardon your capital crime."

When Dai Zong heard this, he was also surprised that the other party was still a third rank magician.

You must know that formation divisions are divided into spiritual formation divisions and divine formation divisions, two major

Level, each level is subdivided into first rank to ninth rank.

A third rank magician is already considered a rare high-level talent.

When Jiang Dayan heard the words, he immediately vowed to make a statement, saying that he would go all out.

Next, Dai Zong ordered people to take out enough third rank god-level formation materials and hand them over to Jiang Dayan.

After about an hour, Jiang Dayan finished refining the required array flags.

His eyes suddenly froze, his expression was serious, and his hands kept making seals, and then Divine Sense controlled the array flags to fly around,

Countless arrays of flags turned into countless golden brilliance, which dissipated into the air almost in the blink of an eye.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, Dui, give me condense!" Jiang Dayan shouted loudly,

When the word Ning was uttered, a translucent golden spherical formation light curtain with a diameter of fifty meters appeared mysteriously in front of everyone.

"Go!" Jiang Dayan flew into the formation light curtain first, followed by the other two hundred or so death row prisoners.

"Everyone inject true essence into the formation light curtain." Jiang Dayan shouted loudly again,


Under the infusion of the true essence of many cultivators, the formation light curtain buzzed and shone with dazzling golden brilliance.

Then Jiang Dayan controlled the spherical formation light curtain and flew towards the tornado.

From a distance, it looks like a large balloon carrying two hundred people, slowly drifting towards the sky.

"Look! They seem to have succeeded," someone in the crowd of cultivators pointed at the spherical formation light curtain and exclaimed.

"Yeah! I didn't expect that it would work like this. If you move a little closer, the cultivator in the Expanding Aperture period can teleport into the portal, but..." Another cultivator echoed, but hesitated for a moment, and didn't express the guess in his heart. Finish.

"It's just... I'm afraid that all Nascent Soul seniors will become cannon fodder. Without the support of enough real energy,

It is still unclear whether the formation light curtain can continue to be maintained. Once the formation light curtain is broken, the remaining people will undoubtedly die. "

At this time, the cultivator next to him added without any scruples.

"Hehehe... Jiang Dayan is really a talent, if he can successfully enter the secret realm, why not spare his life?"

Seeing that the formation light curtain was getting closer again, Dai Zong finally thought with a sigh of relief.

However... just when everyone thought this method would work,

But it's a sudden change......

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