Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 245 Enemies Meet

In Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, Banyue City in the Banyue Mountains.

Lin Tian and Sun Erniang were entrusted by Lu Chen to search for the Chinese Mercenary Corps in the Banyue Mountain Range. After many inquiries, they finally came to the door of a dilapidated courtyard.

There is a grand plaque hanging on the gate of the gate, with five big characters carved in gold and hollow on it: "Chinese Mercenary Corps"

The font is vigorous and powerful, flamboyant and phoenix dancing. Just looking at the plaque, you will definitely think that this is a large-scale mercenary group.

However, this plaque was hung in front of the dilapidated courtyard supported by two wooden piles, which seemed extremely incongruous.

At this time, a gust of wind blew past, and the plaque was shaken non-stop, saying:

"Kangdang, bang, bang, bang..." sounded.

Sun Erniang and Lin Tian looked at each other in astonishment, and black lines appeared on their foreheads.

"Lin Dage! Are we looking for the wrong place?" Sun Erniang asked suspiciously when she saw that the dilapidated courtyard in front of her was not as good as her previous residence in Qianyang City.

" about we go in and have a look first!" Lin Tian said with a soft sigh.

Logically speaking, as a base of a mercenary group, you have to have a decent appearance, otherwise how will you receive customers? How to gain the trust of customers?

However, what they didn't know was that Lu Zhishen had brought a huge amount of resources to fund the development of the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

Horn's wife Li Yanan, in order to prepare for the mercenary group competition.

I deliberately bought a piece of land in Banyue City, planning to build a tower by myself, as the long-term base of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, which is still under construction.

So for the time being, a few people are still crowded in this dilapidated small yard.

Lin Tian and Sun Erniang walked into the yard. Hearing footsteps, Lu Zhishen thought it was a visitor, so he quickly turned around and prepared to welcome him enthusiastically.

However, when Lu Zhishen turned around and saw Lin Tian's face clearly,

He immediately recognized that Lin Tian was the one who led many cultivators to kill him and Lu Chen.

At that time, if it wasn't for Lu Chen's super fighting power, and Yan Zixia who came to rescue him later,

I guess I still have Little Brother Lu Su and Lu Chen, who have long been buried outside Qianyang City.

"It's you?" Lu Zhishen said in shock, his face suddenly changed.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet,

With red eyes, Lu Zhishen looked at Lin Tian with hostility, and the Magic Treasures sword suddenly appeared in his hand,

But he didn't do it, because he knew that the other party was the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen fusion stage, and he was only the Cultivation Base of the middle stage. He still has this self-knowledge.

"It's you," Lin Tian also recognized Lu Zhishen at a glance, and was also surprised, but then he thought of Lu Chen, and he knew it in his heart.

"Lin Dage, who are you?" Erniang Sun asked, looking at Lin Tian in bewilderment.

It seems that Lin Dage and the big man should know each other, but why is the other party so full of hostility?

"Hahaha... Dage, I have a happy thing... er... Dage!" Lu Su exclaimed in doubt.

He was back talking and laughing with Zhang Long and Zhao Hu.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Dage Lu Zhishen's face was solemn, as if he was facing a big enemy, with a weapon in his hand, and he looked at the two of them with their backs turned to own very vigilantly.

"Go to the head of the regiment quickly, just say enemy attack! Go!" Lu Zhishen said anxiously loudly.

Lu Su immediately reacted when he heard the words, knowing that the situation was serious, otherwise Dage would not have said such words,

Yu Jian hurriedly called Zhang Long and Zhao Hu to look for the head of the group, Huo En.

"Hehehe...It's okay, Jingzhu, there is a little misunderstanding in this, but...when Captain Horn comes, everything will naturally become clear."

Lin Tian didn't care about Lu Zhishen's attitude towards own, instead he smiled and comforted Sun Erniang.

Seeing that the other party did not intend to do anything, Lu Zhishen was puzzled, but he still did not relax his vigilance, praying in his heart that Lu Su would find the regiment leader soon.

The two sides were deadlocked in the yard like this,

Not long after, a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the entire courtyard.

"Boom..." Lu Zhishen, Lin Tian, ​​and Sun Erniang felt that they were enveloped by this momentum,

Immediately, the pressure doubled, and the body felt uncomfortable as if a thousand pieces of gold were carrying a heavy weight.

Before the person arrives, the aura arrives first, and the opponent's aura is still so strong, which shows the horror of the opponent's Cultivation Base.

"Lin... Lin Dage!" Sun Erniang only has the Cultivation Base that integrates the early stage, how can she withstand the aura of the Gold Core stage Dzogchen cultivator,

In fact, Lin Tian is not much better, even if he tried his best to use his true energy to resist, he still felt very uncomfortable, with big sweat streaming down his cheeks

, miserable.

After a few breaths, a tall middle-aged cultivator with a Chinese character face and wearing a black robe, Yu Jian quickly landed beside Lu Zhishen.

Seeing that the so-called enemy is just a small cultivator of two fusion periods, I feel relieved.

Immediately, he withdrew his momentum, looked at Lin Tian and Sun Erniang with disdain, and was about to ask to clarify.

Before, Horn was supervising the construction of the new base,

Lu Su, Zhang Long, and Zhao Hu rushed over anxiously Yu Jian, saying that there was an enemy attack.

Hearing that Horn was worried about Lu Zhishen's safety, he quickly put down his things and hurried back anxiously.

"Your Excellency! But Captain Horn? I didn't expect the hospitality of the Chinese Mercenary Corps to be so unique."

Lin Tian suffered an unreasonable disaster, and he was very angry in his heart, and his words were a little Yin & Yang weird.

At this time, he didn't immediately reveal his relationship with Lu Chen. He just took advantage of this incident to see how the regiment leader would deal with him.

Although he promised Lu Chen that he would join the Chinese Mercenary Corps, he also wanted to see the character of the regiment leader,

Lu Chen also said that he would not intervene too much in this mercenary group, which is equivalent to throwing away the shopkeeper.

If the leader's character is not good, Lin Tian will not continue to choose to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

Hearing what he said, Horn looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, not understanding what he meant,

"He is from Shenshou Mountain. He once robbed and killed me, Lu Chen, and my little brother Lu Su. I didn't expect to find Zhongyuan."

Lu Zhishen said softly, with the intention of asking Horn to help him out.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Horn became even more confused when he heard the words.

From the other party's words, it can be clearly seen that the other party does not seem to be seeking revenge, this is one of them.

Second, how did the other party know that Lu Zhishen and others were in the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains?

This place is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the southern border, how much hatred must be there for the opponent to come here from the southern border?

Third, since the other party can find out the specific location of the Chinese Mercenary Group, they should also know the strength of their own group leader.

With the Cultivation Base of the two of them, how dare they seek revenge.

Combining these three points, Horn was very puzzled, and he was not in a hurry to follow Lu Zhishen's words and deal with Lin Tian and Erniang Sun......

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