Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 273 The Nun Who Died For Love

The stubble-faced big man cultivator with Yujian in the air saw that his own huge knife shadow was once again blocked by the stone sacrificed by Lu Chen,

Not only was he not angry in his heart, but he looked at it with great interest, the black rock the size of a mountain floating in the air below,

He didn't pay attention to it before, but now he was surprised to find that under the full attack of his Gold Core early stage's Cultivation Base, there was not even a single scratch on the surface of the black stone.

This shows that the black stone must be an extremely hard fetish, and then a greedy look appeared in his eyes,

I thought to myself: "I just need to take Lu Chen down,

Not only can he be taken to the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in exchange for 50 million mid-grade Spirit Stones, but he can also get such a black stone with extremely strong defensive power, which is really a worthwhile trip. "

Glancing at his own dao companion, the fire dragon whip, with its fiery flames after transforming into a dragon, was in an inseparable fight with that middle-aged cultivator,

I have to get rid of Lu Chen as soon as possible, and then help her.

At this time, Lu Chen just flew around the black stone with his sword, and cast Ten Thousand Buddhas towards the bearded man cultivator.

The big man cultivator didn't react too slowly, he waved the big knife in his hand again, under the infusion of true energy, the big knife instantly condensed a huge knife shadow with a length of 100 meters,

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred,

I saw the light and shadow of the big knife just condensed by the big man's cultivator's true energy, as if the electricity was suddenly cut off, it collapsed directly.

Because the big man cultivator suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, and immediately knew that he was being plotted against.

Under Divine Sense's inspection, a small insect the size of a fly was quickly passing the Meridians and flying towards own Dantian, its purpose is self-evident.

Cultivation World has similar bug-type Demonic Beasts that devour cultivator Dantian, he knows it,

The Dantian of the cultivator contains powerful energy due to the long-term storage of true energy, and is the best nourishment for the bug-type Demonic Beasts.

Thinking of this possibility, the big man cultivator was immediately frightened out of his wits, so he couldn't care less about Lu Chen.

Hurry up and take back the true essence to wrap the little bug, trying to force it out of the body.

That little bug is exactly the ancient beast Pixiu released by Lu Chen, also known as "little earthworm"

Xiao Hu, who has worked with Lu Chen many times, went to attack the big man cultivator with ease.

And successfully entered his body, but the reaction of the big man cultivator is not slow,

At this moment, "Little Earthworm" is being wrapped up by the opponent's true essence, unable to advance an inch.

As the saying goes: "While he is sick, kill him,"

Lu Chen, who was flying close to Yujian, after performing Wanfo Chaozong, appeared in his hand about 1.6 meters long, with a dark body and a Lingbao-level mace


This mace was exactly what Lu Chen got from killing Chu Yi, a genius disciple of the Divine Beast Mountain, in the Canglan secret realm.

I saw the Lingbao mace being held high above Lu Chen's head, and under the infusion of true energy, it exuded a powerful force.

Then from top to bottom, chop down fiercely.

With Lu Chen's true energy that is comparable to the Gold Core early stage, he can fully exert the power of a mace.

"Wow..." The howling of wolves suddenly resounded through the sky.

The moment the mace was struck out, the true essence instantly condensed into ten giant wolves the size of vans, like 3D special effects, and rushed towards the big man cultivator at high speed.

The big man cultivator just forced the little earthworm out of his body, when he saw ten giant wolves formed by condensed true essence, attacking him at high speed.

The speed is so fast that it almost reaches the front in the blink of an eye,

Before he could dodge in time, the blue brilliance flashed in his hand, and a shield the size of a door panel appeared in his hand.

Under the infusion of true energy, the shield instantly became larger, like a high wall, standing in front of the big man cultivator.

"Boom..." The ten wolf shadows collided with the shield, making a loud bang.

The strong power generated by the collision spread rapidly to the surroundings, but the shield was not damaged, so it can be seen that it is also a good defensive Magic Treasures.

Seeing this, Lu Chen kept waving the mace in his hand. Every time he swung it, ten giant wolves formed by condensed true essence appeared.

After waving several times, dozens of giant wolves the size of a van swarmed up, very bluffing.

"Damn it!" The big man cultivator, who was desperately turning his true energy to maintain his shield against Lu Chen's attack, suddenly cursed angrily.

Because he felt a pain in his stomach again, and he didn't need to think about it to know that it was that damn bug again.

The big man cultivator quickly separated some of his true essence, and wrapped the little earthworm in his body so that he couldn't get an inch in.

He wanted to use his true energy to directly strangle the little earthworm,

But Little Earth's defense is surprisingly strong, with his Gold Core early stage true energy, he couldn't kill him,

The big man cultivator was really shocked and angry, so he could only temporarily wrap the little earth with real yuan to prevent it from attacking his own Dantian.

Almost all of this happened in a flash.

"Crack..." Being hit by dozens of wolves formed by condensed true essence, the energy generated is terrifying,

The shield in the big man's cultivator's hand began to crack after a click.

Before he had time to think about it, at the moment of crisis, the big man cultivator panicked and instinctively poured all his true energy into the shield,

So much so that the little bugs in the body are ignored.

At the same time, the right hand is waving a broadsword, ready to attack again while defending


"Ah..." The big man cultivator suddenly let out a painful scream,

Little Earth, who was not bound by his true energy, rushed into Dantian of the big man cultivator in less than a moment,

Then he quickly devoured the Gold Core in the opponent's Dantian, the big man cultivator's complexion instantly became sluggish, his eyes blurred, and his body began to fall rapidly.

"Do not……"

The female cultivator who was fighting the middle-aged cultivator who had captured Lu Chen before heard her husband's screams,

Turning around abruptly, just in time to see her husband falling rapidly, and then screamed heart-piercingly.

Then with a vicious look on his face, Divine Sense controlled the fire dragon whip that turned into a fire dragon to desperately attack the middle-aged cultivator.

On the other hand, Yu Jian quickly flew towards her husband, and soon caught the big man cultivator who was falling at a high speed, and hugged him in his arms, Yu Jian stopped in the air.

After the middle-aged cultivator blocked the fire dragon's attack, he took advantage of the gap and quickly escaped with his sword.

The fire dragon that lost the female cultivator's true energy quickly lost its brilliance, and then turned into a long dark red whip, falling from the sky to the ground.

"Juntang! Juntang!" the female cultivator said anxiously with tears in her eyes.

Perhaps feeling his wife's call, the big man cultivator suddenly opened his eyes like a flash of light,

"Yes...I'm sorry! This...all these years have caused you to suffer with me! go! Don't...leave me alone." The big man cultivator said with difficulty.

" promised me that we will become immortals together, have you forgotten? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the female cultivator cried.

Immediately, he took out a Medicine Pill and gave it to her husband, and then shot a beam of real energy into his body.

"It''s useless! run away quickly! It's all my's all my greed..."

The big man cultivator shouted weakly, with endless regret in his eyes, his vitality gradually weakened, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

"No... I won't go, I will always be with you..." the female cultivator sobbed heartbroken,

Then, as if he had made a difficult decision, a dagger appeared in his hand, stabbing Own's abdomen fiercely.

At this time, Lu Chen Yujian quickly turned back, just happened to see the scene of the female cultivator dying in love, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing in his heart.

A few minutes ago, Lu Chen saw the middle-aged cultivator running away, Yu Jian immediately chased after him, but failed to catch him, and let him run away.

In desperation, Lu Chen had no choice but to turn back, because the ancient mythical beast Pixiu was still here, and he already felt very uncomfortable after losing the "Qinghong" Flying Sword.

If another accident happened to Little Earth, then who would I cry to...

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