Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 33: Making A Rage At Qi Huibao Pavilion

Just when Lu Chen was about to lose his temper, Manager Pei finally arrived late.

"Hehe...Young Master! I'm really sorry, some things were delayed for a while just now, Guan Ying, you go down first, I will take over here." Guanshi Pei cupped hands laughed.

"Yes!" Guan Ying bowed and retreated politely.

Seeing Guanshi Pei apologize and explain the reason for being late, Lu Chen felt better but still had a stern face. He just hoped to get the Spirit Stones quickly and leave.

"Young master! These are the Spirit Stones you got from selling your resources. Check it out." Guanshi Pei smiled blissfully, and took out a storage bag from his cuff. Divine Sense controlled the storage bag and flew to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stared excitedly at the storage bag in front of him. This is 350,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones. For a disciple in the Qi refining period, this is a huge fortune, as the saying goes.

"Thank you! I have troubled you all!" Lu Chen looked at Guanshi Pei with an embarrassed smile and said, he put the Divine Sense into the storage bag.


Lu Chen suddenly slammed the spirit teapot to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"What the hell do you mean, Pei?" Lu Chen stood up and yelled at Guanshi Pei. His mood was on the verge of going berserk. After Pei took away the resources, he waited bitterly. He waited, but he didn't expect that there were only thirty-five mid-grade Spirit Stones in his storage bag.

"Hehe...Young Master, where do you start with this? You sold resources to this pavilion. As the steward, I personally delivered the Spirit Stones to you. Why did you suddenly get angry? If you are not satisfied with the price, at worst, I will return the resources. Just give it to the young master." Guanshi Pei still smiled.

"Okay! Then return the resources to me! I won't sell them anymore." Lu Chen said angrily.

"Yes! This pavilion has always been innocent, and buyers and sellers are all voluntary." Manager Pei smiled, and took out a fifth-level Spiritual herbs Emperor Blood Orchid, and Divine Sense controlled the Spiritual herbs to fly to Lu Chen. .

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lu Chen roared angrily, and slapped the Emperor's Blood Orchid to pieces with his palm. At this moment, even a pig should understand that the other party has hacked his resources.

"My lord, where did you start with this? Obviously you only gave me a Royal Blood Orchid. I bid thirty-five yuan for the middle-grade Spirit Stones according to the rules. If you disagree, I returned the Spiritual herbs. You, you destroyed the spiritual herbs, alas... What a pity for a fifth-level spiritual herbs." Guanshi Pei said inexplicably and sadly, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Lu Chen's lungs were about to explode after hearing this. He didn't expect the other party to turn black and white so shamelessly.

The "Little Dragon Spear" appeared in Lu Chen's hands in an instant, and the Spirit Power comparable to the Foundation Establishment middle stage was poured into it. A dragon chant resounded, and the five dragon shadows glowed with blue light. number

Ten green light spots blocked Guanshi Pei's escape route.

Lu Chen puts all his strength into the shot, even if the opponent's Cultivation Base is Foundation Establishment middle stage, Lu Chen is not afraid.

"Haha... really overestimated one's abilities!" Guanshi Pei didn't expect that a disciple in the Qi refining period would dare to attack him, so he decided to teach him a good lesson. Turn five shots first to meet the five flying dragon shadows.


"How is it possible?" Manager Pei didn't expect that Lu Chen's Spirit Power was so strong, almost as strong as his own, so that he couldn't completely suppress Lu Chen's energy. Is this still the Qi refining period? When will the Qi refining period be able to compete with the Foundation Establishment period?

The huge energy exploded, blowing up half of the side hall. Lu Chen dodged through the gap and came to the busy street. Divine Sense controlled the letter Chiba back in his hand, and stared at the gate of "Qihuibao Pavilion" vigilantly.

The huge explosion here soon attracted many crowds of cultivators. As expected, there was no shortage of spectators everywhere.

"Bold! Who dares to make trouble in my Qihuibao Pavilion," a majestic voice sounded, and a Daoist shadow flew out from Qihuibao Pavilion, and then several Daoist shadows flew out to surround Lu Chen, including Guanshi Pei.

"Who is this young cultivator? How dare he destroy the attic of Qi Huibao Pavilion? Doesn't he know that fighting is prohibited in Longquan City?" A cultivator onlookers commented.

"Who knows! He must be a stunned young man! Fighting in Longquan City is a felony, and the guards in the city will not let him go." Another cultivator onlookers echoed.

"Look, isn't that Qi Haihai, the manager of Qi Huibao Pavilion? It is said that he is a master in the Gold Core period." Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Lu Chen was surrounded by several people at the moment, and he regretted that he was too impulsive. He also heard the discussions of the crowd and understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Destroy him, and then hand it over to the guards!" The leader of the brocade robed old man saw that Lu Chen Cultivation Base was only in the Qi refining period, and ordered in a cold voice without asking why. It was Qi Dahai, the head of Qi Huibao Pavilion.

Guanshi Pei walked towards Lu Chen proudly with the corner of his mouth raised.

"Help me! Qi Hui Baoge lost my 350,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones for black food and greed, and now I want to kill people, help me!" Lu Chen gathered the Spirit Power in his voice and shouted at the top of his voice. He couldn't help it now. You can only pin your hopes on the people around you, hoping to create pressure on the other party through public opinion, otherwise you will die.

"Wow..." Lu Chen's words really caused an uproar in the surroundings, and everyone started pointing and discussing.

"How is it possible? He is just a disciple of the Qi refining period, where did he get 350,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones?"

"That's not necessarily true, maybe someone got a valuable treasure, but was hacked by the people of Qi Huibao Pavilion, otherwise

How dare people make trouble? "

"No way! Qi Huibao Pavilion has always had a good reputation, how could it be possible to do such a thing?"

"Help! I was ordered by my elders to sell a lot of resources. I didn't expect Qihuibao Pavilion to be a black shop. They didn't pay for the resources, and even killed people to silence them." Seeing the effect, Lu Chen continued to shout at the top of his voice.

"Shut up! Stop slandering me, Qi Huibao Pavilion, or I'll kill you right away!" Guanshi Pei scolded angrily, he was panicked by Lu Chen's sudden shout.

"Come here, old man! Do you dare to do it or not? You have the guts to kill me right now, just to show everyone how you cheated and murdered people to silence you." Lu Chen yelled desperately.

"Do you think I dare not?" Guanshi Pei yelled and was about to do it.

"Wait!" Two different shouts sounded.

One of them was called out by Qi Dahai. So many people present were discussing it. If it is not handled properly, it may affect the reputation of Qi Huibao Pavilion

The other was shouted by a general wearing black armor, and then a dozen or so cultivators in armor surrounded Lu Chen and Qi Huibao's people.

"Hehe...Captain Sun, you came at a good time. This kid dared to cause trouble in Longquan City and destroy the attic of my Qi Huibao Pavilion, and asked Captain Sun to be the master for us." Seeing the guards coming, Manager Pei hurriedly flattered him. The cupped hands road.

"Captain Sun, you are polite!" Although Qi Dahai is a cultivator in the Gold Core stage, he still greets Captain Sun in the fusion stage with a smile. After all, he represents the City Lord's Mansion.

"Director Qi, you're being polite!" Captain Sun replied.

"Captain Sun, I am wronged! I was ordered by my elders to come here to sell resources... But Manager Pei only gave me thirty-five yuan of middle-grade Spirit Stones. Law enforcement is my decision!" Lu Chen spoke out loudly as if grasping at a straw, hoping that Captain Sun could help him out.

"Wow..." Lu Chen's words once again caused an uproar in the surroundings, because this time he spoke in more detail, and everyone could hear them clearly.

Many people began to believe that what Lu Chen said was true. After all, the other party was just a small cultivator in the Qi refining period, so it was impossible for him to blackmail Qi Huibao Pavilion for no reason!

Besides, people said that they were doing things for the elders, maybe Qi Huibao Pavilion didn't plan to pay Spirit Stones because of the low Cultivation Base of others.

"Don't listen to his nonsense! It's obvious that he only took an imperial blood orchid... Then he suddenly got angry and shot at me." Seeing that the situation was not good, Manager Pei also said a version, with a very helpless and aggrieved expression, and sent Lu Chen is portrayed as a villain who blackmails blackmail.

Guanshi Pei's words also attracted a lot of supporters. There is no way that this old dog's performance is too realistic. If he is not awarded an Oscar, he will feel inferior.

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