Xiangyang City is located in the central part of Yichang Prefecture. It can be said to be the largest city of cultivators in the entire Yichang Prefecture, surrounded by the Dabie Mountains.

And in this city of Xiangyang, there are three major families, namely the Wu family, the Song family and the Tan family.

At this moment, in the courtyard of the Wu Family, an old man with an aging face but full of energy walked into the inner hall quickly, looking a little anxious.

In the Lotus Position of the inner hall, a middle-aged man in his forties was sitting. He had a dignified body, a square face, and a dignified appearance. The chest is wide and broad, and there is a majesty that is invincible.

This person is Wu Yingxiong, the current Patriarch of the Wu family, and the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen period of Nascent Soul.

When the old man came in, Wu Yingxiong slowly opened his eyes, a bright look flashed in his eyes, and he smiled and said:

"Hehehe... Uncle Wang! When did you get so anxious?"

Uncle Wang is an old man of the Wu family. He has served three heads of the Wu family, and Wu Yingxiong is the fourth.

It stands to reason that with the old guy's qualifications, he can basically enjoy his old age without worrying about food and clothing, but the old guy's Cultivation Base has been stuck in the Nascent Soul stage for more than a hundred years.

Knowing that he can no longer breakthrough on the Cultivation Base, he has been serving as the butler of the Wu family since he couldn't stay idle.

"Patriarch! Xinyang City, Xiling City, and Jiujiang Cheng have erupted in succession, among which Xinyang City is the most serious.

But Wu Yinghai once reported that with the help of the Elder sent by Dancheng, they successfully completed the pill recipe left over from the ancient times, and refined the apricot widower stone marrow pill, which has a direct healing effect on Yaoli. .

Moreover, Wu Yinghai also took advantage of our special channels to monopolize a large amount of medicinal materials needed to refine the apricot widower stone marrow pill.

And sell the apricot widower stone marrow pill at the price of 500 mid-grade Spirit Stones each, and the profits are quite generous. "

After Wang Steward entered the door, he said respectfully to Wu Yingxiong with his cupped hands.

"Hehehe... Uncle Wang! Come, please sit down quickly. I grew up watching you, and I have always regarded you as the closest elder. Why do you still speak so politely?"

Enthusiastically, Wu Yingxiong greeted Steward Wang to sit down on the stool next to the inner hall, and said with a smile.

"Hehehe... Patriarch has a heart. Since you are now the Patriarch of the Wu family, how dare I be negligent in terms of etiquette, otherwise I will attract gossip from others, saying that it would be bad for me to rely on my old man to sell my old man."

After sitting down, Uncle Wang looked at Wu Yingxiong with a smile when he heard the words.

"Hmph! Let me see who dares to gossip behind his back. If I find out, he will be wiped out.

However, since Xinyang City has gained a lot, why are you so eager, Uncle Wang? "

Wu Yingxiong asked Uncle Wang while pouring tea.

As a result, when Uncle Wang heard the words, his face became ugly, and he said the matter as if hesitating to speak.

It turned out that he found that Wu Yinghai's soul jade tablet was broken, which meant that Wu Yinghai had fallen in Xinyang City. Biqu library

A big family like this or a large sect usually find a special place to store the soul jade tokens of the members of the clan. Otherwise, if the clan members or Sect disciples die outside and Sect doesn't even know about it, it will be a sad reminder.

After Wu Yingxiong heard the news of Wu Yinghai's fall, his face also became ugly.

Because Wu Yinghai is not only his big brother, but also one of the few first rank alchemists of the Wu family.

If Wu Yinghai really fell like this, it must be a great loss for the Wu family.

Wu Yingxiong, who was saddened from his heart, had a vicious look in his eyes, and then said coldly:

"Uncle Wang! Send someone to Xinyang City immediately, and you must find out who harmed my brother. No matter who it is, you must avenge my brother at all costs."

"Okay! I'll do it now." Hearing this, Uncle Wang saluted Wu Yingxiong again, and then stepped back.

In Xinyang City, Master Kong Pill managed to successfully refine 5,000 pieces of medicinal materials into Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill, but Su Ruolan sent another storage bag.

When he saw that there were still 5,000 medicines in it, Pill Master Kong was so angry because he was doing repetitive things continuously.

Even his heart felt a little restless when he asked what Lu Chen was doing.

Su Ruolan replied that Lu Chen had been refining the Medicine Pill, and Pill Master Kong returned to the room to continue refining the Medicine Pill.

In fact, Lu Chen is not refining some medicine pill, he is practicing "Nine Knives of the Beginning" in the world of Jinzhu.

I saw Lu Chen Lotus Position sitting under the bitter bamboo in the golden bead world, shielding the five senses, and the chaos in the body was operating to the extreme,

The sword art of "Nine Swords of the First Beginning" came to mind, while using the Chaos Daosheng Jue to analyze and derive its Cultivation Technique, while practicing the new Nine Swords of the First Beginning.

Because Lu Chen knows that even if "The Nine Swords of the First Beginning" itself is very powerful, if it is analyzed and derived by using the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, the new sword formula will be even more powerful and perfect.

This is another function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue. It can not only thoroughly analyze the existing Cultivation Technique, but also improve the deficiencies in it, and can also derive the content of the subsequent Cultivation Technique.

There are a total of nine styles in the nine knives in the early days, and each style has many changes, and it contains the most important principles of the Dao, which is very complicated.

With Lu Chen's current Cultivation Base and comprehension ability, plus Chaos Daosheng

It is only because of the strength of the tactic that the first form of "sovereignty" can be fully understood.

He tried to comprehend the second form again, but he was at a loss, so Lu Chen had no choice but to give up.

"Dou Zun! What a domineering name, but I don't know how powerful it is. The old guy Wu Danshi dared to attack me,

If I didn't have some tricks, I'm afraid I would have become the soul of his sword. If I don't avenge this enmity, how can I be worthy of him leaving me such a precious sword art? Hehehe..."

Under the bitter bamboo, Lu Chen said to himself confidently.

Immediately, with a thought, he disappeared into the golden bead world.

In the middle of the night, at Laofeng Xiangdan Building, Wu Yinghai, the alchemist Wu, had gone out for a day and a night and did not come back.

So the senior executive was very restless, always feeling that something big was about to happen, so that he couldn't practice meditation at all.

So he came to Xiaocui's room, ready to vent.

Xiaocui is an attendant of Laofengxiangdanlou, because she is quite pretty, she was taken care of by the senior executives taking advantage of her position not long after she came to Laofengxiangdanlou.

In today's words, unspoken rules in the workplace.

In the room, just when the senior executives are having sex, they are enjoying it.

A huge purple knife shadow with a length of 100 meters flashed in the dark night, descending from the sky with the aura of destroying everything.


The huge knife shadow fell, directly splitting a five-story tower in two from the middle without collapsing, making a huge bang.

The sound was like a bell, resounding over the entire Xinyang City. Biqu library

"Damn it! Who the hell is so wicked! A sneak attack at night"

The sudden change caused the entire tower to shake, and scared the busy executives to death. Immediately cursed angrily.

Then he quickly put on his clothes and stepped out to check.

"It's you?" Yu Jianfei, a senior executive in disheveled clothes, stopped in the air, and when he saw a young cultivator looking at him with a knife, he immediately recognized Lu Chen.

The huge movement here also aroused the curiosity of many cultivators in Xinyang City, and Yu Jian rushed to watch the excitement.

Even the city lord Wu Hongen was disturbed by the sudden sound of destruction, and then stepped out of the city lord's mansion quickly. He wanted to see who had the courage to do so.

How dare he make such a big commotion within his jurisdiction.

Su Ruolan, the steward of the Feiyu Pill Pavilion, heard the huge sound of destruction, her beautiful eyes moved, and she also turned into an afterimage, flying to the place where the incident happened...

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