The news of Su Ruolan's return to the Su Mansion quickly spread throughout the Su family, and at the same time, the third generation of the Leng family also received the news.

Everyone only knew that Su Ruolan left home five years ago because she was studying with a teacher, but they didn't know that she ran away because she couldn't accept the marriage arranged by her family.

But now that everyone is back, no one will care about this issue.

The first thing Su Ruolan did when she came home was to be taken by her parents to the room of the old man Su Galaxy Cluster in the inner hall, to greet the old man.

Because Leng Ye often walked around with Su Zhicheng on weekdays, among the five third generations of Leng's family, he was regarded as the one that Su Zhicheng was more optimistic about.

So when Su Zhicheng learned that his daughter was coming back by teleportation array, he revealed the news to Leng Ye in advance.

This is also the reason why Leng Ye and Su Ruolan's parents appeared outside the teleportation hall to pick her up. Biqu library

But who once thought, but Leng Ye saw the scene of Su Ruolan and Lu Chen hugging each other. Now Leng Ye suddenly felt like he was green, so the eyes that looked at Lu Chen were full of hostility.

In the inner hall of the Su family, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster sat at the first place in the middle of the inner hall, and beside him was a kindly, dignified and elegant old woman sitting side by side with Su Galaxy Cluster.

Sitting side by side on the first left are the boss Su Zhiguo, his wife Leng Yuee, and their son Su Junmin.

Sitting side by side on the first right is the second child Su Zhizhou, his wife Leng Yuexin, and their daughter Su Jingrou.

These people obviously knew in advance that when Su Ruolan returned from her studies today, according to the rules of the Su family, Su Ruolan would serve tea to the elders as a salute.

Since Lu Chen has promised to help Sister Su, it is equivalent to Su Ruolan's boyfriend,

The first time I came to the door, I naturally came to the inner hall with Su Ruolan, it was considered to meet the elders, after all, I have to do a full set of acting.

Leaving aside his status as the third generation of the Leng family, Leng Ye, as one of Su Ruolan's proposers, followed him idly, and Su Zhicheng didn't have any objections.

"Father! Mother! Sister-in-law Dage, second brother and second sister-in-law..."

After Lu Chen and his party came to the inner hall, Su Zhicheng took the lead to salute the cupped hands of everyone sitting in the inner hall, with a very respectful appearance.

Everyone recognized Leng Ye's identity, so they all greeted Leng Ye with a smile and a nod.

And when everyone saw a stranger like Lu Chen, they all showed puzzled expressions, guessing in their hearts about the relationship between Lu Chen and Su Ruolan.

"Hehehe... just come back... just come back, you all sit down!"

After seeing Su Ruolan's figure, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster smiled with relief. Then he told everyone to sit down before speaking.

Su Zhiguo and others also exchanged pleasantries with Su Zhicheng and his wife.

And praised Su Ruolan now, she is getting more and more beautiful, etc.


"Hehehe... Ruolan Little Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you have become more and more beautiful. I heard that you have found a powerful Master. You must have learned a lot of powerful spells in the past five years!

And this son was born with a handsome appearance, could it be your little lover? "

After Su Ruolan and the others sat down one after another, Su Jingrou, the daughter of the second child, Su Zhizhou, took Su Ruolan's hand and asked affectionately.

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Chen with deep meaning, so that Lu Chen could only smile at her in embarrassment.

"Hehehe... I really made my sister laugh. This is Lu Chen, who is exactly my favorite."

Su Ruolan glanced at Lu Chen shyly, and said with a smile.

The two had a good relationship when they were young, and they talked about everything when they grew up, so Su Ruolan didn't hide anything,

At the same time, it is to let everyone know the relationship between Lu Chen and own. I believe that with the Cultivation Base of the people present, they can naturally hear their conversation.

Sure enough, old man Su Galaxy Cluster's complexion changed slightly after hearing the words, because Su Ruolan's actions were undoubtedly a blatant disobedience to his original decision.

The Su family and the Leng family have been friends for generations, and the two families have helped each other in business. It can be said that they have a close relationship. The marriage between the two families, and the close relationship is what Su Galaxy Cluster most wants to see.

However, Su Ruolan brought back a strange boy, with the Cultivation Base of Su Galaxy Cluster Nascent Soul middle stage,

Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that Lu Chen is just the Cultivation Base of the Great Consummation of the fusion period, and from the outside, Lu Chen doesn't look like a person with an identity background.

Therefore, old man Su Galaxy Cluster now looks at Lu Chen with distaste.

Su Ruolan's grandmother still maintained a benevolent smile.

The eldest Su Zhiguo and the second eldest Su Zhizhou looked at Lu Chen in surprise,

Su Ruolan and the third generation of the Leng family knew about the martial arts competition to determine their son-in-law, and when Lu Chen appeared at this time, the meaning was self-evident.

But their wives are Leng Yue'e and Leng Yuexin, after hearing Su Ruolan admit that Lu Chen is her favorite person,

She frowned slightly, and looked at Lu Chen with unfriendly eyes. They are members of the Leng family after all, so of course they hoped that Su Ruolan would marry the third generation of the Leng family.

But Leng Ye was immediately angry when he heard the words. In his eyes, Lu Chen was nothing but a clown.

Now such a small person dares to get his hands on his future wife, how can he not make him angry.

If eyesight could kill, Lu Chen would probably have died several times.

Lu Chen had a panoramic view of everyone's eyes, and sneered in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be nonchalant, with a faint smile on his lips.

At this time, a female cultivator dressed as a maid, carrying a tray with a white jade teapot and several white jade cups, quietly walked into the inner hall.

Su Ruo

Seeing this, Lan got up and came to the old man Su Galaxy Cluster and grandma Zhou Shi.

After taking the cup of spiritual tea handed over by the maidservant, offering it with both hands, she bowed her head and said respectfully:

"Granddaughter Su Ruolan offered tea to grandpa, wishing grandpa a long life and good health, and asked to become a fairy soon."

"En! Ruolan, you have a heart!" The old man Su Galaxy Cluster nodded faintly, "En" when he heard the words.

Then she raised her hand, and the spiritual tea in Su Ruolan's hand flew into his hand automatically.

Afterwards, Su Ruolan offered tea to grandmother Zhou, uncle Su Zhiguo and his wife, and second uncle Su Zhizhou and his wife successively.

Lu Chen looked familiar, sitting at the very end, hoping that this cumbersome family etiquette would end soon.

But after Su Ruolan finished toasting the tea, a strange voice of Yin & Yang suddenly sounded.

"Ruolan! It's not that you are the second mother. You haven't returned for five years. Why did you bring some dubious people to our Su family as soon as you came back?

You must know that our Su family is in Tai Baicheng, but it is a big and respectable family.

If this gets out, it will damage my Su family's reputation, but it will be a big deal if it ruins your reputation. "

It was Leng Yue'e, the wife of the boss Su Zhiguo who spoke, and she gave Lu Chen a pointed and disdainful look after she finished speaking.

Lu Chen frowned slightly when he heard this, and thought:

"You bloody bitch, daddy provoked you, you fucking rabbit chased the eagle, isn't it just looking for trouble?"

The smile on Su Ruolan's face froze suddenly when she heard this, but she still smiled and replied:

"Er Niang, if you have anything to say, you can just say it. Lu Chen is my favorite person. I will choose a son-in-law for me in the competition proposed by my grandfather. Please speak with respect."

Su Ruolan's temper is that if you respect me one foot, I will pay you back one foot. Hearing Erniang say that to Lu Chen, she immediately turned back rudely.

Su Ruolan's attitude made Lu Chen feel a little better, and thought: I don't want to help her with this thankless thing.

"Ruolan, don't be rude!" Seeing Su Ruolan's bad tone, Su Zhicheng scolded in a low voice.

Although Leng Yue'e was angry when she heard the words, she concealed it very well, and pretended to be sincere, and smiled for Su Ruolan's good looks:

"Third brother! You have to sharpen your eyes, don't let Ruolan suffer from villains' schemes,

Leng Ye! I heard that you recently got a famous pill refining teacher and brought some good Medicine Pills to honor grandma,

You might as well take it out now, so that mother can be freed from the torment of illness as soon as possible. "

Leng Ye is Leng Yue'e's own nephew, the two of them had passed each other before, and after he brought Su Ruolan back,

Let Leng Yue'e speak good words for herself so that she can donate her Medicine Pill, which can not only win the favor of grandma, but also show herself in front of Su Ruolan.

Leng Ye stood up with joy on his face when he heard the words………………………………………

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