Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 37 The Pleasure Of Fifty Million

Wang Jingxuan brought Lu Chen to "Food is Immortal" again. After taking out the jade card to explain his intention, Lu Chen paid 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones and was arranged in a room on the fourth floor. leave in a hurry.

Because "Food is Immortal" is the property of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, with Yan Feiyu as his back, no one would dare to make trouble here, so it is safe for Lu Chen to live here temporarily.

After closing the door, Lu Chen had a thought, and in the next second he appeared in the world of golden beads.

"Whoosh..." The ancient mythical beast Xiaozhu flew to Lu Chen's shoulder in the blink of an eye, because Lu Chen had already been recognized by it, and there was some kind of indescribable telepathy with each other. When Lu Chen just appeared, the three Demonic Beasts were all Sensed.

"Gah..." Gold Devouring Toad and Sky Knife Mantis then came to Lu Chen and looked at Lu Chen affectionately.

Tiandao Mantis' strength has also increased a lot after refining Kaishan Mangniu's inner alchemy. Now it has the strength of the Foundation Establishment early stage, and its color has changed from green to dark green.

Lu Chen looked around, but he couldn't find the body of the earth bear. It was probably eaten by a little worm. What shocked him was that this little guy was like a normal person, unlike Xiao Tian and Xiao Jin who also ate a third-order Demonic Beasts. The inner alchemy needs time to sleep to refine it, but the more it is like this, the more Lu Chen feels that the little earth is extraordinary.

Lu Chen Divine Sense controlled the large storage bag given by Qi Huiming to fly in front of him, feeling very excited. This is 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, which is equivalent to 5 million low-grade Spirit Stones.

"" Lu Chen didn't take the Spirit Stones out directly with Divine Sense, but used Divine Sense to control the storage bag to fly into the air, allowing the Spirit Stones inside to pour out naturally with a splashing sound, as if As excited as counting banknotes.

"Haha..." Seeing the crystal clear Spirit Stones the size of a fist piling up on the ground, Lu Chen laughed happily. He had never seen what five million stones looked like in his previous life. How many Spirit Stones are there?

It took a full half an hour for the 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones to be poured out. Lu Chen couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. A mountain of Spirit Stones appeared in front of him. Two-thirds of the world of golden beads the size of two football fields now has All occupied by Spirit Stones is spectacular.

Lu Chen picked up a piece of Spirit Stones and held it in his hand, and immediately felt the dense

Yu's Spiritual Qi, but it's not the time to practice yet, with a thought, he appeared in the room in the next second.

Having nothing to do, Lu Chen took out two Jade Slips given by Qiu Xueming Elder, one was a map about Changfen Ridge, injected Divine Sense into the Jade Slip, and a general introduction about Changfen Ridge appeared in his mind, Changfen Ridge Ling is in the northeast of Hengyang Prefecture, and Hengyang Prefecture is adjacent to the capital city, in the northwest of the capital city.

Lu Chen secretly wrote down and injected Divine Sense into another Jade Slip. At that time, Qiu Elder didn't say what it was, but it was useful anyway.

Sure enough, after Lu Chen saw the content of Jade Slip, he was very excited, and he was more grateful to Qiu Xueming Elder. At the beginning, he said that he wanted to learn the feat of pill refining through Jiu Jin, but Qiu Elder gave him two pills Jade Slip.

This second Jade Slip is an introduction to the Cultivation World fire, which is divided into five levels: Spirit Fire, Earth Fire, Sky Fire, Immortal Flame and Divine Flame.

It also introduces the habits, characteristics and rankings of 108 different grades of tinder. This knowledge undoubtedly provided great help to Lu Chen in learning pill refining. I would like to thank Qiu Xueming Elder again for his profound understanding. Lu Chen continued Familiarize yourself with what's in Jade Slip.

In the evening, Wang Jingxuan arrived as promised, and handed Lu Chen a talisman in a panic. After instructing how to use it, Lu Chen asked her if something happened, and she only said that she could handle it and left.

Since she doesn't want to say that Lu Chen can't help it, looking at the talisman in her hand Lu Chen injected Spirit Power into it, and the talisman flashed with golden light instantly, covering Lu Chen's whole body in it, the mysterious rune kept moving Flashing, the next second Lu Chen disappeared in the room where the food is immortal.

This is how Wang Jingxuan sent Lu Chen away. She sent Lu Chen a large teleportation talisman. The user only needs to inject Spirit Power into it to instantly teleport thousands of miles away. It is very mysterious. Of course, the large teleportation talisman also has flaws. , that is, the location of the displacement cannot be determined.

Lu Chen's eyes went dark, and he felt as if his body was suddenly suspended in the air. Because of the short-distance movement, Lu Chen soon felt that the soles of his feet were solid.

Seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Lu Chen was in a jungle at the moment. Since he didn't know the exact location, Lu Chen chose a random direction to run, taking advantage of the faint moonlight and

Does not affect the speed of the rush.

"Boom..." The waves generated by the collision of two energies destroyed the surrounding trees.

"There is still a cultivator fighting at night?" Hearing the movement, Lu Chen murmured, decided to go and take a look, and approached carefully with his body concealed, then the Divine Sense slowly extended out, after seeing the two people fighting clearly Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that it was Fan Zhengshan, the great Elder, and Elder Hongfu, the master of Ye Rushuang.

"Junior Sister Hongfu, why are you bothering? If you arrest me without a fight, you will pretend nothing happened, and will keep the secret for you. You are still my good junior sister, isn't that bad?" Big Elder Fan Zhengshanquan said , but the Spirit Power in his hand did not weaken.

"Huh! Fan Zhengshan put away your hypocrisy, I will not cooperate with you even if I die, not to mention Ye Rushuang has left Xuantian Sect long ago, you will never find her again." Hongfu Elder's complexion was pale at the moment being condensed by a mouthful of true essence. The formed transparent bell was shrouded, and the bell was slowly retracted. The red lady Elder desperately resisted with her true energy, and the situation was not optimistic.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was very anxious. Red Fu Elder was kind to him, and he was also Ye Rushuang's teacher. Even if his strength was low, he had to find a way to help her. Thinking about countermeasures, Lu Chen planned to ask Xiao Hu to attack Fan Zhengshan.

After all, the small earthworm is small and fast, so it is not easy to be detected. Even if the sneak attack fails, he can escape with his speed.

After thinking about the countermeasures, Lu Chen released the little earthworm. After communicating with Divine Sense, the little earthworm understood what Lu Chen meant and flew towards the foot of Fanzheng Mountain.

Lu Chen was not idle either, the Mother-Child Chiba blade shone with green light under the infusion of Spirit Power, and dozens of green light spots shot towards Fan Zhengshan's face.

"Hmph! I'm really overwhelmed." Both Fan Zhengshan and Hongfu Elder discovered Lu Chen's arrival. Neither of them expected that a disciple in the Qi refining period would dare to participate in the battle between cultivators in the Gold Core period.

Fan Zhengshan freed his right hand and shot a beam of real energy towards Lu Chen at an extremely fast speed. Suddenly he felt a pain in his calf, and an unknown bug got into his own Meridians. Fan Zhengshan wrapped the bug with Divine Sense vigilantly, making the little earthworm unable to move. Inch.

At this moment, Lu Chen was hit by Fan Zhengshan's true essence, and his body flew upside down like a truck hitting him. He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air and broke several big trees before stopping.

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