Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 399 The Girl Selling Spirit Fruits

I saw Su Ruolan was holding two storage bags in her hands, with a smile like a little money fan on her face, and she was looking at the contents of the storage bags with great interest.

Seeing this, Lu Chen felt speechless for a while, judging by what she meant, he probably wouldn't give it to him.

After working so hard for a long time, she only got one storage bag, but she didn't do anything, and got two.

The point is that her appearance as a little money fan doesn't match the appearance and temperament of this beauty, okay?

"Hehehe...Little Brother, I really didn't expect that your combat power is so strong? It really impresses my sister!"

After Su Ruolan took away the storage bag as a matter of course, Yu Jian came to Lu Chen's side and said with a coquettish smile.

She naturally had a panoramic view of Lu Chen's expression, but she never regarded herself as an outsider.

" wait for me for a while, I'll go back as soon as I go."

When Lu Chen heard that a black line appeared on his forehead, he always felt that Su Ruolan's words were a little bit like that.

But Lu Chen didn't bother to argue with her now, so he left Su Ruolan behind and swooped down with his own sword.

He wanted to see the corpses of the other two cultivators, and was going to perform the soul search technique again to prove something.

However, to Lu Chen's disappointment, after the two cultivators fell to their deaths, the soul search technique was useless, so Lu Chen had no choice but to give up.

"What's the matter? Didn't I take away the storage bag?" Seeing that Lu Chen's expression was not right, Su Ruolan asked suspiciously.

"'s nothing, I'm just going to see if there are any missing resources on them, let's hurry up and set off!"

Lu Chen smiled and made up a reason to prevaricate. After speaking, he threw out the flying boat and signaled Su Ruolan to come up quickly.

"Oh? Really?" Su Ruolan looked at Lu Chen suspiciously when she heard the words, always feeling that he was hiding something from her.

But how thick-skinned Lu Chen is! No matter how Su Ruolan asked, he just denied it, so Su Ruolan gave up.

Then Lu Chen started the flying boat again, carrying Su Ruolan to continue flying northwest.

But there is one thing that Lu Chen didn't tell Su Ruolan, that is, after soul searching, he found out that these people are all from Tai Bai Cheng City Lord's Mansion.

Moreover, Leng's family seems to have a closer relationship with the City Lord's Mansion recently, and the cultivator who was beheaded by him and searched for his soul happened to be the son of the head of the City Lord's Mansion.

According to his memory, the Su family discovered a Spirit Stones mine in Mao'er Mountain. The reserves of Spirit Stones are very huge, and there may be spirit veins.

And Mao'er Mountain belongs to the Su family's private territory, but this news was leaked to the Leng family by Su Zhiguo's wife, Leng Yue'e.

The Leng family wanted to use the influence of the City Lord's Mansion to obtain the Spirit Stones mine in a grandiose manner.

But at the moment they don't dare to blatantly grab it, after all, Bai Cheng's relationship is complicated,

Once the matter is exposed, it will be detrimental to the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion, so they thought of a way to steal it...

but these things

It is impossible for Lu Chen to tell Su Ruolan now, after all, he has no real evidence.

Besides, Su Ruolan probably doesn't even know about this matter, so why should she cause more trouble?

But thinking about it, the Su family might not be peaceful in the near future.

In the northwestern part of the Central Plains, because it is deep inland, there is no such beautiful scene as a Jiangnan dream, lying drunk in the mist and rain.

But there is an extra majesty of the solitary smoke in the desert and the sunset in the long river.

Although the Spiritual Qi here is weaker than other states in the Central Plains, it is quite rich in mineral resources, especially refining materials.

Therefore, the northwestern part of the Central Plains has been more prominent in the art of refining weapons since ancient times.

In particular, Casting Sky City is known as the Sacred Land of Beichen Continent.

Five days later, there were cultivators flying with swords or flying across the sky above Tianyin City. These cultivators are all here to participate in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

Among them was a flying boat, carrying a man and a woman, and quickly landed in front of a city without walls.

I saw the male cultivator, about twenty-four or five years old, with a delicate figure, clear facial features, handsome appearance, a cynical smile on his mouth, and a piece of peeled ice silk sugarcane in his hand, chewing it with great interest. with.

And the female cultivator was born with dark clouds and beautiful hair, an apricot face and peach cheeks, light eyebrows like spring mountains, eyes like autumn waves, breast augmentation and waist, full buttocks and legs, exuding a refined temperament, she is simply beautiful. Fangwu's stunning beauty.

The two were exactly Lu Chen and Su Ruolan who came all the way from Tai Bai Cheng in Zhongzhou.

After entering the city, a wide street appeared in front of you. The street was full of people, and there were many shops on both sides of the street.

There are too many vendors setting up street stalls, and the items for sale are also dazzling.

All kinds of yelling and selling, the roar of Demonic Beasts, the sound of pedestrians talking, and the tinkling of iron, it seems that the street is very lively.

The arrival of the two immediately attracted the attention of many cultivators, especially Su Ruolan's peerless appearance, which even attracted many cultivators to point and point at a distance.

While eating ice shredded sugar cane, Lu Chen looked at the distinctive buildings in front of him.

Su Ruolan showed a smile that confuses all sentient beings, and followed Lu Chen like a couple.

The houses that came into view all around were basically built of earthen walls.

Of course, the earth wall here is not made of ordinary soil, but made of cut soil.

Cut soil is a kind of second-level spirit-level refining material. The earth wall refined from this material is not only extremely strong, but also warm in winter and cool in summer when building a house.

"Dragon fruit! The sweet and delicious dragon fruit, the famous dragon fruit in the Northwest,

senior! Would you like to try our local specialty lingonberry, it tastes delicious. "

Just as Lu Chen was looking around, ready to find a place to rest, a familiar voice of hawking successfully caught Lu Chen's attention.

I saw a man about eleven or twelve years old,

A well-behaved little girl with chapped lips, a basket of spiritual fruits in her hand, but a fifth-level Cultivation Base in the Qi Refining Stage.

She was shouting enthusiastically not far away, but no cultivator passing by bought her spiritual fruit.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he walked towards the little girl. He wanted to see what kind of spiritual fruit actually had the name of dragon fruit.

I saw that the shape of the dragon fruit is like a pear, and the whole body is emerald green, which is far from the shape of the dragon fruit on the earth in the previous life.

Lu Chen couldn't help smiling when he saw this.

Seeing that Lu Chen seemed very interested in dragon fruit, Su Ruolan knelt down and asked with a smile.

"Hehehe... Little Sister! How do you sell this dragon fruit?"

"Back to my sister, one of the ten low-grade Spirit Stones. This dragon fruit is a special spirit fruit in our Northwest. It is delicious. Beautiful sister, would you like to buy a few and try it?"

Seeing Su Ruolan asking, the little girl quickly picked up a dragon fruit, cut a third of it open with a knife, and showed it to Lu Chen and Su Ruolan.

I have to say that the little girl is quite good at doing business.

I saw that once the dragon fruit was cut open, under the emerald green skin, there was a fiery red flesh all over the body, the flesh was tender and juicy,

Then a faint fragrance overflowed, and it looked delicious.

Lu Chen took out three middle-grade Spirit Stones and handed them to the little girl with a smile:

"Little girl, take a look and sell it to me together with this basket. Are three medium-grade Spirit Stones enough?"

"No, no, no... senior, you gave too much. This basket is worthless at all. There are only 30 dragon fruits in total. You can just give me 300 low-grade Spirit Stones, and I will give you the basket. "

The little girl saw that Lu Chen had given her three middle-grade Spirit Stones at once, and she immediately waved her hands from side to side and refused, and subconsciously retreated a few steps.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling fond of this little girl. He also saw that she was a fruit seller, and her lips would appear chapped.

Obviously this little girl is not willing to eat a dragon fruit by herself.

It seems that she is also a small person at the bottom of society. Out of sympathy, Lu Chen planned to give her more Spirit Stones, and it was considered a good deed.

"'s okay! Just accept it! You don't know, this big brother is very rich, and she doesn't care about Spirit Stones."

Su Ruolan also felt that the little girl was very sensible, so she took her little hand affectionately, took the Spirit Stones from Lu Chen's hand, put them in her palm, and smiled.

The little girl glanced at Lu Chen, and after getting Lu Chen's approval again, she finally accepted the Spirit Stones with great kindness.

After Lu Chen and Su Ruolan left with a basket of dragon fruit.

The little girl glanced at the mid-grade Spirit Stones in her hand, and then at the back of Lu Chen and Su Ruolan leaving, as if she had made a decision in her heart.

Suddenly ran in front of Lu Chen and Su Ruolan, and knelt down directly......

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