In the dead of night, Zhong Tao and the woman's breathing and heartbeat could be heard clearly in the room, and Zhong Tao's chubby face was full of tangled expressions.

On the one hand, he was worried that the woman would come to settle accounts with her afterwards. With the other party's Cultivation Base, he would definitely not be able to beat the other party, and he might even lose his life.

On the other hand, after seeing the woman's peerless face, Zhong Tao's heart throbbed again, feeling that he fell in love all of a sudden and couldn't extricate himself, maybe it was love at first sight!

"Why did you come back so soon? Is Zhong Tao okay?"

Seeing Gu Feng walk into the room with a smirk on his face, Tong Wei asked suspiciously.

Obviously, she was also worried about Zhong Tao's safety because of the movement from the next door just now.

At this time, a strange sound suddenly came from the next door. Although the sound was very small, it was right next door, and both of them could hear it clearly.

As a person who came here, Tong Wei couldn't know what the voice meant, and her face immediately turned red.

"Uh... Zhong Fatty is fine, don't worry about him..."

Gu Feng smiled, and at the same time heard the strange voice, his face turned dark, he quickly took out the array flag from the storage bag,

A sound-proof formation was arranged in the room, while not forgetting a sound-proof formation dedicated to the entire yard as well.

Then he shook his head and went back to his own room.

this night.

Zhong Tao had a very wonderful dream. In the dream, he finally took off his virginity hat of more than twenty years, and he was still with such a peerless beauty.

Although they don't know each other, the beautiful woman is suffering from fornication. If she is not rescued in time, it is very likely that Qi Deviation will disappear.

There's no way, Zhong Tao can't just watch the beauty fall, right?

So, after hesitating again and again, he resolutely chose to die under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic...

Nothing to say all night.

When the dawn of the next day, Zhong Tao and that stunning beauty were still embracing and sleeping.

The stunning beauty lying in her arms moved her beautiful eyes but did not wake up, a little pain appeared on her face, as if she was having some terrible dream.

In the dream, on the top of a fairy mountain, a tall figure was overlooking the sea of ​​clouds in front of him.

"Liu... Brother Liu!"

At this time, a gentle and gentle voice sounded.

Hearing the words, the man turned around, and saw that the man's appearance was about twenty-seven or eighty-eight. He was born with delicate features, a dignified appearance, exuded a heroic aura, handsome and unrestrained.

After seeing the woman, a sunny smile appeared on his face and said:

"Hehehe... Aoxue! You are finally willing to come to see me."


The man called Senior Brother Liu was about to reach out to grab Aoxue's jade hand.

Who would have thought that the woman retreated a few steps, leaving Senior Brother Liu in vain, and said in a bad tone:

"Senior Brother Liu, please respect yourself. I am here this time to tell Senior Brother Liu that I once fell in love with Shangguan Aoxue by mistake.

From now on, I will have nothing to do with Senior Brother Liu, just like the sword that Senior Brother Liu gave me, from now on, um...severe...will...decision. "


After the woman finished speaking, she turned her wrist, and the powerful Zhenyuan directly broke the long sword in her hand, and let out a mournful "Keng".


Seeing this, Senior Brother Liu's expression changed, and he looked at Shangguan Aoxue in a very complicated way,

Seeing her solemn yet cold expression, he didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long time, Senior Brother Liu sighed softly and said bitterly:

"Ah... I'm sorry Aoxue, I also have difficulties, I hope you can understand me, do you know? In fact, I have always loved you deeply in my heart."

With that said, Senior Brother Liu continued to walk forward, wanting to grab Shangguan Aoxue's hand.

But was avoided by Shangguan Aoxue again, and said in disgust:

"Hehehe... Liu Galaxy Cluster! Please put away your hypocrisy, do you think I will still trust you now?

But I really want to thank you, you let me see your true face in advance, otherwise I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life. "

Shangguan Aoxue looked at Liu Galaxy Cluster with cold eyes, and memories of the past quickly flashed in her mind.

It turns out that this kid named Liu Galaxy Cluster and Shangguan Aoxue are fellow disciples of the Banyue Gate in the Banyue Mountain Range in Yidu Prefecture.

The two grew up together in the Banyue Gate since they were young, and practiced together. They can be described as childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts.

After growing up, Shangguan Aoxue and Liu Galaxy Cluster even made a private life, and they missed the last step. Like holding hands, kissing and so on, the two basically did it.

But who once thought that Liu Galaxy Cluster has gradually alienated Shangguan Aoxue since the head's daughter Zhou Wanying came back from learning Taoism outside.

And he found a high-sounding reason, saying that he wanted a higher Realm, so that he could give Shangguan Aoxue a better Life in the future.

After hearing the words, Shangguan Aoxue was naturally full of joy. May I ask, what woman would not want to see the man she likes working hard?

So Shangguan Aoxue was immersed in happy fantasies every day.

Until one day, she suddenly heard the news that Liu Galaxy Cluster, the chief student of the Sect, will hold a big wedding with Zhou Wanying, the daughter of the head of the Sect, in three days.

This news undoubtedly came as a bolt from the blue to Shangguan Aoxue.

with the current lyrics

The interpretation is, "My boyfriend is getting married, but the bride is not me."

You said that Shangguan Aoxue felt uncomfortable, so you immediately went to Liu Galaxy Cluster to settle the score angrily.

But the moment she opened the door, Shangguan Aoxue's tears flowed down her cheeks, because she saw the man she loved was doing such an affair with another woman.

Dang even froze at the door, but was knocked away by Liu Galaxy Cluster's palm. It was this palm that shattered Shangguan Aoxue's heart, and at the same time shattered her fantasy of love.

So far, Shangguan Aoxue's heart is ashamed.

Afterwards, Liu Galaxy Cluster kept coming to Shangguan Aoxue to explain, but Shangguan Aoxue ignored her.

It wasn't until Liu Galaxy Cluster said that the two of them needed to make a break that Shangguan Aoxue went to make an appointment at the Duanya Peak in the back mountain of Banyuemen.

That scene in the dream happened,

But who once thought that Liu Galaxy Cluster's wolf ambition suddenly used the obscene poison of "fairy pouring" on Shangguan Aoxue, intending to rape Shangguan Aoxue.

After being poisoned, Shangguan Aoxue was really angry and furious, but luckily her new lover Zhou Wanying arrived with Yujian in time, and Shangguan Aoxue was lucky to escape with Yujian.

Otherwise, with her perfect Cultivation Base, how could she be the opponent of the Gold Core middle stage Cultivation Base Liu Galaxy Cluster.

Shangguan Aoxue, who desperately tried to escape with the sword, wanted to escape from Sect, but he didn't know where to fly.

In the end, the poison of "fairy falling" broke out, and she had no choice but to stay away from this sad place.

It wasn't until the poison made her lose herself and lost the ability to continue flying with the sword, that she just fell into Zhong Tao's room and let Zhong Fatty pick up the peach.

In the room, Shangguan Aoxue slowly opened his eyes, but his eyes were full of ashes.

Although she lost herself last night, she clearly knew what happened. This is exactly the horror of the poison of "Fairy Falling".

What she never imagined in her dreams was that she had guarded herself like a jade for many years, and the yearning for love in her heart,

I used to fantasize about various scenarios, how I and my beloved would give each other myself.

But who once thought that the first time in his life would be taken away by a fat, ugly Fatty under such circumstances.

Thinking of this, two silent tears flowed down Shangguan Aoxue's cheeks.

Looking at Fatty who was still sleeping like a Demonic Beasts, Shangguan Aoxue was heartbroken.

But who can blame this?

Shangguan Aoxue got up slowly, put on her clothes, and then cast another glance at the man on the bed who had taken her chastity away.


A long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and then resolutely wiped Own's neck...

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