Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 423: Scarlet Flame Ironback Scorpion

Just when Li Changlong was full of joy and was about to take the Shouyuan fruit tree into his bag,

But suddenly he found that the Shouyuan fruit tree in front of him was actually a phantom, and he was just in the phantom formation of the other party.

"Damn! What a treacherous boy."

Li Changlong snorted angrily, he didn't expect that kid's formation level to be so high, he accidentally fell for him.

With a turn of the wrist, the long sword immediately shone with a dazzling red light under the infusion of its true essence.

Then a fiery red Sword Ray, with a scorching breath, directly slashed at the Shouyuan fruit tree in front of him.

"Boom..." There was a muffled sound, and the scene in front of him immediately turned into nothingness.

However, just as Li Changlong broke out of the formation and was about to continue chasing and killing Lu Chen, a dozen or so Daoist shadows quickly flew over with their swords and surrounded him.

"Hand over the longevity fruit, or you will surely die today."

One of the middle-aged cultivators shouted.

"Hehehe... the old man only needs two longevity fruits, otherwise don't blame the old man for being ruthless."

Among the dozen or so people, there was another old man who looked to be in his sixties, and said to an old man with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, but spoke with a gloomy air.

For a moment, everyone stared at Li Changlong's every move and asked him for the Shouyuan Fruit.

Because just now, these people saw with their own eyes that Li Changlong put the whole fruitful Shouyuan fruit tree into the storage bag.

Hearing this, Li Changlong's face became even more gloomy and uncertain.

I'm so angry in my heart, I haven't even got a leaf, okay? You ask me for Shouyuan Fruit, so who the hell am I going to ask for it?

"I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't get the Shouyuan fruit tree... When I came, there was already a cultivator who took away the Shouyuan fruit tree in advance..."

Li Changlong saw that there were so many people, and after trying to calm down his emotions, he explained lightly.

At the same time, he also described Lu Chen's appearance in detail, hoping to divert the attention of these people.

After the people present heard the words, some showed suspicion, and some immediately refuted, anyway, no one believed Li Changlong.

Among them was a well-proportioned, well-proportioned young cultivator in a lavender robe who asked incredulously after hearing the words.

"Phantom array? You must not be lying to us! How could there be such a coincidence."

But as soon as he finished speaking, a slightly older cultivator standing next to him, Divine Sense said:

"Brother Leng Ye, that man is Li Changlong, the direct disciple of the nine-star Sect spirit beast palace, the head of the sect. If you say that, he is not afraid of misfortune coming out of his mouth?"

that person

After finishing speaking, he retreated a few steps without leaving any trace, keeping a certain distance from Leng Ye, as if telling others "I don't know him".

"Ah? This..." Leng Ye was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly closed his mouth, showing embarrassment.

He has also heard of Li Changlong's name, but he has never seen the deity. To be honest, with his Leng family background, it is not enough for others to look at.

So, taking a peek at Li Changlong carefully, seeing that he didn't notice him, Leng Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Brother Xia for your reminder, otherwise I would have gotten into trouble."

Leng Ye glanced at Xia Housheng gratefully, Divine Sense voice transmission.

Just as the two were transmitting their Divine Sense sound, another cultivator pointed at Li Changlong and scolded loudly:

"Hmph... boy! Is it true or not? Wait until I kill you and check your storage bag to find out?"

As he spoke, the long sword in his hand let out a soft chime, and he was about to attack Li Changlong.

At this time, the entire rocky mountain suddenly shook violently, shaking like a ninth-level earthquake, causing all the cultivators present to fly into the sky with their swords.


At the same time, there were bursts of huge bangs in the distance, and the sound was approaching from far away.

Wherever he went, there were flying sand, rocks and dust flying, and the yellow sand all over the sky rushed towards us like a huge wave.

"It's the earth dragon rolling."

Among the dozen or so people Yu Jianfei stopped in the air, someone yelled loudly.

"No! It's Demonic Beasts, look under the yellow sand."

At this time, another cultivator shouted in shock.

In fact, even if he didn't shout, the other cultivators present also noticed that under the yellow sand like a giant wave,

There are countless Demonic Beasts galloping towards them like thousands of horses, accompanied by a huge bang.

Soon everyone saw the appearance of those Demonic Beasts, and their pupils shrank.

I saw that each Demonic Beasts was about the size of a tank, dark red all over, with a bloody mouth wide open, showing sharp fangs, and two gong-like eyes, with green light shining, very bluffing.

A tail as thick as an electric pole was erected on the back, the tail hung upside down and forward, and the end was hooked, flashing a sharp cold light, which made people feel terrified.

"How come there are so many red-flame iron-backed scorpions coming here? They are comparable to the sixth-order Demonic Beasts of the Gold Core stage cultivator."

Xia Housheng, who was standing in the air with Yu Jian, thought suspiciously, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

"Hey! Look! In front of those Demonic Beasts, there seems to be a human cultivator casting Movement Technique to escape. Why doesn't he fly with his sword to avoid these red flame iron-backed scorpions?

Woolen cloth? "

Among the crowd was a Gold Core late stage cultivator, he said doubtfully.

But as soon as his words fell, there were a few "swoosh" piercing sounds suddenly,

Then more than a dozen invisible and invisible Qi Jin shot towards the cultivator like a sharp arrow, the speed was so fast that it almost passed through the body in the blink of an eye.

"Ah... what... what happened..."

Immediately, the cultivator screamed, gave everyone a last look with unwilling eyes, and quickly fell to the top of the mountain.


At this time, there were countless piercing sounds in the air one after another, as if thousands of arrows were fired at once, countless vigor and terrifying offensives attacked everyone,

Everyone showed terrified expressions, and then flew away with their swords.

Some directly resorted to their own defense Magic Treasures, ready to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Damn it! It's a large number of shadowless eagles, everyone quickly land on the top of the mountain."

At this time, a cultivator reminded loudly, and then Yu Jian hurriedly flew to the top of the mountain.

As the crowd continued to dodge, there were many invisible and invisible energy shots wherever they went, and the cultivators who had just left also retreated one after another.

Only then did everyone realize that there might be countless shadowless eagles hidden in the sky at this moment,

Immediately, they also followed Yu Jian and landed on the top of the mountain, each took out their own weapons and looked at the sky vigilantly, guarding against the Wuying Eagle's continued attack.

Fortunately, although the shadowless eagle has the function of stealth, its whereabouts are unpredictable, its flying speed is extremely fast and it is very ferocious, but it rarely attacks the cultivator on the ground.

Because Shadowless Eagles are Demonic Beasts after all, if the flying height of own is lowered, the fluttering wings can easily form airflow with the ground,

Thus exposing the whereabouts of own, so that it is easy to be beheaded by the cultivator.


At this time, a Daoist figure suddenly made a "whoosh", and cast Movement Technique from the foot of the Five Elements mountain, turning into several afterimages and rushing out.

This startled the people who were already in shock, and some even swung their swords at the figure.

"Stop, everyone, don't get me wrong."

At this time, after avoiding several Sword Rays, the figure hurriedly explained loudly.

The few people who started before stopped their attacks after hearing this.

"It's you? How dare you come back?" Li Changlong scolded angrily after seeing the appearance of the visitor.

Murderous intent appeared in his eyes, without saying a word, the long sword in his hand was infused with his true essence, and the light immediately became brighter.

Then his body turned into an afterimage, and he swung his sword directly to slash the person who came.

"Lu Chen be careful!"

Xia Housheng, who also recognized Lu Chen, saw Li Changlong's fierce attack, and reminded him loudly...

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