Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 431 - Shocking Conspiracy

After Xia Housheng got rid of the old man who wanted to kill Song Wanting, he quickly flew to find Lu Chen and Song Wanting.

When he saw Lu Chen hugging a dead body and crying heartbreakingly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, not knowing what happened.

Lu Chen was originally a person who attached great importance to emotions, not to mention that Qiu Elder died because of his carelessness, so Lu Chen regretted and blamed himself very much.

After a long time, Lu Chen, whose tears were all dried up, stood up slowly, and with a thought, he gathered the true energy on his right foot,

Then he stomped his feet lightly, followed by a low, muffled "boom".

At this time, the ground where Qiu Xueming was lying on suddenly sank downwards, forming a pit the size of a tomb, but did not stir up a single trace of dust, which showed that Lu Chen had mastered his true essence with great proficiency.

"Lu Chen! What are your plans next?"

"Hehe! I can understand your current mood. I see that you are very filial. Brother Hao and I have a good relationship on weekdays. How about I want to accept you as a personal disciple?"

"Thanks to Senior Uncle Qiu for his love. It's just that the student's qualifications are extremely poor. I'm worried that being criticized will cause inconvenience to Uncle Qiu, and the kid has already planned to travel far to experience, so... so I ask Uncle Qiu to withdraw his order."

"That's all! That's all! Everyone has his own aspirations, and I won't force you. Get up quickly!"

Lu Chen stood by the tomb, memories of the past flashed through his mind quickly, and tears flowed down again.

Xia Housheng and Song Wanting silently accompanied Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at the ragged Qiu Elder, raised his hand and controlled the storage bag at his waist to fly into his hand, injecting Divine Sense into it.

Except for a few clothes, some Jade Slips, and a few Spirit Stones, there is nothing else. It can be seen that Qiu Elder is still a relatively poor cultivator.

After randomly finding a new set of clothes for Qiu Elder to change into, Lu Chen sighed softly.

Then check Qiu Elder's relics. Naturally, Spirit Stones Lu Chen will not want it. Most of the dozen or so Jade Slips are Qiu Elder's perception and experience in cultivation, plus some trivial things, which are somewhat similar to a diary.

However, when Lu Chen finished watching the last Jade Slip, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face. After realizing that there was someone beside him, he quickly pretended to be calm.

Because it records what happened to Qiu Elder recently and the reason why he came to the Central Plains.

"Lu Dage! What

up? Seeing Lu Chen's complexion suddenly changed, Song Wanting asked suspiciously.

"'s nothing, this person is one of my elders, but he was murdered. I'm just sad for a while."

Lu Chen glanced at Xia Housheng meaningfully after hearing the words, and said casually.

Then he threw Qiu Elder's storage bag into the tomb, and then began to cover the soil, but without leaving a trace, he took the last Jade Slip into the world of golden beads.

It's not that Lu Chen doesn't want to tell Song Wanting, but the content recorded in Jade Slip is too shocking,

It also involved a terrifying conspiracy, and Lu Chen didn't want Song Wanting to be involved.

Because what is recorded in Jade Slip is a detailed map of Tianyuan Continent in ancient times, as well as rough notes on major events.

Among them, it first explained that Tianyuan Continent is composed of four continents: Beichen Continent, Nanyou Continent, East Xuan Continent, and West Polar Continent.

It also includes the geography and landforms of each continent, human history, Jedi distribution, a brief introduction of the large Sect, and the specific location of the intercontinental teleportation array between the four continents.

It is worth mentioning that two-thirds of the land in West Antarctica belongs to the settlements of Demonic Beasts, and it is governed by Demonic Beasts who have cultivated and turned into human forms. It can be called the kingdom of the Demonic Beasts world.

There are not many human cultivator settlements, but humans and Demonic Beasts generally do not interfere with each other.

However, in Lu Chen's view, it should be the human cultivators who dare not mess with Demonic Beasts.

Secondly, it is mentioned that in ancient times, as long as the world cultivator cultivated to the Great Perfection of the Transformation Stage, he would be able to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and thus breakthrough to the Immortal World.

However, since the day of the Heavenly Dog eclipse, the entire Tianyuan Continent seemed to be the end of the world, with sudden changes, lightning and thunder, landslides, mountains and tsunamis, which lasted for a whole day and night.

The intercontinental teleportation array between the four continents was completely destroyed overnight and could not be repaired. Since then, the four continents have been disconnected.

At the same time, the spaces of the Hopeless Sea and the Endless Forest are disordered, producing a large number of Jedi.

Afterwards, the cultivator in the stage of transforming into gods could no longer comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and since then there was no hope of ascension, so that he died with hatred.

The Beichen Continent was originally thinner than the Spiritual Qi of the other three continents. After the great changes in the world, the cultivation resources became even scarcer.

At that time, the guardian of Beichen Continent ordered the Power-level cultivator to use secret techniques to open up countless secret realms, leaving corresponding resources for future generations.

For example: Canglan secret realm, Yinfeng Valley

secret realm, Tianyin Mountain secret realm, Yellow Maple Valley secret realm and so on.

Lu Chen had heard about these histories before, but he didn't know that it was actually led by the guardian.

It is estimated that the guardian in the ancient times should also be a super awesome character, otherwise how could he be able to shock the monsters and monsters in the world.

What's more, this is the second time Lu Chen has heard about the Guardian.

In the end, the ancestors also thought about repairing the intercontinental teleportation array, but the formation was severely damaged, and repairing was undoubtedly equivalent to rebuilding. The level of formation in Beichen Continent was limited, so this road was almost unfeasible.

After more than two million years of development, there is no cultivator in the world, so that the Realm with the highest Cultivation Base is the Fractionated Divinity stage known to people in Beichen.

And there are only three who have reached the Fractionated Divinity stage of Dzogchen, namely: Sword Immortal Yan Feiyu, Kuangdao Xiaotian, and Pill God Kongqiu.

But the cultivator in Beichen has never stopped exploring and going out of Beichen.

For example: the Endless Forest Trial sponsored by the Seven Sects of Southern Border, the Hopeless Sea Trial sponsored by the Ten Nine-Star Sects of the Central Plains, the formation contest sponsored by the Ten Nine-Star Sects of the Northern Territory,

These projects are all for the benefit of cultivators all over the world, and have made great contributions to getting out of Beichen Continent.

However, in recent hundreds of years, the Seven Sects have discovered that after each trial of the Hopeless Sea,

The Southern Xinjiang delegation, which is composed of seven Sect disciples and other people from Southern Xinjiang, suffered the most losses.

Although the Central Plains delegation and the Northern Territory delegation also suffered losses, they certainly did not suffer as much as the Southern Xinjiang delegation.

Therefore, seeing the strange seven sects, they sent a large number of disciples to the Central Plains, hoping to find out some useful information.

Qiu Xueming and Qiu Elder are one of them, and this is also one of the purposes of his coming to the Central Plains.

Lu Chen even speculated that Xia Housheng's purpose in coming to the Central Plains was similar to that of Qiu Elder.

Otherwise, as a genius disciple of Xiahou Shengtian Yanzong, there is no need to go far away, it must be Sect Xu Yi's tempting empty promise.

As the so-called Skynet is restored, it is sparse but not missing, let alone, it really made these people find out some clues, and Qiu Xueming is the correspondent responsible for sending the news back to southern Xinjiang.

As a result, he was hunted down endlessly, and Qiu Elder had no choice but to escape into the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

But they were still found by the other party. After fighting each other, Qiu Elder was finally lost, and in the end life and death disappeared...

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