Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 434 Troubled Autumn

"Well! I believe you all have received the news about the guarding of the forbidden area, Manager Chen. The matter will be handed over to Elder Ma Elder, the law enforcement hall, to take full responsibility."

The one who spoke was the real Baimei, the current head of Huangfeng Valley.

I saw that he was dressed in a white Taoist robe, he had a childlike face with white hair, and two slender white eyebrows hanging down to his cheeks, which was very eye-catching.

"Follow the law!"

Elder Ma Daima Elder of Law Enforcement Hall stepped forward with cupped hands respectfully. As the name suggests, Ma Elder is upright and calm.

The white-browed real person glanced at Elder Ma and nodded slightly, Elder Ma led the order to retreat, and then said:

"The secret realm of Tianyin Mountain will end soon, we must settle the relevant matters,

The fallen disciples try their best to find out whether there are lay relatives, and the relevant comfort and compensation cannot be ignored. The foreign affairs Elder Liu Elder is responsible for this matter.

In addition, the Hopeless Sea Trial every fifty years is about to start in three months.

Disciple selection, resource allocation and other matters, please ask Junior Brother She to personally supervise...

Finally, there is an urgent task for the Outer Sect Elders..."

In this way, whenever Baimei Zhenren issued a task, the corresponding Elder would step forward to take the order.

The whole meeting lasted almost an hour...

After the Sect's high-level meeting was over, Shen Elder came to the Outer Sect again, saying that ten Outer Sect disciples needed to be selected to perform a special task, and Shen Elder would personally lead the team.

Therefore, Elder, who was in charge of the Outer Sect, recommended ten disciples who usually performed outstandingly.

Among them are Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang.

After receiving the task, Yang Yunfei and the others were also full of joy, because after completing the task, they could get rich rewards.

And you can go out for a walk, it's better than staying in Sect and being boring all the time.

The only regret is that Tong Minghong is not on the task list.

According to the requirements, the three brothers Yang Yunfei and the other seven disciples visited Shen Elder.

Shen Elder took out a medium-sized flying shuttle, and carried the ten Outer Sect disciples to carry out the urgent task assigned by the head...

A day later, Longtan Lake in the Tianyin Mountains.

The originally calm lake water gradually became choppy, and the rich Spiritual Qi also spread to the surroundings.

Then it stands directly over Longtan Lake, like a mirror

The ordinary portal suddenly shone with a more intense golden halo.

"Look! The Tianyin Mountain secret realm is over, and a cultivator should be teleported out soon,"

The crowd didn't know who it was, but after seeing the change in the portal, they shouted loudly.

However, his words were quickly overwhelmed by the noise around him, and everyone looked expectantly at the portal, looking forward to the safe return of their relatives and friends.

At this time, Lei Aotian, who was sitting in the Lotus Position directly above the portal, also opened his eyes suddenly, but there was no expression on his face.

Then Divine Sense quickly extended, covering almost the entire portal, so that all cultivators coming out of the secret realm would have nowhere to hide.

But these Lu Chens are unknown, he is currently in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, in an Immortal Cave on the fifth floor.

"I'm sorry Lu Chen, I originally wanted to have a drink with you after leaving the secret realm, but now I have to rush to the southern border, wait for this matter, and I will get drunk with you again if I have a chance."

Xia Housheng, who waited quietly to be teleported, knew that the time was approaching and he had something important to do, so he bid farewell to Lu Chen in advance.

"Take care! I have a healing Medicine Pill here, it can be used to save life in times of crisis, remember it."

Lu Chen cupped hands said seriously, taking out a jade bottle from the storage bag and handing it to Xia Housheng.

"Thank you! Then I won't be polite," Xia Housheng thanked again, but put the jade bottle directly into the storage bag without opening it for a closer look.

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the direction when he saw this, and he didn't bother to mention the value of the Medicine Pill.

"Lu Dage! Let's say goodbye this time. I don't know when we will meet again. Can you go to Zhutian City if you have a chance? My home is in Zhutian City.

This is my communication bead, if... if you come to Zhu Tiancheng one day, you must contact me. "

Song Wanting was a little awkward, and said with difficulty. As he spoke, he handed Lu Chen a crystal ball the size of a ping-pong ball in embarrassment.

After all, as a girl, inviting a male cultivator is somewhat embarrassing.

"Oh? Is it Casting Sky City? That's such a coincidence, I should return to Casting Sky City soon, and there may be some things I need to trouble you by then."

Lu Chen smiled when he heard this.

I was worried that if I went to Zhu Tiancheng, I was not familiar with the place of life, and I didn't know who to go to learn the method of refining weapons.

Although he is a local, he might be able to help at that time.

"Ah... Really? That's really great. You must come to me when the time comes to know? Otherwise, I won't talk to you anymore. "

Song Wanting smiled happily when she heard the words.

At this time, a faint white halo suddenly radiated from the bodies of the three of Lu Chen, which was very mysterious.

Then the three of them felt that they were enveloped by a mysterious and mysterious force.

"Take care!" Lu Chen said with one last glance at Xiahou Sheng.

At the same time, in the entire secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, all the cultivators who were not dead felt this mysterious power, and all showed joyful expressions.


In the next second, everyone's eyes went dark, and their bodies felt as if they were going up quickly in an elevator.

"It's coming out, it's coming out, hahaha... Senior Brother and the others are still alive, it's great, I saw Senior Brother and them."

Among the crowd of onlookers was a young disciple who cheered happily.

Of course, some people cheered, and many people were disappointed. Tens of thousands of cultivators entered the secret realm, and less than half of them came out alive.

Naturally, there are many people who feel sad because of the loss of their loved ones, and then leave in disappointment. Biqu library

When Lu Chen felt the light again, he found that there was already a huge lake under his feet.

There are many cultivators standing on the surrounding land, and the previous portal has disappeared.

Among the cultivators who came out alive, some flew away happily with Yujian, some went to find their own elders, and some went to the simple market formed by Longtan Lake to sell their resources.

At this time, Lu Chen felt a pair of eyes staring at him with sharp eyes. After turning his head to look, he found that it was the powerful ninth-level Spiritual Roots cultivator who was on Five Elements Mountain before.

Lu Chen may not have known him before, but Lu Chen discussed this man with Xia Housheng in the cave.

If there is no mistake, this person should be Li Changlong, a peerless genius disciple from Spirit Beast Palace.

"Hmph... just wait for me..." Li Changlong gave Lu Chen a cold look, then turned and left.

"Lu Chen!" Su Ruolan shouted happily after seeing Lu Chen's figure in the crowd.

However, just as Su Ruolan was about to approach Lu Chen, her complexion suddenly changed drastically.

Then he reminded loudly in horror: "Lu Chen be careful."


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