Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 438 Zhan Lei Aotian

"Hehehe...boy, you finally came out, quickly show me your Cave Magic Treasures...

Huh? This... How is this possible... Only three days have passed,

How could your Cultivation Base breakthrough to the Gold Core period Dzogchen, did you hide the Cultivation Base before? "

After seeing Lu Chen flying out of the water, Lei Aotian immediately asked him about the Magic Treasures in the cave.

But suddenly noticed the huge change in Lu Chen Cultivation Base, and immediately asked in shock.

Lu Chen secretly rejoiced when he heard the words. It seems that the Sky Time Tower is really awesome. He has practiced in it for three full years, and the time outside has only passed three days.

"Guess!" Lu Chen smiled with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Immediately his face changed suddenly, the purple knife embryo "swipe" appeared in his hand, without further ado, he slashed at Lei Aotian fiercely.

The first move is a big move, the second form of Taichu Nine Knives "Only Killing"

It's too late, but it's fast.

The purple knife embryo, under the perfusion of Lu Chen's true essence, flashed brilliant purple brilliance,

Then instantly condensed, a huge purple knife shadow with a length of 100 meters, with a terrifying killing intent, slashed towards Lei Aotian like a wind and clouds.

"Hmph... a small skill! You dare to play with an axe."

Lei Aotian didn't expect that kid Lu Chen would dare to attack him first.

After a cold snort, the body almost turned into an afterimage, and when it reappeared, it was already behind Lu Chen, showing its speed.

Then, he raised his hand and shot out several beams of true essence beams as thick as water pipes,

Like the special effects of the Six Meridians Excalibur, it shot towards Lu Chen's back, so fast that it almost reached in the blink of an eye.

However, Lu Chen's movements are not slow, and the flying technique of the Chaos Sword is running to the extreme.

Also let Lu Chen's body turn into several afterimages, like A Ke zooming in, looming, easily dodging Lei Aotian's attack.

You know, after Lu Chen's Cultivation Base was improved, the speed of Chaos Sword Flying Technique increased a lot.

However, just when Lu Chen thought that own speed could avoid Lei Aotian's attack.

There were several beams of True Yuan light beams, with the sound of piercing through the air, predicting Lu Chen's flight trajectory, and attacking later.

In this flash of light, Lu Chen sensed the approaching danger, and sacrificed without even thinking about it.

A black stone the size of a mountain came out.

The moment the black stone appeared, those beams of true essence just hit the black stone.

"Boom..." There was a huge bang.

Then, with a strong inertia, the black stone slammed into Lu Chen's body like a speeding truck. Because the distance was too close, Lu Chen had no time to dodge.

After the muffled sound of "Bump...", Lu Chen was hit solidly by a black stone the size of a mountain.

The body immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"It's fucking like this again." This was the only thought in Lu Chen's mind the moment he flew out.

But fortunately, after the Cultivation Base breakthrough to the Gold Core stage of Great Consummation, coupled with the super defensive power of the body-refining Realm King Realm, Lu Chen only suffered a few minor injuries.

A ten-thousand-year stone marrow vitality pill can easily be resurrected with full blood.

Lu Chen, who quickly stabilized his figure, stepped on the Flying Sword "Qinghong", looked up and saw Lei Aotian flying towards him quickly,

Immediately, he yelled "Thunderbolt..."

As soon as the words fell, dozens of blue lightning arcs as thick as buckets suddenly appeared out of thin air with the aura of destroying everything, and then directly swarmed towards Lei Aotian who was flying towards him.

The sudden change made Lei Aotian startled, and he ran away desperately without even thinking about it.

Even though he is the current Patriarch of the Lei Family and has played Lei Hu all his life, he still dare not face such a terrifying Lei Hu.

Although it has been many years since the original Transcend Tribulation, Lei Aotian still recognized the lightning arc in front of him at a glance, which is extraordinary.

But, no matter how fast Lei Aotian is, how can he be faster than lightning?

Lei Aotian, who was running away in the air, was still hit by several thunder arcs as thick as buckets, his whole body shone with the light of thunder and lightning, emitting

With the sound of "Zi Zi Zi...", the gray hair exploded directly, and the visible skin on the face turned dark instantly, and he looked very embarrassed.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, knowing that he is not Lei Aotian's opponent.

Lu Chen decisively used his ultimate move "Thunderbolt"

After the first blow worked, Lu Chen continued to use "Thunderbolt" without hesitation

Get ready to beat the underdogs.

Dozens of bucket-thick blue arcs of lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air with the aura of destroying everything, attacking Lei Aotian.

However, at this time, there was a sudden change, and Lei Aotian suddenly took out a Calabash the size of a bucket, and the Calabash instantly glowed brightly under the infusion of its true essence,

Then all the lightning arcs were directly sucked into Calabash.

After Lu Chen tried again, and it was still the same, he knew that something was wrong.

Seeing this, Lei Aotian showed a smug smile on his embarrassed face and said:

"Hehehe... Lu Chen! I have to say that you kid really surprised me,

Not only does it have the Magic Treasures of the cave, but also the Cultivation Base has a strange short-term breakthrough, and now it can actually control the Thunder Tribulation,

I have to admit that it is not wrong at all for the old man's two useless sons to die at your hands.

Originally, I swore a poisonous oath to tear you to pieces, but now the old man suddenly changed his mind.

The old man is very interested in your inheritance. "

"So, you plan to let me hand over the inheritance, and then let me go?"

Lu Chen asked with a frown upon hearing this. I didn't expect this old guy to have his eyes on Own Daotong.

"Hehehe...then actually is not, the old man decided to search for your soul first, and after the old man got your inheritance, he would cut your corpse into thousands of pieces."

Lei Aotian shook his head and smiled.


Lu Chen was astonished when he heard the words, and thought: "This old guy is too unconventional to play his cards!"

However, Lu Chen couldn't bear to think too much, only to see a large and thick giant sword suddenly appeared in Lei Aotian's hand,

The giant sword was at least four meters long, eighty centimeters wide, and ten centimeters thick. It was silver-white all over, with uneven surfaces, and the blade was engraved with mysterious runes.

Rather than saying that it is a sword, it is more appropriate to say that it is a huge mallet.

And this giant sword is obviously several times bigger than Lei Junyi's.

Seeing this, Lu Chen showed a strange look on his face, and thought, "Like father, like son, even the weapons are used so weirdly."

"Boy! The old man will let you taste the feeling of being struck by lightning today."

Lei Aotian looked at Lu Chen disdainfully and said……………………

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