Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 44 Three Jade Slips

In Hengyang Prefecture, in a valley 30 kilometers southeast of Hengnan City, Lu Chen woke up suddenly on a large wooden bed. Looking around, the bed was already empty, only the two spots on the bed were red, and the faint body fragrance , it can be proved that there were two beauties who died here.

Yesterday, the three of them were deeply poisoned by the purple-winged unicorn's sac, so much so that they all let go of themselves, and jointly performed a chapter of love.

Those countless beautiful and entangled pictures appeared in Lu Chen's mind like a movie, but now that the beautiful woman left without saying goodbye, Lu Chen was inevitably a little bit disappointed.

Just as Lu Chen was about to get up, he found two Jade Slips and a jade tablet engraved with clear characters on the bedside. He subconsciously picked up the Jade Slip and poured Divine Sense into it, but he couldn't check it. Lu Chen was very puzzled, and put the divine beast Inject into another Jade Slip.

"Stinky boy! It's cheap for you, we're leaving, don't try to come to us, as long as your Cultivation Base comes, you will die, and my mother will not want to collect your body when the time comes.

Knowing that you want to learn pill refining, I left you a jade token and a Jade Slip. You can go to Shennongmen to find Daoist Qingxu, give him the Jade Slip, and he will arrange it for you.

In addition, due to the good deeds you have done, the cold poison seal in my body has been cleared, don't read it! treasure! I will be your wife in my next life. "

After reading the contents of Jade Slip, Lu Chen was very annoyed. He felt like being abandoned. What does it mean to be my wife again in the next life? But seeing that the cold poison in Hongfu’s body has been eliminated, the Cultivation Base should be restored. With her Cultivation Base of Gold Core Dzogchen, she has the ability to protect herself, and Lu Chen feels relieved.

Sighing lightly, he put the things away, and tidied up the wooden bed with nostalgia. At this time, Lu Chen found another Jade Slip under the pillow, and Divine Sense was injected into it. After reading the content, Lu Chen frowned with joy.

"Lu Chen! You scoundrel, although this was an accident, I, Ye Rushuang, am not a casual person. In this life, you must be responsible to me. We are waiting for you in the Brahma Pure Land. The master forbids me to tell you that your Cultivation Base is too low. , this will only hurt you, but I believe in you."

"Brahma Pure Land? What the hell kind of place? I don't know where it is. Here's how I can find it." Lu Chen frowned,

Sometimes the relationship between men and women is so strange. Once there is a relationship, they will have a relationship with each other.

Hang up, Lu Chen checked the wooden bed carefully, and after confirming that there was no more Jade Slip, Lu Chen put the wooden bed into the world of golden beads.

The most important thing right now is to upgrade the Cultivation Base. With enough strength, he can destroy the God Beast Mountain to avenge the Master, and then go to Brahma Pure Land to find Ye Rushuang and Zhou Hongfu.

But the problem is that I don't have the Foundation Establishment Pill, and without the Foundation Establishment Pill, I don't know how to breakthrough just by practicing on my own.

Now there are a lot of middle-grade Spirit Stones, but Lu Chen obviously found that no matter how hard he cultivated, there was no sign of breakthrough at all.

It's no wonder that some people spend their entire lives in the Qi refining stage of Dzogchen. It seems that some things are not as simple as Lu Chen took for granted.

Xuantian Sect distributes a Foundation Establishment Pill every year to the disciples of the Great Consummation in the Qi Refining Period, but Lu Chen understands that one Foundation Establishment Pill with own aptitude is definitely not enough.

Besides, Lu Chen no longer plans to go back to Xuantian Sect, so he must find a way to learn pill refining.

It is Lu Chen's consistent motto to ask for others rather than himself.

And now that he has the jade card left by Hongfu, he can go to Shennongmen to find that so-called Qingxu real person, which is also a good choice.

The branch of Shenshou Mountain in Hengyang Prefecture is located in the Jiulong Mountains. According to legend, these mountains were formed by Nine Heavens real dragons in ancient times. Of course, it is impossible to verify whether it is true or not.

There is a palace in Shenshou Mountain, called the Palace of Rebirth, and there are thousands of soul jade tablets in the palace. Each jade tablet has a name recorded under it, and it is guarded and cleaned by special disciples on weekdays.

This day, Zhang Ping, a disciple of Shenshou Mountain, cleaned the soul jade tablets as usual, and one of the jade tablets suddenly shattered, which meant that the disciple of Shenshou Mountain had fallen.

But when Zhang Ping saw that the name under the soul jade card was Chu Chenggou, he felt extremely uneasy. This was the grandson of the head, so he had to tell the head about it as soon as possible.

"What? You said that Gou'er's soul jade tablet was broken?" Chu Dingtian's eyes froze, his face darkened instantly, and the aura spread all over his body, scaring Zhang Ping to kneel down quickly.

"Report to the head of the sect! It's's true!" Zhang Ping knelt tremblingly, sweating profusely, for fear that the head of the sect would take revenge on himself.

"I see, you go down!" It took a long time for Chu Ding to restrain the anger in his heart, and looked at

Zhang Ping, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling, said coldly.

"Thank you, head!" Zhang Ping said respectfully, as if he was relieved from a heavy burden. When he walked out of the hall, he couldn't bear the pressure any longer, and sat on the ground panting heavily. The aura of the head was too scary. over average.

Chu Dingtian took out the information communication Jade Slip and sent Chu Deming a voice message, the content was to ask him to immediately find out how Chu Chenggou fell, and if there was a murderer, he would bring back the murderer's head at all costs.

Yulin Prefecture is the southernmost state in southern Xinjiang. It is located on a plateau that is like spring all the year round, and has a pleasant climate, which is very suitable for the growth and cultivation of most spiritual herbs. Yulin Prefecture is known as the Beichen Medicine Garden.

The main force here is Shennongmen. The other six sects did not establish a gate in Yulin, and at most they only had offices.

Shennongmen has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It can be said to have a long history and profound heritage. It is famous in the Cultivation World for pill refining and planting Spiritual herbs.

Not only will it sell a large number of spiritual herbs cultivated by itself, but it will also sell a large number of various Medicine Pills. It is also the only Sect among the seven Sects that has moved its headquarters from Qianling Prefecture to Yulin Prefecture.

For example, Yuxi City is the largest and most prosperous cultivation city in Yulin Prefecture, where the commodity trade runs through the entire Beichen Prefecture.

It took Lu Chen half a month to fly from Hengyang Prefecture to Yulin Prefecture by flying a flying boat.

Lu Chen guessed that Hongfu had helped Master Qingxu, so in order to thank Hongfu, Master Qingxu gave her a jade token and told her to go to him with the jade token if she needed help.

Isn't this kind of bloody plot the same as when I threw jade and asked real Dongli for help?

But Lu Chen just likes this kind of feeling of repaying favors, which is much better than begging for help.

Lu Chen landed a flying boat in a bamboo sea. It is said that the mountain gate of Shennongmen is at the other end of this bamboo sea, and it is meaningless to continue flying.

Each sect has a large formation barrier, most of which are phantom formations plus attack formations. If they fly through the air and are invisible, they will be affected by the phantom formation, so they can't find anything.

Every bamboo in the bamboo sea is as thick as an electric pole, about 50 meters high, Lu Chen casts Xuantian Nine Steps to transform into an afterimage, and enters the depths of the bamboo sea.

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