Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 446 Fucking Cultivation Technique

At dawn, Wang Jingxuan's eyes suddenly opened, looking at the sleeping Lu Chen, with a ghostly smile on the corner of his mouth, and then quietly left...

Lu Chen never dreamed that he would be exhausted, let alone that Wang Xiaoniu had such a fiery side.

So much so that Lu Chen slept soundly, and he didn't know when Wang Jingxuan would quietly leave.

Only the torn clothes on the ground, the little redness, and the cracked floor can prove that she has been here.

At noon the next day, when a ray of sunlight shone into Lu Chen's room through the window.

Lu Chen, who was sleeping soundly, still had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, subconsciously stretched out his hand to feel around, but found nothing.

At this time, Lu Chen opened his eyes abruptly, only to realize that the beauty was no longer there, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed in his heart.

However, I couldn't help but think of the scene of a crazy fight with the beauty, and then smiled at the corner of her mouth, thinking that Wang Xiaoniu must have left shyly.

But when Lu Chen got up, got dressed, and sorted out the results on the bed, he found a Jade Slip under his pillow.

He doesn't remember having a Jade Slip under his pillow.

So, Lu Chen picked up Jade Slip in doubt, and injected Divine Sense into it.

The content inside came to mind clearly, it turned out to be the words left by Wang Xiaoniu for herself:

"Lu the time you see Jade Slip, I may have already left, you don't have to try to find me, because there will be no Wang Jingxuan in this world..."


After watching Lu Chen of Jade Slip, his face was extremely gloomy, his whole body exuded a cold aura, and he crushed the Jade Slip in his hand.

The pain in his heart seemed to be pierced by thousands of arrows. He never dreamed that Wang Jingxuan, who had promised him yesterday, would leave a message to himself today.

"Damn the Forgiveness Sect, this hatred is irreconcilable, if daddy doesn't turn you upside down, daddy won't be called Lu Chen."

Lu Chen clenched his fist tightly and scolded in a low voice.

Because according to Wang Xiaoniu's message, on the night when she recovered her memory, when she was practicing, the Cultivation Technique of "Xuantian Wangqing" in her body automatically operated.

Thus comprehending "Xuantian Wangqing"

and activated the memory implanted by Miexin Daoist before.

In the past, Master Miexin told her to cut off her emotions and desires,

Just blindly tell her to always keep in mind, to forget the seven emotions: joy, anger, worry, fear, love, hatred, desire.

And among the six desires: the desire for survival, the desire for knowledge, the desire for expression, the desire for performance, the desire for comfort, and the desire for lust.

But it's relatively empty, Wang Jingxuan can't understand it at all,

It is even more impossible to achieve: neither sorrow nor joy, no desires, no demands, no relatives, no reason, no encumbrances, no worries, so how can we talk about achieving the ruthless way.

There is a saying: "If you haven't been drunk, you don't know how strong the wine is; if you haven't loved, you don't know the heartache."

Wang Jingxuan, who has amnesia, lacks a lot of life experience, so naturally she can't understand the true meaning of emotion, so how can she cut off three thousand threads of love.

However, Wang Jingxuan, who recovered her memory, instead, because of her previous life experience,

Coupled with the influence of the Cultivation Technique of "Xuantian Wangqing", she directly realized the mystery of it.

Therefore, under the influence of Cultivation Technique and the interweaving of two kinds of memories, Wang Jingxuan

That's why she suddenly asked Lu Chen to show up, and then cut off the affection and left quietly.

And because of Lu Chen's practice of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, after being happy with Lu Chen, it affected the effect of "Xuan Tian Wang Qing".

It made Wang Jingxuan's original consciousness clear for a while, and he overcame the memory implanted by Daoist Miexin, but it was only for a short time.

Only then did Lu Chen portray a message Jade Slip and hide it under the pillow.

Just when Lu Chen was very annoyed, a figure appeared in Lu Chen's room like lightning. The person who came was Wang Jingxuan's father, and so was Wang Haocang.

Glancing at the red outfit that was torn into strips of cloth on the ground, Wang Haocang, as a man, could not know what happened.

"Lu Chen, where are you... my daughter?" Wang Haocang asked eagerly.

Wang Jingxuan didn't return all day and night, Wang Haocang, as a father, was naturally worried.

He immediately thought of Lu Chen, but the door of Lu Chen's room was closed, and he had already guessed in his heart.

However, today when he went to Wang Jingxuan's room to see if his daughter was back, he also found a Jade Slip in the room.

The content inside is even more extreme. It probably means that he will be cut off from now on.

Father's affection,


Wonderland Zhangjiajie, the most beautiful Wulingyuan.

The majestic and majestic thousands of peaks have spawned many sects and Martial Forest families. Among them, the Wuling School, Tianxing School and Four Saints School in Wulingyuan are the most famous. For thousands of years, countless people have come to seek immortality. , creating Wulingyuan's excellent Xianxia style and Spiritual Qi style.

Immortal World...

In the misty and fresh sky, there is a sacred tree that breeds all things and gathers the spiritual energy of the six realms.

It grows on the banks of the Tianhe River, uses the Qiongxue Xiangyun as the soil, and uses the Celestial Immortals Yulu as the water irrigation. It gathers the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon all the time, and it is the source of Spirit Power in the universe.

It is precisely because of the existence of the spirit of heaven and earth that for tens of thousands of years, all kinds of demons and evil spirits from the six worlds of gods, demons, immortals, demons, humans, and ghosts have coveted the spirit power of the sacred tree, vainly trying to eat a fruit of the sacred tree to strengthen their own Cultivation Base, but no one has succeeded so far, all thanks to a free Golden Immortal with extremely high Magic power. Biqu library

And the fairy who guards the tree is Yun Qiong, a rare Golden Immortal in the heaven.

She has guarded the sacred tree for thousands of years, and defeated countless demons and heretics with profound Taoism and extreme magic power.

"Ah! Divine Tree, you're bearing fruit again."

"It's been a thousand years, and it's going to be another thousand years. You, the sacred tree, finally bear fruit again."

The sacred tree bears fruit once every thousand years, and each fruit contains extremely powerful Spirit Power. Eating one can be worth thousands of years of practice, and it is the fastest way to cultivate immortality and ascend.

At this moment, Yunqiong looked at the sacred tree that had just bear fruit and sank again.

"Sacred tree, you are still so beautiful!"

Fairy Yunqiong looked up at this huge, strong and thick sacred tree, and sincerely admired the sacred tree.

The endless stars in the sky shine brightly among the branches and leaves of the sacred tree, just like the fireflies that flicker and flicker among the forests on a midsummer night. Fairy Yunqiong only felt that this scene was like a dream, like a dream, like a poem, like a painting, and that she was enjoying the most beautiful scenery in the Six Realms.

But she didn't know that in the eyes of almost all the men who have been to the God Realm, her beauty is a thousand times more beautiful than this cold and lofty sacred tree, even the undead ghosts outside of Jiuyou think of this See its beauty.

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