Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 451 Disciple Of \"The Artifact God\"

In the skies above Bai Cheng's Su family, Lu Chen's combat power was beyond everyone's imagination, and he even won the admiration and appreciation of many cultivators.

However, the more this happened, the more the Leng family hated Lu Chen and vowed to kill him to avenge Leng Xuefei and others.

At this moment, Lu Chen was standing in the air with his sword, turning a deaf ear to the comments of the cultivators around him.

Thinking about how to get out today, a Nascent Soul middle stage Leng Wuren can't figure it out by himself, if the Leng brothers join forces, then he will be even less of an opponent.

What's more, there is Leng Qiuchan, the old man of the Leng family, who is an old monster in the Dzogchen period of Nascent Soul.

You can escape for your life by hiding in the world of golden beads, or you can find a way to get close to them, and burn them with the sky fire and mist lotus heart fire.

But if Lu Chen really did this, it is estimated that he would die sooner, or be prepared to stay in the world of Jin Zhu for the rest of his life.

So these two methods will definitely not work, so what should I do?

While Lu Chen was thinking about how to solve the current crisis,

The three brothers Leng Wuren, Leng Wuqing, and Leng Wuyi formed a triangle and surrounded Lu Chen. Everyone took out their own weapons.

In times of crisis, almost everyone believed that Lu Chen would surely die this time.

Lu Chen suddenly picked up the real yuan, and shouted desperately:

"Stop! I am Lu Chen, the direct disciple of Xuanyuan Zhen, the god of weapons. Let me see if any of you dare to touch me!

I am Lu Chen, the direct disciple of Xuanyuan Zhen, the God of Artifacts, let me see who dares to touch me! "

In this voice, Lu Chen had enough real energy, and the voice was like a bell, echoing in the air for a long time, and then continued to spread far away.

Not to mention, his voice really shocked the three Leng Wuyi brothers,

For a moment, the three of you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one made a move.

You must know that refiners are divided into: spirit weapon masters, divine weapon masters, and each level of weapon refiners is divided into nine levels from first rank to ninth rank.

And Xuanyuan Zhen is a seventh-rank artifact master with extraordinary skill in refining artifacts, known as the god of artifacts!

It has a pivotal position in Beichen Continent, and its influence is as famous as Kongqiu, the god of alchemy, and Anlu Mountain, the god of formation.


Lu Chen's words immediately caused an uproar from the surrounding cultivators.

"A personal disciple of Xuanyuan Zhen, the god of weapons? Is it true or not? Why have I never heard of it? The god of weapons has taken in a direct disciple named Lu Chen."

There was a Gold Core late stage cultivator in the crowd, who asked suspiciously.

As a result he

As soon as the words were finished, the cultivators around him laughed, and one of the cultivators mocked:

"Hahaha... Do you believe such nonsense? That kid obviously saw that he had nowhere to escape today, so he called himself the disciple of the Qi God. The people of the Leng family are not stupid, so how could they believe him."

"Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense. This kid is just a Rogue Cultivator who wants to cling to our Su family and be the son-in-law. He can't be a disciple of the God of Weapons at all."

At this time, Su Zhiguo, the boss of the Su family, jumped out and said loudly.

Hearing this, Lu Chen was so angry, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have wished to slap him to death.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, Leng Wuqing immediately looked at Lu Chen with a cold snort, and said disdainfully:

"Hmph! Kid! It's useless for you to be the disciple of Heavenly King daddy today, just die!"

"Wait a minute! Look at what this is!"

Seeing that the other party was about to attack again, Lu Chen hurriedly spoke again, and a jade token appeared in his hand as he spoke.

I saw that the jade tablet was about the size of a palm, dark purple all over, engraved with mysterious patterns all over the body, and the two ancient characters "Xuanyuan" were hollowed out in the middle.

At this time, Lu Chen took advantage of the moment when the three Leng brothers were stunned again, and Yu Jian flew out of their encirclement.

Then, facing the cultivators who were watching around, he lifted up his true energy and shouted loudly:

"This is the status jade token of my Master Xuanyuan Zhen. If any senior can help me out of today's danger, he can get a favor from my Master."

Lu Chen's words once again caused a commotion among the cultivators around, joking about the favor of the "Qi Shen", which is not something that can be easily obtained.

Low-rank cultivators may not have so many extravagant expectations for Magic Treasures, but high rank cultivators have more stringent requirements for Magic Treasures.

If you can have a good Magic Treasures, for the high rank cultivator, the combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

Seeing Lu Chen take out his identity badge, Su Zhicheng felt very happy,

I sighed in my heart that my own daughter has good vision, and found a good son-in-law who has both status and ability, and made up her mind to protect Lu Chen with all her might today.

"Little Brother! When did you become a disciple of the God of Weapons? Why didn't I know? You have so many secrets!"

When Su Ruolan saw this, Divine Sense sent a voice transmission to Lu Chen and asked softly.

After Lu Chen heard Su Ruolan's Divine Sense sound transmission, he smiled bitterly in his heart,

You are also being forced to do nothing, okay? But on the surface, he pretended to be unscrupulous

The look of dread.

"What about Dage? If this kid is really Xuanyuan Zhen's direct disciple, if we kill him, it may really bring disadvantages to our Leng family."

Leng Wuqing saw Lu Chen's serious appearance, and couldn't tell whether it was true or not for a while, so he hurriedly transmitted Divine Sense to the boss Leng Wuren.

"Don't act rashly, I will ask my father for instructions."

Leng Wuren Divine Sense sound transmission channel.

Lu Chen thought that if he showed his identity and took out the jade token, many power-level cultivators would come to help.

But it turned out that no one paid attention to him, which made Lu Chen very embarrassed, and he didn't expect to be cold.

Subconsciously looking at the jade token in his hand, Lu Chen frowned after confirming that he had taken it correctly.

When Xuanyuan Zhen gave himself the jade card, he said that if he encountered trouble in Tai Bai Cheng one day, he could use this jade card to ask him for help.

It stands to reason that with Xuanyuan Zhen's identity, many people should know his jade token, but why didn't anyone stand up?

Lu Chen couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Could it be that the old man is also a fake?"

At this time, Leng Wuren received the Divine Sense voice transmission from Leng Qiuchan, his eyes lit up immediately, and then looked at Lu Chen with contempt and sneered:

"Boy! How dare you pretend to be a disciple of the Artifact God. Even if we kill you today, I believe Xuanyuan Senior will not blame us."

After speaking, he brought out a spear-shaped Magic Treasures. Once the Magic Treasures were taken out, they immediately exuded a biting cold breath.

At the same time, Leng Wuyi and Leng Wuqing each took out their own Magic Treasures, and the three attacked Lu Chen almost simultaneously.

After feeling the powerful force emanating from the attacks of the three, Lu Chen sighed helplessly.

Divine Sense communicates with the world of Golden Beads, and is ready to run away, and is ready to stay in it for a long time.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chen out of thin air.

I saw that the man was majestic and tall, an upright man, with red phoenix eyes, crouching silkworm eyebrows, a face like jujubes, lips like grease, and a dignified appearance, giving people the feeling of a mighty and domineering general.

Immediately the man snorted coldly, his voice was sonorous and powerful, like a thunderous explosion, deafening to the ears.

Then a powerful aura gushed out from the man, and then spread to the surroundings overwhelmingly.

When the three Leng Wuyi brothers saw this, their pupils shrank suddenly, because the man had teleported over.

Immediately, they were so frightened that they did not dare to continue to attack, and they all dodged back as if fleeing...

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