Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 456: Two Rough Stones

Lu Chen Yujian flew to follow Xuanyuan Zhen to the top floor of a nine-story tower not far from the courtyard.

Only now did Lu Chen see the whole picture of Xuanyuan Pavilion and its approximate location.

Xuanyuan Pavilion is built on a short hill, and consists of a nine-story octagonal tower, plus several three-story buildings, and is equipped with corresponding courtyards.

Looking from a high place, you can see the looming mountains in the distance to the east.

The west direction is the vast urban wooden buildings, so it can be deduced that Xuanyuan Pavilion should be in the direction of east and north on the edge of Tai Bai Cheng.

At this moment, in the room on the top floor of the nine-story tower, Lu Chen looked at the furnishings in the room.

I saw that the quaint room was spacious and bright, with writing desks, coffee table bookshelves, potted plants in the porch, etc., arranged in a random order.

It gave people a very fresh and elegant feeling, especially a chessboard was placed on the table in front of the window, which immediately attracted Lu Chen's attention.

Immediately shouted excitedly:

"Fuck Go! Senior! Why do you have Go here?"

Then he walked directly to the window, looking at the familiar mesh chessboard and two bowl-sized chess boxes,

After opening the chess box, seeing the black and white chess pieces in the box, I was even more convinced that it was Go.

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan Zhen confirmed that he did not understand what Lu Chen said, and said with a puzzled smile:

"Hehehe...Little friend! Please forgive my ignorance, I have never heard what Go is, but the chess piece in your hand is Tianyuan chess, which is famous in Tianyuan Continent."

"Tianyuan chess? Can the senior tell me the rules of this Tianyuan chess?"

Lu Chen put down the chess pieces in his hand and looked at Xuanyuan Zhen expectantly.

Because if I can find out the similarities between Tianyuanqi and Go, it means that there were people like me who came here through time travel.

"Since my little friend is interested in it, it's okay to talk about it..."

Xuanyuan Zhen lightly stroked his beard and said with a smile.

He has two hobbies in his life, one is collecting all kinds of strange stones, and the other is playing Tianyuan chess.

Then Xuanyuan Zhen told the history of Tianyuan chess and the basic way to play it.

However, Lu Chen frowned slightly after hearing this, because according to what the old man Xuanyuan said.

This Tianyuan chess can be traced back to ancient times.

It is said that this chess is the power of self-cultivation in ancient times. It was created according to the distribution of the stars in the sky and in line with the truth of everything in the world.

The entire chessboard is composed of nineteen black lines horizontally and vertically. Nine dots are distributed in the middle nine palaces of the chessboard surface, which are called nine star positions, and the star position in the center of the nine star positions is also called "Tianyuan".

So this chess was named "Tianyuan Chess", which just fits the name of Tianyuan Continent.

If the cultivator often plays "Tianyuan Chess", it will not only improve

The comprehension ability can also temper the mind and enhance the ability to resist Hearts Demon.

Although the method of playing is basically the same as that of Go, there are still slight differences.

In other words, no matter from any point, it cannot be proved that this Tianyuan chess is Go.

Lu Chen could only dispel the thought in his heart in disappointment, thinking that it was the senior who created Tianyuan chess, after all, he was awesome.

Xuanyuan Zhen saw that Lu Chen seemed to have lost interest in Tianyuan chess after listening to Own's narration.

So I changed the subject and said:

"I don't know if my little friend can remember that in the Qiankun Stone Workshop, did the two remaining rough stones have been unlocked?

At that time, the old man saw that you continuously opened up the rough stones with a big increase, it was simply amazing skills,

It's a pity that I couldn't see the process of dissolving the last two rough stones, so I couldn't help being curious. "

After Lu Chen heard the words, he remembered that in order to pay off the usury of one million middle-grade Spirit Stones for Zhao Chengzhi, he chose three rough stones containing powerful Spirit Power fluctuations.

Later, because of the first rough stone, the top-grade purple pith steel was issued, and the debt was paid off after being purchased by Xuanyuan Zhen.

Therefore, Lu Chen did not unlock the remaining two rough stones.

It took so long that Lu Chen himself forgot about it, and now that Xuanyuan Zhen mentioned it again, Lu Chen remembered those two rough stones.

"The senior won the prize, it's all luck, but I didn't unlock the two rough stones,

Since the senior likes to collect strange stones, I will give those two rough stones to the senior!

Don't worry senior, there will definitely be good materials out there. "

Lu Chen smiled, and as he spoke, he took out the two rough stones from the Golden Bead World and handed them to the table in front of Xuanyuan Zhen.

He was thinking in his heart that when the old man accepted the gift from own, he could openly ask him about the way of refining weapons.

Seeing Lu Chen's affirmative expression, Xuanyuan Zhen knew that it was not accidental that he was able to continuously sell the rough stones with a huge price increase.

But as the saying goes, no merits are rewarded, Xuanyuan Zhen just glanced at the rough stone on the table, and had no intention of accepting it.

Seeing that the old guy was not up to the trick, Lu Chen had no choice but to embarrassingly express his desire to learn the way of refining weapons.

He also revealed explicitly and secretly that he wanted to worship Xuanyuan Zhen as his teacher.

But after Xuanyuan Zhen heard the words, he said a lot of nonsense, talking about it, anyway, it was the meaning of rejecting Lu Chen.

Just kidding, there are so many people in the world who want to worship Xuanyuan Zhen as a teacher, how could Xuanyuan Zhen accept Lu Chen as his disciple just by chance.

If Lu Chen hadn't sold Xuanyuan Zhen Huo Yuanjing and Purple Marrow Steel back then, and had indirectly helped Xuanyuan Zhen, with his status, I'm afraid Lu Chen might not have had the chance to get to know each other in his life.


Lu Chen was not stupid, so he naturally understood Xuanyuan Zhen's refusal to accept him as a disciple.

So he planned to seize Xuanyuan Zhen's curiosity about the two rough stones, and not mention the matter of apprenticeship, so as not to make the relationship stiff.

"Hehehe... I'm sorry senior, it was Junior who was abrupt, so let's do it! It's fate to meet again, why don't you let me untie these two rough stones."

Lu Chen smiled shyly.

This time Xuanyuan Zhen didn't refuse, he was actually curious about Lu Chen's method of selecting rough stones,

If these two rough stones really produce something, it means that Lu Chen is really not as simple as luck.

At this time, Lu Chen Divine Sense controlled the two rough stones and they floated up automatically, intending to solve the problem at once.

Then Lu Chen lightly fired a beam of true energy at each rough stone, and after a muffled sound,

The stone skins of the two rough stones were instantly turned into powder by Lu Chen's powerful true energy,

However, no powder was seen floating around, which showed that Lu Chen's control of the true essence was just right.

At this time, after Lu Chen took away the stone powder, two spars the size of quail eggs and shaped like Spirit Stones appeared in front of their eyes.

"What's this? Just two Spirit Stones?"

Not knowing why, Lu Chen smiled awkwardly.

But he didn't realize that when Xuanyuan Zhen saw these two crystal stones, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Lu Chen held the spar in his hand and looked at it, secretly feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

When I analyzed it with Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, the Spirit Power of these two rough stones fluctuated the most.

Lu Chen thought that there would be some heaven-defying material, but he never thought that he would produce such two incomplete Spirit Stones.

This is probably not enough to sustain myself to absorb a breath of time,

I can't help but have doubts about the analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue.

"Senior, I'm sorry to make you laugh," Lu Chen smiled awkwardly.

Then, based on the principle that the legs of flies are also meat,

Lu Chen subconsciously operated the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, preparing to absorb the Spiritual Qi in the two Spirit Stones.

However, following the operation of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, the spar the size of a quail egg in his hand suddenly shone with a faint halo,

Immediately, a terrifying energy entered Lu Chen's body, and the powerful energy immediately made Lu Chen feel as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Pfft..." Lu Chen immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

"Little friend, you..." Xuanyuan shouted in shock,

Because all this was unexpected, even he had no time to stop it,

After speaking, he dodged to Lu Chen's side, and shot a beam of real energy into Lu Chen's body for inspection.

But after checking, Xuanyuan Zhen showed an even more surprised expression on his face...

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