Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 465: Immortal Crystal Of Great Matter

Lu Chen picked it up like a treasure, the egg-sized spar, under Divine Sense's inspection, it really contained terrifying energy

After confirming that this spar was exactly the same as the one he obtained from the two rough stones he unwrapped in Xuanyuan Pavilion, Lu Chen shouted even more excitedly.

You know, at that time, under the analysis of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen knew that this spar was not from the Tianyuan Continent,

And the matter was so important that Lu Chen didn't tell Xuanyuan Zhen.

Because this spar is actually a fairy crystal, the energy contained in it is not Spiritual Qi, but Immortal Qi.

The two celestial crystals that Lu Chen got before were only about the size of quail eggs, and the sum of the two was not as big as this one, so how could this not excite Lu Chen.

You must know that immortal crystals are used by immortals, which means that cultivation and ascension to immortality is not just a legend.

According to Lu Chen's understanding, the Tianyuan Continent is mainly based on cultivation. After the cultivator has cultivated to the stage of becoming a god, he can comprehend the laws of heaven and earth and ascend to immortality.

But that is just a legend after all, and since the Tianyuan Continent suffered great changes in the ancient times, the cultivator of the Great Perfection in the Transformation Stage could not soar, so that he died with hatred.

Later, there was no cultivator in the stage of transforming gods, which made Lu Chen think that the stage of Fractionated Divinity was the end of own.

However, getting the fairy crystal now undoubtedly made Lu Chen more firm in his goal of cultivation.

These thoughts flashed through Lu Chen's mind quickly, and he planned to continue searching to see if he could find some more fairy crystals.

Because Lu Chen feels that even if he can't absorb the Immortal Qi in the fairy crystals now, these fairy crystals will be of great use one day.


Countless spirit devouring insects, under the constant devouring by the three Demonic Beasts, almost reduced in pieces.

The spirit devourers who originally regarded Lu Chen as their prey probably never dreamed that they would become their prey instead, and retreated quickly like a tide.

"Xiao Tian" followed closely behind and chased after them.

At this time, without the cover of the spirit-eating insects, Lu Chen realized that he was under a body of water, surrounded by a transparent formation light curtain, distributed in a narrow and long way like a glass tunnel.

The pebbles and sand under the feet indicate that this space should be a river bottom.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as Lu Chen was looking at the surrounding environment, bursts of bangs came.

At the same time, with a sound of "嗖", a looming light spot flew towards at a high speed, it was the ancient mythical beast "Little Earthworm".

At this moment, "Little Earthworm" seemed to be very anxious.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly, guessing in his heart that "Little Jin Xiaotian" and the others must have encountered some kind of trouble.

Immediately after sending the "little earthworm" into the world of golden beads, Lu Chen stepped nine steps into the sky, his body turned into an afterimage, and quickly flashed forward.

When Lu Chen arrived, he saw 15 or 16 cultivators of fusion stage, holding their own Magic Treasures, surrounding the Golden Toad and the Heavenly Sword Mantis.

At this moment, "Xiaojin Xiaotian" had collapsed on the ground and could not move. Each of them had many horrible wounds, and blood was still gushing out from the wounds.

A young cultivator in a black suit was stepping on the head of the Gold-eating Toad with one foot, and was gesturing with a long sword in his hand to cut it down from somewhere.

There were several cultivators around, who were also dressed in black outfits, shouting "Kill those two beasts."

Seeing this, Lu Chen felt furious in his heart. In a flash, he flew up and kicked the man in the abdomen.

The crowd almost only saw an afterimage suddenly appear, and then the disciple of Yinshenzong let out a scream, and his body flew backwards extremely quickly.

It didn't stop until it flew far away, not knowing life or death,

The sudden change shocked everyone.

They looked at the people in fear, because they couldn't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base.

However, there were two cultivators among them. After seeing Lu Chen, their eyes lit up.

Then one of them exclaimed happily:

"Lu's really you, I thought I was wrong, I didn't expect to meet you here, it's really great."

"Brother Lu! Why are you here? It's been a long time!" Another cultivator also exclaimed in surprise.

Lu Chen heard the words and followed the prestige, and when he saw the faces of the two cultivators, he was also very surprised, and then he said pleasantly:

"Brother Yunfei! Cousin Yu! Why are you here?"

Because these two people are none other than Lu Chen's good friends, Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang.

The few people met in Shun'an City in the southern border, they could be said to be like-minded, like-minded, and they soon became brothers.

Now that they have reunited after a long absence, they are naturally pleasantly surprised and surprised to be able to meet in this unknown space in the Central Plains.

Seeing that the three of them knew each other, the other cultivators breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, offending a Gold Core senior, the consequences are not something they can afford.

"Quack..." After seeing Lu Chen, the Gold-eating Toad was shocked.

Qu Baba yelled twice.

Lu Chen glanced at the injured Gold Devouring Toad and Sky Knife Praying Mantis, his face suddenly became ugly,

But seeing Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang present, and they were wearing the same clothes, there must be some relationship between them, so Lu Chen couldn't get angry directly.

After all, as the saying goes, some things don't look at the monk's face, but also have to see the Buddha's face.

Seeing Lu Chen's face change, the other cultivators also guessed the reason, and their hearts hung up again, fearing that Lu Chen would take revenge on them, but they dared not leave.

Yang Yunfei saw that Lu Chen's face was ugly, and asked tentatively:

"Lu Chen! These two Demonic Beasts are with you?"

Yang Yunfei didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but he was obviously asking about the relationship between Lu Chen and these two Demonic Beasts.

"They are my sealed pets, can you tell me what's going on?"

Lu Chen looked at Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang and asked.

"Ah? This... Lu Chen is really sorry, because I also made a move just now."

After Yang Yunfei heard that the Heavenly Sword Mantis and the Gold-eating Toad were actually Lu Chen's sealed demon pets, he was immediately surprised.

But soon subconsciously lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Lu Chen.

You must know that the strength of these two Demonic Beasts is comparable to the Cultivation Base of human cultivator fusion late stage, stronger than him and Qi Yutang, but it is Lu Chen's demon pet.

So what is Lu Chen's Cultivation Base now? When the first few people met, everyone was still a little guy in the Foundation Establishment period.

Now that Lu Chen has grown to the point where they are unattainable, this makes Yang Yunfei feel a sense of frustration.

Qi Yutang saw Yang Yunfei's embarrassment, so he took the initiative to give an overview of what happened.

It turned out that they had all become disciples of Huang Fenggu, but this time they came out to do a mission and were besieged by spirit devourers.

Fortunately, the formation arranged by senior brother Han Yu allowed them to escape by chance, but they were also trapped in the formation.

Just when everyone was at their wit's end, the spirit-eating insects covering the formation light curtain suddenly receded like a tide, and soon disappeared.

So, Senior Brother Han Yu put away the formation, and everyone planned to go back,

It was at this time that the Golden Devourer Toad and the Heavenly Knife Mantis came chasing the Spirit Devourer all the way.

The appearance of Demonic Beasts naturally attracted the siege of everyone. This kind of thing is actually quite normal for the cultivator.

The only difference is that no one expected that these two Demonic Beasts would have such a powerful backstage as Lu Chen......

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