"Brother, no, these crystals have to be handed over to Sect. Is there something wrong with you doing this?"

Just when Gongsun Bin took out five egg-sized celestial crystals and was about to give them to Lu Chen in exchange for a Medicine Pill,

There is a cultivator on the side of Yinshenzong, who reminded him somehow.

Hearing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly without leaving any trace, but he didn't show any abnormality on the surface, because he believed in his own judgment of human nature.

As someone who has experienced it, Lu Chen is well aware of the sufferings of ordinary cultivators, and even more understands the desire of ordinary cultivators for Cultivation Base Realm.

Especially the disciples of these big Sects, in the environment of fierce competition, it is impossible for them to live a very rich life. m.x.com

Moreover, Lu Chen discovered that these disciples' cultivation qualifications are not very good, so their status in Sect is naturally not very popular.

That's why Lu Chen played the emotional card, not only to get the fairy crystals he wanted, but also to leave a good impression on them,

We must know that sometimes, conspiracy can be more effective than conspiracy.

Sure enough, Gongsun Bin was a little displeased when he heard the words:

"Junior brother, don't talk too much. Brother Lu treats people with sincerity. How can we be really shameless and take other people's Medicine Pill for nothing?"

Then he looked at Lu Chen and said regretfully:

"Brother Lu, I'm sorry! But I don't have any other valuable things, so I can only borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and give this crystal stone I just collected to Brother Lu. I hope Brother Lu will not dislike it."

Lu Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words, he didn't expect this Gongsun Bin to be so good at doing Yang Yunfei's work.

But on the surface, he pretended to be nonchalant, and smiled like a spring breeze:

"Brother Gongsun, you are welcome. If you need any help in the future, just say hello. Although I am not talented, I will definitely be a brother. You will go through fire and water."

Lu Chen's words of empathy and righteousness once again moved Gongsun Bin so much.

In this way, Gongsun Bin successfully got the Medicine Pill he needed, and the happy smile on his face was indescribable.

What he paid was just a few unimportant crystals, and when he went back, he could say that he had obtained so many crystals.

Seeing this, the others followed Gongsun Bin's lead and gave Lu Chen the corresponding spar, and then got the Medicine Pill they wanted with peace of mind.

If the people behind want to come to receive the free Medicine Pill, with the lessons learned from the past, if they don’t take out something, they will feel embarrassed.

But after thinking about it, it seems that the spar is very important for them.

, is the most cost-effective, this is the herd effect.

And every cultivator Lu Chen would make a sincere promise, and soon the Medicine Pills in several jade basins would be taken away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Chen also got a lot of fairy crystals. He counted them secretly, because Gongsun Bin took the lead and took out five fairy crystals.

Naturally, there could be fewer people than him. Apart from Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang, there were thirteen cultivators present.

Lu Chen got more than 80 fairy crystals in one fell swoop. In terms of excitement, Lu Chen was actually more excited than them.

"Lu Chen! I can get some Medicine Pills."

Seeing that Lu Chen was busy, Qi Yutang also came to the table, looked at the medicine pills left, and said with a smile.

In fact, he had wanted to get some medicine pills for a long time, especially Rongsheng Dan, which was exactly the medicine pills he needed urgently, but he was blocked by Yang Yunfei, so he dragged it to the end.

"Hehehe... let's take as much as we want with whomever we want!"

Lu Chen smiled happily.

"Lu Chen! I know this should be useful to you, I only have so much to give you."

Yang Yunfei stepped forward, said in a low voice, and took out all the nine crystals he had collected.

Lu Chen didn't say much when he heard the words, but he still left three crystals for Yang Yunfei and asked him to go back to work.

Seeing this, Qi Yutang also took the initiative to hand over the crystals he had collected to Lu Chen.

In this way, everyone was happy. After Lu Chen said some high-sounding words again, everyone bid farewell to him happily.

Reunited after a long absence, Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Lu Chen also had mixed feelings. After chatting for a while, they bid farewell to Lu Chen. After all, their Elder was still waiting outside.

During this period, when Lu Chen asked about Zhao Chengzhi, he got a bad news. Unexpectedly, when the spirit devourers besieged them,

Zhao Chengzhi disappeared unexpectedly, and the result may be more or less ominous.

After watching Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang leave, Lu Chen did not leave in a hurry.

On the one hand, it was because if they went out now, they would definitely face Yang Yunfei and their Elder, which was not what Lu Chen wanted to see.

On the other hand, it is because this space is very unusual, not only are there a large number of spirit devouring insects, but also so many fairy crystals. m.x.com

Therefore, Lu Chen planned to check further ahead.

According to Yang Yunfei, this is the bottom of the Yalong River, and the entire space is long and narrow because of the formation light curtain.

And because of the large number of spirit devouring insects, they dare not go further.

Lu Chen analyzed this formation light curtain with Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and found that this formation is actually a seventh-level magic formation, the power can be imagined,

At least, with Lu Chen's current formation level, when facing the seventh-level magic formation, he can only be far behind, unable to arrange, and even has no materials.

Lu Chen stepped on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword and galloped along the bottom of the river, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

The entire formation light curtain is like a glass tunnel at the bottom of the river, very narrow and long.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Lu Chen vaguely saw a formation light curtain more than ten meters high, standing in front of him like a city wall.

Lu Chen knew that this should be the end of the entire formation.

However, at a distance of several hundred meters from the end of the formation light curtain, there was a large pit with a diameter of almost two meters, which immediately attracted Lu Chen's attention.

Soon Lu Chen came flying with his sword, directly above the big pit. Lu Chen discovered that under the hole, there is actually a passage extending downwards.

The traces of refurbishment of the surrounding sand grains show that this passage was obviously dug out not long ago.

Immediately, Lu Chen checked the Divine Sense down the passage, but suddenly found that his own Divine Sense seemed to be restricted, and he could only see a distance of more than ten meters downwards.


At this time, a few spirit-eating insects crawled from not far away, and after reaching the entrance of the cave, they crawled directly into the passage, completely ignoring Lu Chen's existence.

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to take a look. If there was any danger, at worst, he would just hide in the Golden Pearl World.

Then, while extending the Divine Sense to open the way, Lu Chen stepped on Xuantian Nine Steps and quickly dodged into the passage.

You can hardly see your fingers in the passage, but with Divine Sense, it doesn't have much impact.

After about a cup of tea, a formation light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, which just happened to seal off the entire passage.

If Lu Chen wants to move on, he must pass through this formation light curtain.

However, based on Lu Chen's formation level, it can be seen at a glance that this formation should have been arranged by someone not long ago, which means that there must be someone inside.

So the question is, should I move on? Or just leave.

If you continue to move forward, if the cultivator Cultivation Base inside is advanced, then if you go in, won't it be the same as giving away the head?

But if I don't go in, I feel a little bit unwilling......

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