"Haha... What a good pill!" There was a burst of laughter in the room, the voice was thick and powerful. Although Wang Yuantu was unconscious, he was still conscious, so he naturally knew that someone had given him the Medicine Pill.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened automatically, and people waiting outside entered the room one after another.

"Master! Are you feeling better? I'm really worried about you," a beautiful woman first threw herself into Wang Yuantu's arms and said coquettishly.

Lu Chen was stunned when he saw this. At first he thought this beautiful woman was Wang Yuanjiang's wife, but he didn't expect it to be Wang Yuantu's little wife.

"Hehe... I'm fine now. Thank you, Miracle Doctor Yishan, for your miraculous medicine. Not only did my old disease heal this time, but the Cultivation Base also showed faint signs of breakthrough. I believe it won't be long before I can breakthrough to fusion The period has come to an end." Wang Yuantu caressed the little wife in his arms while thanking Doctor Yishan.

"This...hehe..." Miracle Doctor Yishan was terrified and didn't know what to say, so he smiled awkwardly.

"Hmph...Father! The person who pill refined this time is not Yishan, but this little brother Lu Chen. Yishan almost killed you because of a misjudgment. Thanks to this brother Lu Chen who took action in time, father was able to recover. "Wang Yuanjiang briefly explained what happened, but Transsion told Wang Yuantu about the process of Lu Chen pill refining.

"Hehe...it seems to be the old man Meng Lang. Please forgive me, little friend Lu Chen. Now that the old man has recovered, let's forget about the past. I will prepare a little wine later to thank you two for your help. I also invite two alchemists Thank you, Yuanjiang, go and prepare." Wang Yuantu said enthusiastically, never giving Lu Chen a chance to refuse.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for disregarding the previous suspicions, so it's better to be respectful than obey your fate." Miracle doctor Yishan showed joy, and his fate was saved.

Seeing that Wang Yuantu was so enthusiastic, Lu Chen couldn't refuse, so he had to agree. As for the conflict with Yishan, as long as he doesn't bother himself, Lu Chen doesn't bother to argue with him. If he insists on biting himself, Lu Chen won't Mind beheading him.

During more than a year in Baicao Garden, Cultivation Base has been promoted to Foundation Establishment middle stage, the true essence can be called the same rank invincible, and Divine Sense is comparable to the fusion early stage.

In the afternoon, Wang Yuantu really prepared a table of good dishes to entertain Lu Chen and the genius doctor Yishan, Wang Yuan

Jiang accompanied him, but the other family members did not attend the banquet. When Lu Chen was wondering, he was interrupted by Yishan's sudden yell.

"This...isn't this the cub of the fifth-level Demonic Beasts Scarlet Flame Tiger?" Miracle Doctor Yi Shan pointed at the middle of the table and exclaimed the main course.

As Lu Chen spoke, he looked over, and there was a big plate in the middle of the table. On the plate lay a young tiger, about the size of a goat. Except for the tiger's head, the fur on its body was completely shaved. It was very pitiful. Biqu library

"Hehe... The genius doctor Yishan is really well-informed. This dish is the steamed Chiyanhu. The cub of the Chiyanhu is hard-won. You and Lu Chen will have to try it more later. "Wang Yuantu greeted the two of them to take their seats, and Wang Yuanjiang took the initiative to pour spiritual wine for them.

"Uh... good!" Lu Chen agreed but felt sick to his stomach. Steamed tiger cubs taste really heavy! Miracle doctor Yishan was salivating, wishing to taste it right away.

After another servant brought some dishes, Wang Yuantu saw that the dishes were all served, he raised his glass and said:

"Come here! Little friend Lu Chen, genius doctor Yishan, thank you for your help. I offer a toast to you."

"Yes! Come! I respect you too!" Wang Yuanjiang raised his glass at the right time and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hehe... Thank you Mr. Wang, the city lord's hospitality, I'm really flattered. Come! Drink!" Miracle doctor Yishan drank the spiritual wine in the cup with a smile.

At this point in the atmosphere, Lu Chen just raised his glass and drank the spirit wine, but he always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Lu Chen and Yi Shan suddenly collapsed on the table unconscious.

"Fuck! I've been tricked!" Lu Chen thought to himself the moment he fell down.

"Haha... Dad is done!" Wang Yuanjiang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking at Wang Yuantu proudly.

"En! Take them to the underground palace." Hearing this, Wang Yuanjiang easily lifted the bodies of Lu Chen and Yi Shan with his left and right hands, and disappeared in a flash.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Wang Yuantu's mouth, and his figure flickered, leaving an afterimage on the spot and followed him out.

When Lu Chen woke up leisurely, he was shocked suddenly, and wanted to stand up, but found that his own limbs were firmly fixed, and he tried to break free from the restraints, but it was in vain.

Trying to communicate with the world of golden beads in the body, but found that Divine Sense cannot be used at all, so it is impossible to enter the world of golden beads


He tried to mobilize the true energy in his body, but the true energy in Dantian didn't obey his control like a puddle of stagnant water, which startled Lu Chen and broke out in cold sweat.

It was so dark that the naked eye could not see the surrounding environment clearly.

"What the hell is going on, what the hell are Wang Yuantu and Wang Yuanjiang planning to do?" Lu Chen cursed in his heart.

Forcing himself to calm down, Lu Chen tried to run "Chaos Daoshengjue", and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, "Chaos Daoshengjue" did not disappoint him.

With the operation of "Chaos Dao Sheng Jue", the true essence in Dantian seemed to break through some kind of shackles, and the Cultivation Base began to recover slowly.

"Hehe...you woke up! I thought you would sleep for a while, since you woke up, let's start!" At this moment, there was a tearing voice, which made people sound a little creepy, and a Daoist video took Walked in with a white light stone, and then fixed the white light stone on the wall.

"Wang Yuantu? What the hell are you doing?" Through the light, Lu Chen finally saw the person who came, it was Wang Yuanjiang's father, Wang Yuantu.

"Hehe... scold! Scold! There will be no chance to scold again in the future." Wang Yuantu laughed.

"What do you mean? What do you want to do?" Lu Chen secretly ran "Chaos Dao Shengjue" desperately, hoping to recover his true energy as soon as possible so that he could deal with Wang Yuantu, and it would be fine if he recovered his Divine Sense. With Divine Sense, he could hide in the golden bead world.

"It doesn't mean anything else, I just want to use your body," Wang Yuantu said with a weird smile.

Lu Chen didn't understand what Wang Yuantu meant, until a word suddenly appeared in his mind,

Lu Chen suddenly exclaimed: "Duoshe? Aren't you Wang Yuantu?"

"Hehe... I didn't expect that you, a young cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, would know about seizing the house, but it's okay, you know it if you know it!"

Divine Sense controls seven talismans, sticks them on seven different places on Lu Chen's body, and then begins to mutter words.

"Damn it! Your uncle!" Seeing that the real energy in his body is still a little bit short of recovering, once the real energy is recovered, Lu Chen can use Divine Sense to escape into the world of golden beads.

I didn't expect these seven talismans to be so evil, abruptly interrupting the operation of "Chaos Daoshengjue".

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