At this time, a young cultivator who looked like a son came up from downstairs. He was dressed in a white robe, with a handsome face and light footsteps. His body had been hollowed out by peachy colors. It was the Mr. Qian called by Fu Rong.

"Hehe... Sister Furong! I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are getting plump, haha..." Mr. Qian stretched out his hand and brushed past Furong, and then sniffed at the tip of his nose, looking intoxicated.

Lu Chen was stunned for a while, he never thought that Mr. Qian, the dignified cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage, would have such a strong taste.

"Mr. Qian, you are really bad. I will follow you later," Furong said shyly, dealing with Mr. Qian very calmly. The two have an intimate relationship. It seems that there was once a love of one hundred and fifty low-grade Spirit Stones. .

"No! I'm going to participate in the Endless Forest Trial in a few days. Today I came here to buy some spiritual treasures for self-defense. Show me." Mr. Qian said with a smile.

When Fu Rong heard that the benefactor was going to buy some spirit treasures today, she greeted her warmly, and her body almost clung to her body.

Lu Chen looked at all kinds of Magic Treasures in the showcase, and frowned slightly. The price is really not ordinary expensive. The starting price of any Lingbao is one million mid-grade Spirit Stones.

And the expensive ones are even more outrageous. It actually costs more than 10 million mid-grade Spirit Stones. You must know that more than 10 million mid-grade Spirit Stones can buy an ordinary Houtian Lingbao.

Since the Cultivation Base reached the Foundation Establishment middle stage, Lu Chen obviously felt that the Little Dragon Spear and the Mother-Child Chiba Blade could not bring out their full strength during use.

That's why I planned to buy a suitable spirit treasure, but at this price, Lu Chen really couldn't afford it.

If you exchange a lot of spiritual herbs, you can buy a spiritual treasure worth several million, but if you do this, it is estimated that Lu Chen's practice career will come to an end.

May I ask which cultivator of the Foundation Establishment middle stage can produce so many advanced Spiritual herbs at once?

"Hey! Do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, get out of the way. Don't delay Mr. Qian's selection of the Lingbao," just as Lu Chen was considering whether to buy it, Furong stood in front of Lu Chen and yelled.

"Sorry, I didn't prepare so many Spirit Stones, thank you for your hospitality, this is for you." Lu Chen ignored Fu Rong, turned around and smiled at Zi'er apologetically, and handed her a

Jade bottle.

Zi'er is now the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen during the Qi refining period. In order to thank her for her warm hospitality and she didn't buy anything, the jade bottle contains three top-level Foundation Establishment pills.

"It's okay Lu Dage, I can't accept this." Zi'er said regretfully, but didn't accept the jade bottle that Lu Chen handed over.

"Be careful, and you just need it, take it!" Lu Chen didn't give Zi'er a chance to refuse, grabbed her jade hand, put the jade bottle in her hand, and then turned and left the second child. building.

Zi'er was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the jade bottle in her hand, her face turned red, because no man had grabbed her hand yet, and because it was too sudden, she didn't react for a while.

By the time she realized it, Lu Chen had already left.

"Yo... Look, the one who gave you beauty is just a broken jade bottle. This kind of poor boy can't afford to buy things at first glance. You are so flattering." Furong looked at Zi'er with disdain. , said snobbishly.

"Shut up!" Zi'er's face suddenly turned cold, and she scolded, looking at Fu Rong in disgust.

" bitch, how dare you scold me?" Fu Rong said with incredible anger.

Fu Rong is an old man from Feiyu Danlou, seeing that Zi'er is more beautiful and honest than her, she has bullied the newcomer a lot these days.

But Zi'er, who has always been submissive to her, suddenly scolded herself today, and Fu Rong became angry instantly, and was about to scold her back.

"Shut up!" Another yell sounded, but it was Mr. Qian who said it.

Mr. Qian didn't notice Zi'er when he was selecting the Lingbao just now, but when he noticed Zi'er, he was immediately fascinated by Zi'er's beauty, and his heart was about to move.

"Mr. Qian, why don't you scold him, he feels so uncomfortable!" Fu Rong said coquettishly, crying, her face full of grievances.

"Is this girl new here? Why haven't I seen her before? I'm a child of the Qian family in Shun'an City, and I haven't asked the girl's name yet." Young Master Qian smiled at Zi'er in a polite manner.

"Shut up, too! You're not welcome here, get out of here!" Zi'er said coldly, feeling very displeased with this young man surnamed Qian.

"Presumptuous! Zi'er, why are you so crazy, you dare to scold Mr. Qian? He

But our big client. Fu Rong roared angrily, arguing for Mr. Qian's injustice, for fear of offending Mr. Qian.

"If you don't shut up, I'll kill you immediately!" Zi'er said coldly, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes, as if she had changed into a different person.

The aura spread all over his body, and an invisible pressure made Fu Rong and Mr. Qian unable to breathe.

"Rong... integration period!" Mr. Qian was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy. He regretted that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today, and offended a xiu?shi who was in the integration period.

Fu Rong's eyes almost fell out when she heard this, she looked at Zi'er in horror, the rookie she bullied these days, is actually a master in the fusion period?

"I don't want to see her appear in any store of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce again," Zi'er said lightly.

"Yes! Miss!" Immediately afterwards, a figure flashed out from nowhere, grabbing Fu Rong, and the two disappeared from the scene in a flash.

When Furong heard the word "Miss", her eyes froze for a moment. She thought of a rumor that the eldest lady of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce liked to visit in private. She didn't expect that Zi'er in front of her would be the eldest lady of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, but it was too late to regret .

"As for this person, investigate the Qian family. If it is not clean, there is no need for the Qian family to exist." Yan Zixia continued.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Qian was taken away amidst howling ghosts and howling wolves, and the Qian family was also in trouble.

At this moment, only Yan Zixia was left on the second floor. When she was angry, her attendants had already persuaded the other guests to leave.

After a period of open and unannounced visits, she found that there were many problems in various industries in southern Xinjiang. If she could solve them, she would solve them immediately, and if she could not solve them, she could only wait two months later.

This time I came to Southern Xinjiang, mainly to deal with the bet with Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, and take a look at the specific situation of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Southern Xinjiang, but the result was not Ruyi Scepter.

The family attached great importance to this competition. In order to ensure that nothing would go wrong, they specially invited two ninth-rank elixir masters to participate in the battle at a high price.

Yan Zixia put aside her thoughts, sighed softly, looked at the jade bottle in her hand, felt a strange feeling in her heart, and pulled out the cork curiously, when she saw the contents clearly.

Yan Zixia was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "Top Foundation Establishment Pill?"

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