Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 80 The Trial Begins

Time flies like an arrow, and three days flew by in an instant.

In the past three days, Lu Chen, Yang Yunfei, Wang Jingxuan and the others mingled together, except that everyone went to the designated place of the Seventh Sect on the second day and got a special information jade card, which was regarded as a serious business.

For the rest of the time, everyone gathered together to eat, drink and have fun, and had a rare leisurely time. After a few meals of wine and meat, Zhang Haoyang also got along with everyone.

Of course, all the consumption will be paid by our Mr. Lu.

Early this morning, Lu Chen and others flew with their swords and rushed from Zhongba City to the assembly point outside the city.

"Woo... woo..." The Magical Item horn blew.

"Boom...boom...boom..." The Magical Item drum beat.

Outside Zhongba City, looking around, countless trees and the sky form a line with no end in sight.

The vast and boundless forest is like the sea, with waves and waves.

On the grassland in front of the endless forest, seven cultivators, descendants of aristocratic families, Rogue cultivators from all walks of life, and crowds of cultivators from hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang gathered at this moment.

Except for the crowd cultivator onlookers.

Facing the front of the endless forest, they are lined up horizontally from left to right, forming six large square formations.

They are: 600,000 cultivators in the refining stage, 500,000 cultivators in the Foundation Establishment stage, 400,000 cultivators in the fusion stage, 300,000 cultivators in the Gold Core stage, 200,000 cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, and 100 cultivators in the Expanding Aperture stage million people.

Each large phalanx is followed vertically: Tianyan Sect, Xuantian Sect, Hehuan Sect, Shenshou Mountain, Jade Girl Palace, Shennongmen, Xuanqi Pavilion, Aristocratic Children, Rogue Cultivators, forming nine small squares.

With the blowing of trumpets, the thunder of war drums.

The 2.1 million people are passionately waiting for the order to start, as if the army is going to war, ready to go.

After Yang Yunfei, Wang Jingxuan and others were assigned to the camp of the children of the aristocratic family, Lu Chen could only be treated as Rogue Cultivators because he was unwilling to provide the corresponding information.

A few days ago, Lu Chen knew all kinds of news about the trial of the endless forest, knowing it clearly.

Looking at the dense crowd of cultivators around, while Lu Chen was amazed by the greatness of the seven Sects, he admired the contributions made by the seven Sects to getting out of Beichen Continent. At the same time, he also understood the true meaning of the Endless Forest Trial.


suddenly! A thick and majestic voice sounded, and everyone present immediately

The horse calmed down.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, it was actually a teleportation supernatural power, this hand made the eyes of the low-level cultivator present shine, and they looked at the person with excitement and admiration.

The visitor is dressed in a blue robe, with white hair and a childlike face, with a fairy-like bone, and exudes a refined temperament. Just by teleportation, one can know that the visitor is a Power of the Expanding Aperture period.

"Old man Ouyang Qingkong! I am from the Tianyan Sect of Qianling Prefecture. I am very happy to speak here on behalf of the other six sects..."

Ouyang Qingkong first reminisced about the sacrifice and dedication of the ancestors, and then described the difficulties Beichenzhou is facing now. These Lu Chens were used to listening to the speeches of the leaders in their previous lives, and they didn't take it to heart at all.

"Brother, why are you so excited?" Lu Chen stood at the front of the Rogue Cultivators Foundation Establishment, a rather late position,

He saw the big cultivator standing next to him, with his head held high and his eyes admiringly looking at Ouyang Qingkong in the air. He listened to every sentence very seriously, and sometimes his body couldn't help shaking, so he asked in a low voice .

"Hmph! Don't talk, listen carefully." The cultivator glanced at Lu Chen with some displeasure and said.

After being rejected, Lu Chen didn't take it seriously. This kind of cultivator belongs to the kind of person who accepts death at first glance. This kind of person often has no heart and is more upright.

"Sorry! I just want to know who this Ouyang Qingkong senior is. He looks like he has a lot of background?" Lu Chen apologized and smiled embarrassingly.

"He is the head of the headquarters of the Tianyan Sect. He is the Cultivation Base of the Great Perfection in the Expanding Aperture period. He wears a Cultivation Base that reaches the sky. He is known to everyone in Qianling Prefecture. He is admired and worshiped by countless cultivators." The big cultivator looked at him. Li said with adoring eyes.

"Oh! Xiongtai is really well-informed, I admire you." Lu Chen flattered, and when he was about to continue chatting with him to pass the time, there was a scolding sound.

"What are you doing? If you talk again, your qualification for the trial will be cancelled." The leader of the cultivator camp in charge of the Foundation Establishment period scolded.

Lu Chen quickly shut up when he heard the words, and looked at Ouyang Qingkong in the sky like everyone else.

"Okay! Next, the formation signal tower is about to open, and the team leaders of each faction are responsible for leading the teams into the endless forest one by one. The three-month trial officially begins." Ouyang Qingkong's voice just fell.

stand upright

The formation signal tower at the edge of the endless forest made a buzzing sound, and a faint light flickered, indicating that the formation signal tower had been turned on.

At this time, the 100,000-person square formed by the cultivators of the Expanding Aperture period suddenly disappeared in place. If they hadn't known it in advance, who would have thought that there were 100,000 people standing on the grass just a second ago.

Then the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage stepped into the air and flew into the sky above the endless forest. The speed was so fast that almost in the blink of an eye, two hundred thousand people disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Next is the cultivator of the Gold Core stage and fusion stage, and Yujian flies towards the endless forest.

Finally, the cultivators of the refinement period and the foundation establishment period set off at the same time.

The 500,000 Foundation Establishment period cultivator is flying in the air, and the 600,000 Qi refining period cultivator is running on the ground with Movement Technique.

The number of people is overwhelming and dense, which is very spectacular.

"Huh? I seem to have seen Lu Chen just now," Gu Feng said after catching up with Zhong Tao using Movement Technique.

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" Zhong Tao asked while running.

"I'm not sure either. Just now a Daoist shadow stepping sword flew over my head, and it looks a bit like Lu Chen from the back." Gu Feng said suspiciously, but the speed under his feet was not slow.

"You must be dazzled. I don't even have a Foundation Establishment yet. How could he succeed in a Foundation Establishment? Where did he get the Foundation Establishment Dan? Don't forget that Lu Chen is a first-level mixed Spiritual Roots of the Eight Series. There are no ten or eight. A Foundation Establishment pill, how could he breakthrough?" Zhong Tao laughed.

"That's right, let's go! Let's compete to see who will enter the endless forest first," Gu Feng said with a smile, with Spirit Power raised to the extreme, he quickly ran to the edge of the endless forest.

"Haha... Who is afraid of whom! Look at the magical charms made by grandpa, let's go!" Zhong Tao yelled, took out two talismans and stuck them on his legs,

While chanting something, a golden light flashed in Fu Lu, and the speed really accelerated a lot.

Gu Feng is a conservative person, and he was unwilling to participate in the endless forest trial, but Zhong Tao pestered Gu Feng every day and invited him to go with him.

In the end, Gu Feng was successfully persuaded by Zhong Tao, but Gu Feng did not agree with Tong Wei to participate in the trial, so Tong Wei waited quietly for the two of them to return safely in Xuantian Sect.

Lu Chen flew Yujian unhurriedly. He had intentionally made Yang Yunfei and others form a team with Wang Jingxuan and Zhang Haoyang, so that they could take care of each other.

In this way, he can act alone with peace of mind. After all, the top ten Spiritual Roots bitter bamboos are extraordinary, and Lu Chen doesn't want too many people to know.

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