Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 94 Difficult To Get To Purple Bamboo Mountain

When the dust settled, Ding Buhui was panting heavily, his hair was disheveled and his clothes were tattered, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he was seriously injured, and he looked at Lu Chen with cannibalistic eyes.

He had to admit that this kid was indeed very powerful, not only was his true essence strong, but his own defense was also extremely strong, so he was at a disadvantage in the battle just now.

To be honest, Ding Buhui somewhat regretted staying to intercept Lu Chen, but now that he was injured, and the kid's speed was surprisingly fast, it would be useless to run away now, he had no choice but to desperately.

Ding Buhui once again flew towards Lu Chen with his sword, the sword in his hand was shining with dazzling light.

Lu Chen Yujian stopped in the air, his face was cold, his right palm was placed on his chest, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.


Immediately, the mysterious light was energized, and a palm the size of a mountain seemed to be solid, and it was sent out from Lu Chen's hand. The speed was so fast that it slapped Ding Buhui who was flying towards him in the blink of an eye.

"No... ah..." Ding Buhui let out a scream, his body flew upside down, and he fell to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, his face was pale and his eyes were lost.

Seen from a distance, Ding Buhui was slapped firmly like a mosquito by a palm made of condensed true essence.

"Hehe...the power is really good, but the consumption is a bit high." Lu Chen panted and laughed.

He once again used himself as a medium to infuse the true essence of his whole body into the palm of his hand, using the Buddha Palm he created himself, and at the same time, he also discovered the defect of this skill.

First of all, it consumes a lot of real yuan, the more real yuan is used, the bigger the condensed palm will be, and the greater the power will be.

The second is that it is easy to be dodged by the cultivator and must be taken by surprise. This seems to be the drawback of all long-range attacks on Magic Treasures.

Lu Chen Yujian came to Ding Buhui's side, seeing him dying, he didn't show any pity. Cultivation World is like this. If you have a kind heart and a soft heart, you may not live to see the sun of tomorrow.

Lu Chen shot a beam of true energy into Ding Buhui's mind, and performed the soul-searching technique. Ding Buhui twitched in pain, and passed out after taking a breath or two. Lu Chen stopped casting the spell only after confirming that Ding Buhui hadn't deceived himself. .

Then throw a fireball to reduce him to ashes.

After finishing these, Lu Chen took out Ding Buhui's information jade token, injected Divine Sense into it, and threw out the flying boat according to the direction he told own before, using the formation signal tower as a reference

object, and flew to the northwest.

During the flight, Lu Chen checked his resources. He got 2.2 million medium-grade Spirit Stones from selling Huo Yuanjing and Purple Marrow Steel, and spent 1.5 million to pay Zhao Chengzhi's debt, leaving him with 700,000. 10,000 pieces, 600,000 pieces for body training.

After careful calculation, I only have 100,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones left. Chaos Dao Sheng Jue already costs Spirit Stones, but I didn’t expect Chaos Body Refining Art to cost so much Spirit Stones.

At this point, Spirit Stones seem to be a lot, but for Lu Chen, it is estimated that the breakthrough Foundation Establishment period will be great, and I am afraid that there will not be enough gaps between his teeth, because Lu Chen obviously feels that the further he goes to the Realm, the more Spirit Stones he consumes. more and more.

Lu Chen is refining some medicine pills to sell, which should be a good way to make money.

At this time, the sky was gradually darkening. Lu Chen was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly accelerated his flight speed.

Half an hour later, an area of ​​dark clouds, lightning and thunder appeared in the sky ahead, but outside this area was clear sky and white clouds.

Soon a big mountain appeared in the distance, under the mountain was a touch of purple, like a purple veil covering the mountainside, shining with purple brilliance, extremely beautiful.

"Haha... finally found it!" Lu Chen exclaimed excitedly.

Divine Sense controlled the flying boat to fly towards the top of the mountain, but the flying boat suddenly lost power and began to fall at a very fast speed.

Lu Chen, who had a similar experience, knew that this was an air-forbidden Restriction, so he didn't panic. He sent the flying boat into the world of Jinzhu, while he continued to fall.

When he was about the same distance from the ground, Lu Chen activated his body-protecting qi, and shot out a burst of real energy. With the help of the counter-propelling force of the real energy, his body rose into the air again, and then landed firmly.

Then Xuantian's nine-step movement reached the extreme and he stepped on the crown of the tree, his body turned into several afterimages, leaving only slightly shaking branches. Biqu library

About 50 meters away from Zizhu Mountain, Lu Chen stopped, not to admire the beautiful purple bamboo forest, but because he dared not climb Zizhu Mountain.

I saw that the stem of each purple bamboo was as thick as a thigh, the whole body was dark purple, the bamboo leaves were lavender, crystal clear, exuding a faint purple halo, and it was very beautiful to connect together.

What's terrible is that the sky keeps chopping off black lightning arcs as thick as arms, and the black lightning arcs fall on the purple bamboo, but the purple bamboo is not damaged, but spreads all around.

Stretching, the entire bamboo forest was flickering with black lightning, which was very strange.

Lightning is something that all creatures are born to fear, and the cultivator is no exception.

Especially Lei Jie, it is really the nightmare of all cultivators. I don’t know how many cultivators have been cultivating for a lifetime, but they were smashed to ashes by Lei Jie during the Transcend Tribulation.

"What should I do? The bitter bamboo should be on the top of this mountain, so I just went back like this? Then wouldn't my troubles be in vain?" Lu Chen stood at the foot of Zizhu Mountain, talking to himself unwillingly. Biqu library

"Crack..." At this moment, a black lightning arc struck the purple bamboo in front of Lu Chen, and the black lightning sizzled, as if warning Lu Chen to move forward.

Seeing this, Lu Chen showed a bitter expression, really in a dilemma.

"There they are!" A shout suddenly sounded, and then three cultivators rushed forward, surrounding Zhong Tao and Gu Feng.

Because the two had just killed a second-order Demonic Beasts with their joint efforts, and they were resting on the spot. They saw that the person who came was the one tall and one short cultivator who had been beaten away by Zhong Tao with various talismans. A helper came, who was also the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen Qi Refining Period. The two immediately stood up and looked at the three of them warily.

"Damn Fatty! I must beat you like a pig's head today!" the short man pointed at Zhong Tao and shouted.

"Hehe...that's really shameless, I don't know who was beaten and fled by me, and I have the nerve to come back to die." Zhong Tao is not a loser, holding a few talismans in his left hand, and the Magical Item long sword in his right hand .

Gu Feng frowned slightly, knowing that he and Zhong Tao's Cultivation Base couldn't beat the other three.

"Senior Brother Long! That dead Fatty is a talisman master, you have to be careful with his talisman in some ways." The short cultivator reminded.

"Hehe... Talisman? It's nothing to worry about, I have my own way to deal with it." Senior Brother Zhou looked at Zhong Tao and Gu Feng with some disdain, and a banner appeared in his hand.

Seeing senior brother Zhou take out his famous Magic Treasures soul-eating banner, the short man's eyes lit up. This Magic Treasures is completely black and exudes a cold aura.

"Do it!" The tall cultivator shouted.

The three poured Spirit Power into their own weapons and attacked Zhong Tao and Gu Feng.

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