Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 97 Skyfire Shows Its Power

"Bloodthirsty... bloodthirsty man-faced spider!" Gu Feng said tremblingly.

Bloodthirsty man-faced spiders are third-order Demonic Beasts, and their combat power is comparable to that of a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

"Hiss..." The bloodthirsty man-faced spider let out a strange cry, jumped up from the spot, and rushed towards Zhong Tao and Gu Feng fiercely.

"Run!" Zhong Tao, who came back to his senses, took the lead to run away with Gu Feng.

At the same time, chanting a mantra quickly, the two talismans turned into two green brilliance, and flew towards the position where they were standing just now, when the bloodthirsty man-faced spider just hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

At the same moment, green vines as thick as thighs grew from the ground in an instant, and the vines quickly entangled the bloodthirsty man-faced spider, but the bloodthirsty man-faced spider didn't take it seriously at all.

One got up and leaped, the vines split instantly, flew high above the canopy of the trees, and fell to the ground, the trees in that area were cut off one after another.

"Zhong Fatty! Where's your enhanced version of the amulet? Take it out quickly! Otherwise, you will die." Gu Feng said anxiously, but he didn't dare to neglect the speed of his feet.

"No more! There are only a few ordinary amulets." Zhong Tao said, took out four golden talisman records from the storage bag, and handed them to Gu Feng.

"Boom!" At this time, trees flew across the front, and bloodthirsty man-faced spiders descended from the sky, blocking their way.

"Damn it! You came so fast, use the magic amulet to run over there." Gu Feng shouted, pointing to the right.

The situation was critical, and the two quickly turned their directions. Under the impetus of the amulet, the speed of the two of them really accelerated a lot.

However, the bloodthirsty man-faced spider's prey would naturally not let it go easily, and quickly chased after the two of them.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng slowed down. Knowing that the Spirit Power of this magic talisman had been exhausted, the two quickly activated the second magic talisman, and the speed increased again.

"Zhong Fatty! Do you still have the magic talisman? Hurry up and take it out!" Gu Feng saw that the ordinary magic talisman didn't last long, and the speed wasn't that fast.

"It's gone! It's gone! Let it be fate! It's all the fault of that damned dwarf, otherwise we wouldn't have come to this ghostly place." Zhong Tao scolded.

"What's the use of saying this now?" Gu Feng said helplessly.

"Huh? There are two disciples in the Qi refining period over there who are being hunted down by a bloodthirsty man-faced spider. Shall we rescue them?" Zhao Chengzhi


Yang Yunfei, Wang Jingxuan and others also discovered the movement of the bloodthirsty man-faced spider, and checked it with Divine Sense, but Zhao Chengzhi spoke first.

"They should have strayed into the coverage area of ​​the cultivator signal during the Foundation Establishment period by mistake. Since they encountered it, they should naturally rescue them." Yang Yunfei said.

Immediately, several people flew towards the bloodthirsty man-faced spider with their swords.

"Hiss..." The bloodthirsty man-faced spider screamed. Seeing that it hadn't chased its prey, it was also angry. It put away its playful heart, and opened its mouth to spit out a ball of white matter. The white matter flew past Zhong Tao and Zhong Tao at a very high speed. The two of Gu Feng suddenly spread out to form a huge spider web.

Because the speed was too fast, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng bumped into the spider web one after another, and they struggled desperately to get rid of it, but the sticking became tighter.

"It's over! Tong Wei, I'm sorry for you." Seeing that he couldn't break free from the shackles, Gu Feng said dejectedly, this should be his last words.

At this time, the bloodthirsty man-faced spider had come to the two of them, sticking out its slender tongue with thick mucus towards Zhong Tao's face.

" don't want to come here!" Zhong Tao was disgusted to see that tongue was bigger than his own face, and his saliva was still drooling.

However, it couldn't stop the bloodthirsty man-faced spider's actions. As a result, the entire face was covered with a slender tongue, and it licked back and forth a few times, leaving behind thick mucus.

"Why...why did you treat me like this?" Zhong Tao looked like he had no love in his life, and he was so wronged that he wanted to cry without tears.

Next, the bloodthirsty man-faced spider raised its front legs high, and the sharp claws on the front legs flashed fiercely, stabbing Zhong Tao's heart fiercely.

On the top of Zizhu Mountain, Lu Chen lay on all fours under the bitter bamboo, trying to think of various ways, but it seemed ridiculous even to himself, and finally tangled whether to cut off the bitter bamboo.

After thinking about it, I fell asleep in a daze and had a dream.

I dreamed that when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school, my family was relatively poor at that time, and the first thing I did after school every day was to run to the vegetable market.

I will buy some vegetables and pork, and then go home to prepare a meal. If my parents have not come back, I will eat first and then do my homework.

In this way, parents who work for a day can directly enjoy dinner when they return home.

Every time I buy meat, I will ask Uncle or Aunt who sells meat to burn the pork skin with a blowtorch.

In this way, the pork skin will not be wasted, and it will be easier to taste when frying.

"Blowtorch?" Lu Chen exclaimed

With a loud sound, he suddenly turned over and sat up, and suddenly he thought of a way.

Because Lu Chen was curious about the blowtorch before, he would squat down and watch every time the pork skin was burned. The blue flame was very fast, and the blue flame was somewhat similar to the color of own sky fire.

Lu Chen thought of flame cutting again, that's right, this method.

If this method does not work, I can only go back first, and then come to the endless forest after the Cultivation Base is high, and try to bring the bitter bamboo back.

It is said that only one kind of Spiritual Roots will appear in each world. If they are cut off and destroyed by themselves, I guess I will not forgive myself.

Lu Chen guessed that Zixuan's ancestors also had the same idea as Lu Chen, but just like his name "Ziwuyuan", they were destined to miss Zizhu in this life.

With a thought in Lu Chen's mind, a blue flame appeared in his palm, very alluring.

Under Lu Chen's deliberate control, Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo condensed into a long sword that looked like a substance, and the temperature was deliberately restrained, so that there was no temperature on the outside, but the temperature inside was extremely high.

At the beginning, Lu Chen didn't dare to get too close to the bitter bamboo. If the temperature of Wulian's heart fire leaked due to his poor control, the bitter bamboo would turn into a pile of bamboo ash in an instant.

After checking again for any flaws, Lu Chen slowly inserted the Tianhuowu Lianxinhuo long sword into the black rock.

This time, Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo did not disappoint Lu Chen. Although it was not completely embedded in the black rock, it left some millimeter scratches on the surface.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was overjoyed, but if he wanted to cut out a two-meter-square rock at this speed, the endless forest would have ended long ago.

In order to save time, Lu Chen decided to reduce the size and start cutting at a distance of fifteen centimeters from the bitter bamboo.

The moment Wulian Xinhuo sword stabbed down, Lu Chen obviously felt that the rocks in this place were much looser than the surrounding area.

"Haha...God helped me too, I cut it! I cut it! I cut it!" This discovery made Lu Chen very happy, humming happily, and working hard like pulling a saw.

A day later, Lu Chen successfully separated the 15 cm vertical and 50 cm deep black rocks around the bitter bamboo.

Lu Chen was very excited, Divine Sense enveloped the bitter bamboo and black rocks, and the next second, bitter bamboo and Lu Chen disappeared in place, leaving only a small cuboid stone pit.

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