Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1088: Mystery in the ancestral land

After chatting for a while, at this moment, Ning Shengxuan suddenly lowered his voice slightly and said, "Mr. Yin, there is something in our village who would like you to take some time to check it out."

After a short pause, seeing Yin Xiu's face slightly stunned, Ning Shengxuan continued: "I didn't know that you came here with Xiaojing too. So last night I went back and talked to several clan elders in the clan After thinking about the fact that you are here, the clan wants me to ask you if you can go to our village."

Hearing Ning Shengxuan's words, it seemed that there was something hidden, Yin Xiu couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ning, can you give a general idea of ​​what's going on? From what you mean, it seems that things in Guizhai are not easy?"

Ning Shengxuan glanced at several of his family members, and then said to Yin Xiu: "In fact, apart from a few clan elders in the clan and a handful of clan members, no one else knows about this."

"It's just that we don't dare to try this matter arbitrarily. In addition, we have always been in peace, so the family hasn't paid attention to it for so long. But everyone knows that if we don't figure it out, I am afraid that there may be hidden dangers."

"It happens that you are here this time, so we want to ask if you can check it out for us personally, so that we can get rid of this heart disease in our heart."

After speaking these words first, Ning Sheng paused, and then began to talk about the main point, "Mr. Yin, should you still have an impression of the ancestral land in our clan?"

Yin Xiu nodded lightly, "Of course I have an impression. Did Mr. Ning say something related to the ancestral land of Guizhai?"

If this is the case, Yin Xiu would be interested.

After all, the ancestral land of Luoguzhai contained a lot of the essence and blood of the witch gods. His clone of the witch **** was conceived by the fusion of the second soul with a drop of the great witch essence and blood exchanged with Luoguzhai.

If what Ning Shengxuan said was really related to that ancestral land, it might involve the witch **** clan of ancient times. Yin Xiu was naturally interested in this.

Ning Sheng preached: "It can't be said that it is related to the ancestral land. It's just a while ago, probably four or five months ago. At that time, the ancestral land was shaken. A member of the tribe went to investigate, and then found a big hole in the deepest part of the ancestral land."

"The big hole is separated by a strange wave of light, which looks like a portal tunnel. We have tried to throw stones into it, even livestock and animals went in, but everything disappeared after throwing in, and there was no more Came out."

"Because we don't know what's going on in that big hole, what's in it, so we don't dare to go in and investigate."

"Finally, our clan elders had a discussion at the time and decided to find something to block the big hole, and then left it alone. In the past few months, there hasn’t been any situation there, so we didn’t have too much trouble. care."

Hearing what Ning Shengxuan said, Yin Xiu suddenly came over and said: "Mr. Ning, according to your description, I can't think of any unexpected words. The big hole you mentioned should be the entrance to a secret realm. But. What kind of situation is in the secret realm, I haven't checked in, and I really can't say for sure."

"It's right that you didn't venture in. It's hard to say whether there will be any danger in this secret realm."

On the side of Ning Shengxuan's family who didn't know about it before, they heard the conversation between Ning Shengxuan and Yin Xiu, and their eyes widened in surprise.

A few months ago, they naturally had the impression of the turbulent mountain on the ancestral land, but they did not expect that such a big hole appeared in the depths of the ancestral land after that time!

"We are also worried that there will be any danger from there in the future, so after knowing that you are also here, we are thinking about asking you to find out. If there are really dangerous hidden dangers, please help us solve this. Hidden danger..."

Ning Sheng preached.

Yin Xiu nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll leave the matter to me. I'll go to your stockade tomorrow and explore the secret realm."

After a slight pause, Yin Xiu said again: "To be honest, I am actually quite curious about that secret realm. It will appear in the depths of your ancestral land. I think maybe it will really be sealed in the ancestral land of Guizhai. The essence and blood of his are somewhat related."

"Then trouble Mr. Yin!"

Ning Shengxuan said gratefully.

Yin Xiu waved his hand lightly.

After talking about this, Ning Shengxuan relaxed again, and continued to chat with Ning Yuejing about some household things.

Towards the evening, Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing had another meal with Ning Shengxuan's family in a small town restaurant.

Because there were children with him, and Yin Xiu was going to Luogu Village tomorrow, so after dinner, only Ning Shengxuan went back to the village to inform other clan elders that Yin Xiu had promised to help them explore the secret realm.

As for Ning Shengxuan's wife, son, daughter-in-law and others, they stayed in the hotel where Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing were staying together, and planned to go back to Luogu Village with Yin Xiu tomorrow.

In the guest room, Yin Xiu asked Ning Yuejing: "Xiaojing, would you like to go to your uncle's village with your master tomorrow?"

Ning Yuejing shook her head without thinking about it, and said, "I don't want it anymore. It's not appropriate for me to go."

Yin Xiu knew that Ning Yuejing was reluctant to go to Luogu Village because of her mother. Seeing that she said so, he nodded and said, "Okay, then the master will go to you by yourself tomorrow. They look at the village."

"You should go back to Yanyue Sanxian Island first. When the time comes, the master has figured out things on this side, so you will go back."

"Yeah. That's okay! Then, Master, you have to be more careful when you go to investigate that secret realm..." Ning Yuejing said.

Yin Xiu smiled slightly, raised his hand and squeezed Ning Yuejing's cheek, and smiled: "Don't worry, don't you understand Master's strength? Even if there is danger in the secret realm, there is nothing I can do to win me. "

Ning Yuejing pursed her mouth and There was a bit of tenderness on her pretty cheeks, and she gave a light "um", then she opened her hand and hugged Yin Xiu, leaning against Yin Xiu's arms, her cheeks pressed against Yin Xiu On the chest, he whispered: "Master, that Xiao Jing is waiting for you to come back on Penglai Xian Island."

"Okay. Master will go back soon."

Yin Xiu smiled and raised his hand to caress Fu Ning Yuejing's hair.

One night passed in a blink of an eye.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing said goodbye, and then went to Luogu Village with Ning Shengxuan's wife, son and other family members.

And after watching Yin Xiu leave, Ning Yuejing found an unmanned corner and cast a concealment spell on her body. Then Yujian left Leping Town and returned to Yanyue Sanxian Island.

When Yin Xiu and others arrived at Luogu Village, Ning Shengxuan and several other clan elders from Luogu Village were already waiting at the door of the village to welcome Yin Xiu's arrival.

After many years, I came to Luogu Village again, but the village has not changed much. (To be continued.)

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