Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1091: Windfall

After controlling the mana palm and grabbing the tree monster in the air, Yin Xiu raised his hand and waved, the raging Samadhi real fire in front of him immediately whizzed towards the tree monster.

Being burned by the real fire of Samadhi, the tree demon suddenly uttered a screaming scream, which was instantly ignited. The huge root system was burnt out almost in the blink of an eye, turning all into ashes.

And with the burning of the real fire of Samadhi, wisps of grayish-green mist continued to rise from the tree monster, making a crisp sound of'cracking' from time to time.

It's just that the wafting gray-green mist was swept away by the surrounding Samadhi real fire, and it disappeared in an instant...

After a while, the tree demon's miserable screams gradually ceased, and the raging fire completely burned it into coke and quickly turned to ashes.

However, at this moment, Yin Xiu was suddenly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his hand and grabbed it, and Yin Xiu's torso of the tree demon, which was being wrapped in the blazing Samadhi fire, was immediately caught in front of him.

The consciousness of the tree demon had already died away under the burning of the real fire of Samadhi, and all that was left at the moment was just a section of the trunk that was burned like charcoal.

Yin Xiu's mana rolls, and immediately shakes all the carbonized parts of the trunk outside, revealing a small piece of smooth jade inside, emitting a light emerald green fluorescence, like an emerald-like object.

Yin Xiu casually grabbed the emerald green object about the size of a palm in his hand, with a slight surprise in his eyes, as well as a hint of surprise.

I saw Yin Xiu whispered: "It's actually a piece of wood!"

Yin Xiu's hand is a piece of ‘Essence of Wood’! It was the same thing as the ‘Essence of Wood’ obtained in the space of the mountain where Luluo was found.

The wood essence is also known as the ‘source of life’ in the realm of comprehension. It not only has the effect of prolonging life, but also can restore various physical injuries. It is a very rare treasure in the realm of comprehension.

Yin Xiu didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the tree monster that he burned to death. This is really a surprise!

"I don’t know if there will be wood spirits in all the tree monsters here. If that is the case, such a vast mountain forest with huge trees, I don’t know how many tree monsters are hidden in it, and how many wood trees it is. Fine!"

Yin Xiu's gaze swept across the vast mountain forests around him, and couldn't help but sigh.

Withdrawing the real fire from the surrounding Samadhi, Yin Xiu glanced around again, and after putting the piece of wood essence in his hand into the storage ring, the sword flew forward for a certain distance, and then stopped again. .

Yin Xiu looked at the lush and thick trees below, and his eyes flickered slightly. Then Yin Xiu raised his hand and waved, and a real fire of Samadhi immediately flew out of him.

In an instant, the real fire of Samadhi immediately turned into a huge raging flame, and spread in all directions like a landslide and tsunami, and then fell from the air, directly covering an area of ​​at least five or six kilometers in radius!

And at the edge of the true samādhi fire five or six kilometers away, Yin Xiu directly isolated the true samādhi fire with his force, prevented the true samādhi fire from spreading, and burned all the mountains and forests completely.

After releasing the real fire of Samadhi, Yin Xiu quietly looked at the mountain forest below the real fire of Samadhi.

His purpose of doing this is naturally to see how many tree monsters like the one just now in this vast mountain forest, and also want to find out whether other tree monsters will also have wood spirits in them.

The area of ​​five or six kilometers is not too small, but it is nothing compared to the entire mountain forest that is completely out of sight.

Under Yin Xiu's gaze, the giant trees enveloped by the real fire of Samadhi burst into flames, and bursts of ‘crack’ sounds continued to sound in the fire.

But what Yin Xiu cares about is not the ordinary trees, but the tree monsters hidden in them.

Sure enough, as Yin Xiu had expected, under the burning of the real fire of Samadhi, the hidden tree monsters quickly appeared.

Each ‘squeak’ screamed, and the treetops on their heads were filled with the burning samādhi fire, and they rose into the air, or they wanted to escape into the ground.

It's a pity that Yin Xiu has already confined the area where the Samadhi is burning with his force. It is impossible for him to fly away from the sky or escape into the ground.

Seeing the tree monsters that appeared, Yin Xiu couldn't help pursing his mouth, showing a smile.

"There are five tree monsters in total, of which two are in the distraction stage, and one is in the out-of-aperture stage. The remaining two are not worth mentioning, they only have the cultivation stage of the Yuan Ying stage."

"However, there are five tree monsters within a few kilometers of such a radius. It can be seen that the density of these tree monsters is not low. I don't know how big this mountain forest is in this secret realm, or the entire secret realm is These mountains and forests."

"Anyway, the number of these tree monsters in this secret realm is definitely very, very large. Now it’s up to you to see if there are also wood spirits in these tree monsters. If all tree spirits have wood spirits in them, this secret realm It can be called a rare treasure mine! Its value is not even inferior to those top-quality spirit stone veins at all!"

Yin Xiu secretly said in his heart.

He is very clear about the value of the wood spirit in the realm of comprehension. If all the tree monsters in this secret realm really have the wood spirit in their bodies, then the value of this secret realm is indeed incalculable!

Seeing those few who wanted to escape but couldn't escape, they were already surrounded by the real fire of Samadhi, and the treetops above their heads were burning raging, squeaking and squeaking dryads, Yin Xiu smiled faintly.

Then quickly pinched a magic judgment with both hands, and the real fire of the samadhi below immediately gathered towards the few tree demons.

The two tree demons with the lowest cultivation base couldn't bear it at first, and soon they turned into a torch in a scream, and there was no sound.

The other three tree demons didn't last long. After a while, they all followed suit one after another, and they were all burned into coke.

Upon seeing this, Yin Xiu couldn't help but raise his hand and photographed the five tree monsters still burning torso in the air, and took away all the samādhi flames above them, and his spiritual sense was turned into coke in those. Swept through the tree trunk.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face...

"It's true that all tree monsters have wood spirits in them. It's just that the quality is different. The quality of wood spirits in the tree monsters with high cultivation base is higher, and the quality of wood spirits with low cultivation base is much worse. ."

Yin Xiu said to himself faintly.

Then the mana surged, and immediately shook the five coke-burning tree trunks in front of him, and took out a section of the inside that exudes a gleam of emerald green light, like the essence of emerald wood... (to be continued.)

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