Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1099: Tribal conflict


Among the Kuanglei tribe, Yin Xiu experienced what is the roughest chunk of meat eating, and a piece of barbecue with a large washbasin was brought up directly in front of Yin Xiu.

The grilled meat delivered to Yin Xiu was obviously carefully selected. The best piece of meat, with a greasy ‘boom’ on it, was sprinkled with many unknown condiments and spices, and a strong smell of grilled meat was diffused. After the surroundings, Yin Xiu couldn't help feeling a little appetite.

This night, the Kuanglei tribe was obviously very lively. The children in the tribe were laughing and frolicking wantonly, and from time to time they surrounded the adults who were barbecuing.

Every time an adult cut off a few pieces of cooked meat and shared it with them, the children would smile for a while, holding the barbecue in their hands, and not caring about the hot hands of the barbecue, cheering and ran away.

Then he immediately stuffed the greasy barbecue into his mouth, chewed and swallowed, eating with oily mouth and grinning...

After the dinner, members of the Kuanglei tribe arranged Yin Xiu to rest in a very clean room. Hao, Shaoyi, and Lei's people came over to Yin Xiu and said goodnight, and then left separately without disturbing Yin Xiu.

Taking a look at this rough and primitive room, Yin Xiu couldn't help but sighed slightly, then walked to the stone bed covered with a thick layer of animal skin and sat down.

I couldn't help but sort out the information I had learned from the memories of Shaoyi and others today, and then began to meditate.

His current cultivation base is still far from reaching the level of crossing the second'Heart Demon Tribulation', and the accumulation of true essence mana is far from enough.

However, these are not in a hurry, just take your time.

When the cultivation base reaches his level, if you want to break through, it won't happen overnight.

In a blink of an eye, the night passed.

Yin Xiuben was going to leave Hao and Shao Yi and others after dawn. However, because of Shao Yi and others’ efforts to keep, Yin Xiu thought about it, and he didn’t rush to Naan Yi city for a while, and based on his cultivation. If he hurried all the way, it would not take much time to arrive, so he agreed to stay in the Kuang Lei tribe for two more days.

For the Kuanglei tribe, Yin Xiu is a saint of the Witch Palace, with a noble status. The Kuanglei tribe has not had such a distinguished guest for many years, so naturally he wants to keep Yin Xiu for a few more days.

Therefore, after Yin Xiu agreed to stay in the Kuanglei tribe for two more days, whether it was the Lei and Jie of the Kuanglei tribe who invited Yin Xiu, or the patriarch Hao and Shao Yi, they all seemed very happy.

Lei was even more excited to greet Jie and Shao and the others, saying that he was going to hunt two ‘Flying Dragons’ back to entertain Yin Xiu.

The so-called "flying dragon" is actually a kind of bird, but its appearance is indeed a bit like a "dragon", so it has the name of "flying dragon".

In addition, the meat of this bird called "Flying Dragon" is very fresh and tender, which is a rare delicacy.

However, it is not easy to catch them. Although their strength is not very strong, usually at the level of Yuan Ying stage, they are very fast.

Almost reached the level of distraction!

This is also a special ability of this bird.

Lei, Jie, Shao...and the others happily left the village again and went to the mountains to catch the flying dragon. Yin Xiu stayed in the stockade of the Kuanglei tribe, and Shao Yi and Hao personally led them around...

The children in the tribe were obviously very curious about Yin Xiu. They all surrounded him, looking at Yin Xiu with suspicious and curious eyes. In addition, there was a strong sense of worship.

Probably they can also understand the meaning of the identity of the'Witch Temple Saint'.

For the half-witches of these remote tribes, the witch hall saints are indeed superior, and most people have only heard of them, but have not really seen the witch hall saints.

Therefore, Yin Xiu has undoubtedly added a mysterious and sacred halo in the eyes of the people of the Kuanglei tribe, especially the children.

However, those children only looked curiously from a distance, and didn't seem to dare to get too close.

It's noon.

Lei and Jie and the others who ran together to hunt the flying dragon ran back hurriedly, all of them with large wounds.

Although their bodies are very powerful and their self-healing ability is also very strong, there is a force in the axe wound on their bodies that prevents their wounds from healing.

Lei and the others could only use their internal strength to control the blood from flowing out, but the wound could not heal and recover until the force that hindered the healing was expelled.

Except for almost everyone who ran back with injuries, there were a total of seven of them who went out together, but now only five came back, two people missing.

Shao Yi and Hao, who were leading Yin Xiu around in the stockade, saw the situation of Lei and the others who ran back. They were suddenly furious. Hao rushed over and asked loudly, "Lei, what is going on? Who hurt you, Yao Heluo? Why didn't you see them both?"

Facing Hao’s questioning, a trace of shame flashed across Lei’s face, but it was more angry. He said, “Hao, it’s the Heishui tribe! It was Heishui Dove who brought us and injured us, and they arrested us. After Yao and Lao. It is said that if our Kuanglei tribe dared to hunt in the area east of the'Zichongling' in the future, it would destroy our witch vein!"

"I saw that they were crowded and powerful, so I had to take someone back first. It's a pity that Yao and Shao were still caught by them..."

When Lei said these words, he was full of self-blame and guilt.

Hao and the people of the surrounding Kuanglei tribes were suddenly furious when they heard this, and Hao was even more furious: "It is the Heishui tribe again, what do they want to do! Is it because they want to start a tribal war with our Kuanglei tribe? ?"

"The area east of Zichongling has always been the common hunting area of ​​our two tribes. Why should the people of the Heishui tribe dare to prohibit us from hunting!"

After that, Hao said with outrage: "Lei, immediately summon all the fighters in the clan and go to Zi Chongling with me, not only to rescue Yao and Shao safe and sound, but also to ask the Heishui tribe. A statement. Otherwise, our Kuanglei tribe will not be bullied!"

"That's right! You must rescue Yao Helu, and you must ask the Heishui tribe for justice, or you will never give up!"

The Jie, Chilong and others who had fled back with Lei also screamed in The people of the other Kuanglei tribes nearby also screamed loudly.

Because the Kuanglei tribe and the Heishui tribe live adjacent to each other, part of their hunting grounds belonged to the overlapping area. In the past, there were a lot of frictions and fights between the two tribes. Therefore, the people of the Kuanglei tribe naturally opposed the Heishui tribe. There can be no good impressions.

Coupled with the fact that the people of the Kuanglei tribe have suffered, Lei and the others have been cut and wounded by the opponent one by one, and the other party also arrested Yao and Luo. It is strange that these Kuanglei tribes can let go!

"Go! Let's save Yao and Lao, let the Heishui tribe know that our Kuanglei tribe is not that easy to mess with!"

"Yes! This time we must teach the Heishui tribe a lesson, otherwise they might decide how to ride on top of our Kuanglei tribe..." (To be continued.) 8

. The first high-speed first release of Comprehension Return is in the latest chapter of the city. This chapter is Chapter 1099: Clash of Clans. The address is. If you think this chapter is not bad, please don’t forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ group and Weibo. !

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