Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1114: Umbrella

"Great Witch Sacrifice, what should we do now? Those You Clan evil spirits have exhausted the power of the whole clan, and they are aggressively invading. Obviously we don't have more time to hunt enough Witch-class monsters to suppress this with blood stains. The power of a dark altar."

"If the number of sacrifices is insufficient, I am afraid that the inspired power will not be able to suppress the dark altar for long. And those ghosts of the You Race should have been guided by the You Realm, otherwise they won't be able to exhaust the power of the whole family at this time. Invasion!"

Standing in front of the altar, the Witch King said to a half-witch in a dark black robe with a worried expression on his side.

This half-witch is completely different from the usual thick and burly half-witch warrior. He looks very thin, and he looks quite old, wearing a dark black robe like a tent hanging on it.

In addition, he was holding a bone stick made of unknown bones in his hand, and strands of dark green aura lingered on that bone stick.

Hearing the words of the Witch King, the skinny half-witch old man in a dark black robe slowly said: "For the present, we can only do our best to see how many Witch-class monsters can finally be sent. ."

"In addition, the only thing we can do is to defeat the invading You Race as soon as possible. Only after defeating them, we will have the energy to continue hunting sacrifices and return, sacrifice the Holy Axe, and inspire the power of the Holy Axe to suppress the darkness. altar."

"Otherwise, if we can't defeat the sinners in the future as soon as possible and find more alien beast blood sacrifice holy axes, once the power of the dark altar breaks through the suppression of holy axes, then the passage of the ghost world will be reopened!"

"By then... I am afraid it will be the day of destruction of our whole family and the entire world."

This skinny half-witch old man was obviously the great witch sacrifice of the Witch Palace. When he said it to the end, he couldn't help sighing softly.

After the voice of the Great Witch Festival fell, the Witch King couldn't help clenching his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Great Witch Festival, we must never let this happen. In any case, we must let the Holy Axe continue to suppress it. Living in the dark altar, you must not allow the passage of the ghost to be reopened!"

Several Tianhou standing beside the Witch King also clenched their fists fiercely and shouted: "Yes, the Great Witch Festival, even if we fight for our lives, the Dark Altar will never be able to break through the suppression of the Holy Axe. It's true. No...If it doesn't work, we will use our bodies to sacrifice the Holy Axe!"

"As long as you can continue to suppress the Dark Altar and prevent the passage of the Netherworld from opening, it is worth paying any price!"

Listening to the words of the Witch King and several Tianhou decisively, the Great Witch Fei sighed and shook his head: "No, we have half the blood of the Witch God in our body. It is impossible to sacrifice the Holy Axe with our own blood. The axe will not accept sacrifices from the blood of the witch god, unless someone can activate the holy axe and control the holy axe to actively absorb our sacrifice power."

Hearing the words of the Great Witch Festival, the Witch King suddenly couldn't help but smashed his left palm with a heavy punch, gritted his teeth, and said with unwilling hatred: "This is not OK, then what are we going to do? Those You Clan Since it has been guided by the Netherworld, it will certainly not retreat easily, and it will definitely capture our Anyi City at any cost and attack the Holy Axe Mountain."

"Even, they don’t really need to conquer Anyi City, they just need to hold our strength so that we have no time to hunt more exotic animals to sacrifice the Holy Axe, then the Nether Realm will inevitably do everything possible to urge the Dark Altar. , To break through the suppression of the Holy Axe and reopen the channel of the ghost world!"

"By then, there will be nothing we can do."

A black-robed witch priest beside the Great Witch Ji also couldn't help but said: "Yes, once the passage of the Nether Realm is opened, the Nether Clan army will inevitably rush into this world again."

"The dark altar has been suppressed for such a long time, I am afraid that a new emperor has been reborn in the Nether Realm. Now we do not have the leadership of the Wizard God. Once the new Nether Emperor comes to this world again, what shall we do? Contend with Youdi?"

The words of the witch priest seemed worried.

A Tianhou on the other side said: "There is no need for You Emperor to appear. With our power alone, even a Youkai in the Nether Realm may be difficult to deal with. If You Emperor really appears, he will take a breath. Can destroy our entire Anyi city!"


This Tianhou's words made everyone present could not help but sigh heavily, and their hearts became particularly heavy.

Indeed, Youdi is not something they need to consider at all.

Once the Nether Realm passage is opened, no matter whether it is You Di, the next-level You Sage, You Commander, or even You General who floods into this world, they will be unable to compete.

Seeing that everyone was depressed, the Great Witch Festival couldn't help taking a deep breath, and the bone stick he held in his hand slammed the dark altar in front of him, and said solemnly, "So, our only chance now is to do it as soon as possible at any cost. Destroy the ghosts of the You Race who are invading outside."

"Only before the dark altar breaks through the suppression of the holy axe, we hunt enough alien beast blood to sacrifice the holy axe in time, stimulate the power of the holy axe, and suppress the dark altar again, then we have the hope of continuing to survive."

"Otherwise, the splendor of the wizard **** and the blood inheritance of the half-witch clan will be completely ruined in our generation!"

Hearing the words of the Great Witch Festival, the Witch King and several other Witch Festivals and Tianhou all shook their The Witch King looked up at the Great Witch Festival and said: "Yes! For the glory of the Witch God, for half For the survival of the Wu family, we must fight to the death! We must stop the Dark Altar from breaking through the suppression of the Holy Axe at all costs! At least, we are not hopeless!"

After all, the half-witch clan has the blood of half the witch god, and the Lingyun warfare in the bones is not so easily overwhelmed. Therefore, with the encouragement of the great witch festival, they quickly cheered up again.

"Yes! For the glory of the witch god, for the survival of the half witch clan, at any cost!" The several Tianhou standing beside the witch king also shouted with passion.

And the few witch priests standing next to the great witch sacrifice looked at the huge holy axe above the dark altar with a fever in their eyes, and shouted: "Witch! Witch! Witch! "

Upon seeing this, the Witch King and several Tianhou also followed closely, their complexion flushed, and blood spurting out and shouting, "Witch! witch! ’.

Even the Great Witch Sacrifice is no exception, the slightly old face is full of excitement and enthusiasm, and his eyes are tightly looking at the holy axe above the dark altar, shouting loudly... (to be continued. )

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