Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1127: Broken arm

While Yin Xiu, the witch god, suppressed those raging energy shocks, the giant axe he held in his right hand also broke through the enchantment aroused by the emperor.

The huge axe blade was shining with dazzling profound light, tearing the defense of the barrier almost piece by piece, tearing the weird curse seal under the barrier, and split the curse seal in half.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to split under the curse seal, on the huge palm of the emperor that was sealed!

With the body of the witch **** Yin Xiu as support, the power that the ‘witch god’ evoked from the holy axe at this time was obviously much stronger than before.

Although that strand of Sorcerer God's Remnant Thought itself does not have much power, but the holy axe contains unimaginable stalwart power.

Previously, the Witch God Can Nian itself was too fragile and could not bear too strong power. If the power of the Holy Axe was forcibly stimulated, then the wisp of Witch God Can Nian itself would not be able to withstand it and would completely collapse and disappear.

This is also the wisp of Witch God Can Nian, after discovering the Witch God Yin Xiu hidden in Yin Xiu's body, it will directly issue a call unique to the Witch God clan, summoning the Witch God Yin Xiu and blend it into his body, with the help of his body. The reason to urge the Holy Axe.

With a flesh and blood body, even if the witch **** Yin Xiu's own strength is a bit infamous for that witch god’s remnant thoughts, he can use some special witch mystery methods to inspire some holy axe power to be transferred to the witch **** Yin Xiu. In his body, Yin Xiu, the witch god, briefly reached an incredible realm.

In this way, with the tyrannical body as the support, that strand of witch god's remnant thought can naturally mobilize more holy axes and greater power by controlling the body of witch **** Yin Xiu.

When the terrifying huge axe blade of the holy axe cuts into the palm of Youdi Jieyin, it seems that the entire space has been temporarily stopped, and the whole world is almost still.

It was like a moment, and it was like a long time.

Under the gaze of all the half-witches and You Clan inside and outside of Anyi City, the palm of You Emperor's hand was slightly broken by the holy axe swayed by the witch **** Yin Xiu, breaking open the bones, and finally, even more Cut the whole arm like an axe into a bamboo, and split it in half easily!

The whole process seemed extremely short, and at the same time it seemed very long.

It seems that everyone's eyes have seen this scene very clearly, the whole process, the whole process. However, in fact, the elapsed time was so short that it was just a moment or two!


With the bright mysterious light, the chilly holy axe swept across the air, and the half of the arm that was directly split in half by the axe was immediately completely disconnected from Youdi’s arm, and crashed heavily. On the dark altar below.

The dark red blood is almost like a rain of blood in the sky. The entire dark altar is filled with blood almost instantly, and it merges into a groove along the runes and textures engraved on it. A stream flows towards the edge and drops into the huge crater tens of thousands of meters deep...

While the giant arm of You Emperor was split from the middle by Yin Xiu, the shaman god, a painful and angry roar came from the passage of the ghost world.

The arm with only half of it still connected looked extremely **** and terrifying.

The incomparably thick white bones and the bone marrow inside are clearly visible, not to mention the bloody, dark red blood that is attached to the bones.


When the half of You Emperor's arm that was severed by Yin Xiu, the shaman god, smashed heavily on the dark altar, the channel of the ghost suddenly trembled.

The passage that was originally ‘narrow’ and completely occupied by the You Emperor’s arm seemed to be squeezed by a mighty force, trying to forcibly tear the passage to a bigger hole.

This is obviously because the You Emperor in the Nether Realm wanted to use brute force and recklessly tried to forcibly tear open the passage, so that his true body could completely rush into this world.

It's a pity that the wisp of witch god's remnant thought obviously couldn't make him achieve his wish.

If the real body of the new You Emperor in the Nether Realm is really allowed to completely descend into this world, then even if that witch god's remnant thoughts occupy the body of the witch **** Yin Xiu, it can mobilize even greater power from the holy axe, but it is absolutely impossible. Defeat that Youdi.

After all, in order to kill the You Emperor who invaded this world, the body of the'Sorcerer God' back then ran out of vitality and vitality. Even if the newly born You Emperor in the You Realm is not as strong as the You Emperor back then, it is definitely Not much difference.

The witch **** Yin Xiu himself is only the cultivation base of the witch in the middle of the Eight Ding stage, even if the witch god’s remnant thought transfers the power contained in the holy axe to the witch **** Yin Xiu, it is impossible to reach the point where it can compete with the emperor. .

Therefore, when he saw the tremor of the tunnel in the secluded the witch **** Yin Xiu immediately snorted, and then, the holy axe he held in his hand swept again and slashed. The end of Youdi's arm.


Sen however the bright axe light flashed again.

In the next moment, the holy axe in Yin Xiu's hand easily cut off the arm of You Emperor!

This time, the whole process is more straightforward.

Without the barriers of the enchantment and the curse seal, in front of the holy axe, the flesh and blood body of the emperor was no different from the tofu made.

The cold light flashed, and his arm was split in two instantly.

, The huge arm flew directly into the air, and the dark red blood gushed out from the severed arm like a fountain.

At the same time, the You Emperor's roar full of pain and anger came from the passage of the ghost again!

However, this did not end there.

After cutting off the entire arm of the Emperor You, the holy axe in the hand of Yin Xiu, the witch god, directly aimed at the passage of the ghost.

'boom! Rumble...’

The axe flashed across, and the secluded passageway immediately burst out with a huge roar, which made the surrounding sky tremble a few times.

Immediately after that, the secluded passage suddenly began to tremble and collapse, and the twisted space around it also collapsed quickly, forming a spatial turbulence...


With the collapse of the Netherworld Passage, a roar full of unwillingness also came from the collapsing Netherworld Passage, resounding throughout the world.

However, soon, this roar was left with only a little echo, echoing weakly between heaven and earth...


After a while, the passage of the Netherworld finally completely collapsed and disappeared.

Only a piece of space remained on the dark altar raging turbulently. And, the two arms of Youdi that were cut off by the witch **** Yin Xiu holding the holy axe... (To be continued.)

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