Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1130: Xing Tianjia


boom! Bang bang

The witch **** Yin Xiu held the holy axe in his hand and slammed on the dark altar one after another. Under the agitation of the majestic power, the space that had just been smoothed by the witch **** Yin Xiu almost collapsed again. 【】

Fortunately, the witch **** Yin Xiu suppressed that space in time.

However, as the holy axe slashed at the same position on the dark altar again and again, the white seal quickly became more and more obvious.

In almost every instant of time, Yin Xiu, the witch god, swung his axe no less than a thousand times.

If it weren't for the power of Yin Xiu, the witch god, to suppress that space, I'm afraid that shocking force would be enough to collapse and completely destroy the entire Anyi city, and even an earthquake of thousands of miles.

At this moment, all the half-witch eyes inside and outside the city of Anyi have been once again attracted to Yin Xiu, the wizard god.

They widened their eyes and watched Yin Xiu, the witch god, waved the huge holy axe in his hand again and again and chopped it on the dark altar that looked very small compared to the holy axe.

Those half-witches obviously also roughly guessed the purpose of Yin Xiu, the witch god. However, except for the great witch festival and a few high-level members of the half-witch clan such as the Witch King and Tianhou, the other ordinary half-witches were not very clear about the dark altar. what's going on.

In other words, they have always called that altar the Holy Axe Altar in their impressions, but the Youdi arm that appeared before made them feel that the Holy Axe altar might not be as they used to think. On the front, there is an altar dedicated to the sacred axe of witches.

Especially when they saw that Yin Xiu, the witch god, was actually holding the holy axe and was obviously about to destroy the holy axe altar, those half-witches understood that perhaps the holy axe altar itself was related to the evil ghosts of the You Race!

A little bit of time passed, and after about two or three minutes, the witch **** Yin Xiu had already swung the holy axe to chop the dark altar how many times.

As the white seal above became more and more obvious, and gradually formed a crack, destroying the weird runes and textures on the altar, gradually, the witch **** Yin Xiu wielded the holy axe every time to smash down the dark altar. The damage caused is also greater.

At this moment, when Yin Xiu, the **** of shaman, slammed the crack that had been a little worn out on the dark altar again, suddenly, a loud bang came from the dark altar.

Immediately afterwards, the runes and textures inscribed on the altar immediately became disordered, forming a huge energy turbulence, which burst out like a storm.

Upon seeing this, Yin Xiu, the witch god, immediately pressed down with his left hand, spit out a witch curse, and quickly bound the energy storm that erupted from the runes and textures of the dark altar in the area of ​​Holy Axe Mountain.

The entire Sacred Axe Mountain had long been destroyed by the battle between the witch **** Yin Xiu and the giant arm of You Emperor, leaving only the lonely towering stone pillar directly below the dark altar.

It’s just that as the dark altar itself begins to collapse, the turbulent energy storm will naturally immediately destroy the stone pillar below.

Boom! Rumble!

The fierce roar kept resounding, watching the dark altar finally be destroyed, the witch **** Yin Xiu couldn't help showing a slightly relaxed expression in his eyes.

Immediately after that, after the dark altar completely collapsed, Yin Xiu, the witch god, quickly took action to completely suppress the raging energy storm.

After everything returned to calm, Yin Xiu, the witch god, swept his gaze across the inside and outside of Anyi City, watching his half-witches with zealous eyes, with a trace of complex emotions faintly showing in his eyes.

After that, his gaze fell again on the holy axe beside him.

Holding the holy axe in his open hand, Yin Xiu's huge body, which is as high as ten thousand feet, shone with a faint flash of mysterious light, and in the blink of an eye, he quickly turned back to the point where he was only two meters high.

The holy axe in his hand was naturally also reduced to a length that matched his figure.

It’s just that his eyes are always staring at the holy axe in his hand, and his eyes are filled with a strong emotion of reluctance. His eyes carefully scan every corner of the holy axe, and his generous palm gently strokes the holy axe. Every inch of the axe!

Looking at his expression, it was like saying goodbye, or even a farewell, with a very deep sentimental and melancholy in his eyes. Of course, there is still a little relief and relief

At this moment, Yin Xiu the witch **** suddenly closed his eyes, and the expression on his face gradually eased and relaxed.

At the same time, in the depths of Yin Xiu's spiritual platform, the headless witch **** Can Nianzheng, whose eyes were his eyes and his belly button, was quietly watching Yin Xiu's consciousness.

He suddenly took a breath, staring deeply at the consciousness of the witch **** Yin Xiu for a moment, and then raised his hand to face the consciousness of the witch **** Yin Xiu gently.

The next moment, a faint mysterious light flew out of his chest, and suddenly fell into the consciousness of Yin Xiu, the wizard god.

Immediately after that, the wisp of witch god's remnant thought suddenly grinned at the consciousness of witch **** Yin Xiu, and then his figure gradually began to blur, until it disappeared completely after that moment.

The consciousness of the witch **** Yin Xiu stared at this scene blankly.

When the profound light that flew from the chest of the headless witch **** Cannian fell into his consciousness, the body of the witch **** Yin Xiu suddenly shook, and a roar immediately resounded in his consciousness, turning into a blank.

At the same time, countless information instantly flooded his entire consciousness, making Yin Xiu the witch god’s consciousness immediately lose the ability to think, and could only passively receive and absorb this information.

The huge flow of information made Yin Xiu's consciousness a bit unbearable, so that Yin Xiu's body was affected A blankness appeared in his eyes.

However, after a short period of time, Yin Xiu's body consciousness returned to normal.

After all, although the consciousness of the body and the witch **** clone are connected, they are relatively independent at the same time.

While the consciousness of the witch **** clone quickly received and digested the huge information that suddenly poured in, Yin Xiu's body was also clear about the information that had been digested by the consciousness of the witch **** clone.

Yin Xiu couldn't help muttering: "I didn't expect that the wisp of sorcerous thoughts is not the **** of war Xingtian in the ancient Chinese myths and legends, but it does seem to be related."

"Xing Tianjia, the last inheritor of the Xingtian clan of the Witch God clan! In the ancient times, ten thousand clan battles, immortals and demons turmoil, shattered the ancient land to pieces and collapsed everywhere, and opened up this secret world with his supreme might , And moved a piece of broken ground here."

"I wanted to use this place as a place for the witch gods to refuge and thrive, but I didn't expect the witch gods to migrate here before they were almost extinct."

Yin Xiu's tone was full of deep regret and sigh. To be continued.

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