A week later, Jiang Xing finally left the customs.

Both Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xianling, who had just stabilized their Jin Dan cultivation base, were obviously interested in this new realm and feelings, and they were constantly asking Yin Xiu to teach them new spells and swordsmanship.

After the cultivation base reaches the Golden Core Stage, there will be more spells that can be practiced, and in addition, you can practice swordsmanship.

For a cultivator who has stepped into the threshold, Yujian is a skill that must be skilled. Whether it is attacking the enemy with the sword or flying with the sword, it takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate.

With Yin Xiu's personal guidance, both Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun are smart people, so they are quite quick to master the sword.

As for the magic, because Yin Xiu and Jiang Xing had both been reborn with the lotus seeds of the Five Elements Holy Lotus, their physique transformed into the acquired body of the five elements, and the spells Yin Xiu taught them were also based on the five elements.

Practicing the five-element spells with their acquired five-element body will not only have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, but will also be more powerful.


Time passed day by day, and Yin Xiu spent almost half of his time teaching Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun to practice spells and swordsmanship every day.

Ning Yuejing also often came over to help Yin Xiu teach Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao.

During this period, Yin Xiu also roughly talked to Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xianling about his previous trip to the Half-Witch Secret Realm, and also called Jiang Li and other Half-Witch Tianhous over, so that Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao were both Get acquainted.

Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xiaoying were obviously very curious and longing for the wild, desolate, and primitive half-witch secret realm that Yin Xiu said. After Ning Yuejing talked about it for a while, Yin Xiu took them to the half-witch secret realm. After seeing them, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun were also full of expectant approval.

Therefore, after more than two months passed, and the time came in July, after Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xing had already mastered Yu Jianshu and the several spells Yin Xiu taught them, the group set off for the semi-witch secret realm.

Even the three of Yu Changsheng, Jing Qinghe, and Hang Boqian who knew about it were all wondering what the half-witch secret realm was like, so they followed Yin Xiu together.

As for Jiang Li and other half-witch Tianhou, naturally they followed back together.

In addition, Yin Chongwen also wanted to meet, so there were a dozen people in the mighty line, and Luluo, Xiaoman, Xiaopi and the other little guys naturally all followed along this time. .

Otherwise, if Yin Xiu is not there, and Ning Yuejing and Ji Xueqing are also not there, the few little guys should be upset.

When Yin Xiu and his entourage came to the half-witch secret realm, they saw that many half-witches were already building fortresses at the entrance of the secret realm.

A large part of the surrounding giant wood jungle has been cleared away, and some large pieces of burnt scorching marks can be seen.

Those half witches who were under construction around saw Yin Xiu and others suddenly emerge from the secret realm passage, and they were stunned. When the half witch saw that the person who appeared was actually Yin Xiu, they immediately cheered and shouted ‘Witch God’ loudly!

After the You Clan was annihilated that day, almost all the half-witches in the entire Anyi city already knew that Yin Xiu was their new "sorcerer god", and at this moment, the half-witches who were building fortresses in the secret realm were basically dispatched from Anyi city. , Naturally everyone knows Yin Xiu.

However, those half-witches were still a little bit strange in their hearts as to how Yin Xiu suddenly emerged from that ‘big hole’ in the sky, and he was surrounded by several Tianhou and a large group of people.

These ordinary half-witches still don’t know that the ‘big hole’ in the sky above their heads is a spatial passage to and from this world...

The Witch King Jiang Yan who was being'supervised' suddenly heard those half-witch shouts and couldn't help but lifted his spirits. He also immediately spotted Yin Xiu and his party, so he hurried over.

"Jiang Yan has seen the wizard god!"

Jiang Yan came to Yin Xiu and hurriedly bowed to see you.

Yin Xiu waved his hand lightly, but his gaze swept around, and then said to him: "It looks like this fortress is progressing very well. It shouldn't be completed soon, right?"

Seeing Yin Xiu's question, Jiang Yan immediately replied: "Yes, God of Sorcerer. According to the current progress, if nothing else, it should be enough to complete the work in about twenty or thirty days."

Yin Xiu nodded lightly, his gaze fell on the anxious marks in the distance, and he couldn't help asking: "It seems that those tree demons have committed a crime?"

Yin Xiu saw the traces of anxiety and knew that it was caused by the real fire of Samadhi. Since Jiang Yan was forced to use the jade charms he gave to stimulate the real fire of Samadhi, it was obvious that those who came in the process of building this fortress There should be a lot of tree devils committed.

Jiang Yan said: "Yes, the witch gods. During this period of time, those tree demons have attacked us more than ten times, two of which are relatively large. The Great Witch Festival is busy rebuilding the witch hall in Anyi City. I was the only guard here, so I had to use the jade charms you gave me."

Yin Xiu nodded lightly, and then asked, "How many jade charms are left, are they enough?"

Jiang Yan said, "Going back to the witch god, only five jade talismans were used, and the great witch festival only took six back. The rest are with me, so the jade talismans are enough for a short time."

After a short pause, Jiang Yan continued: "Furthermore, after those two large-scale attacks, I used the jade talisman you gave to the witch **** to inspire samadhi and burned many tree demons to death. Those tree demons are afraid that it will take a short time. I shouldn’t have the guts to attack us again."

"Yeah. That's fine. If anything happens, you can send someone out to find me at any time..." Yin Xiu responded lightly.


Jiang Yan responded respectfully.

Immediately, his gaze swept over the several Tianhou who followed Yin Xiu, as well as Yu Changsheng, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing and others. Among them, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao had not seen him last time.

Seeing Yin Xiu bringing so many people in, Jiang Yan couldn't help but ask: "Sorcerer God, what's the matter with you coming in this time?"

Yin Xiu smiled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, just my confidantes, and my elder brother, they are all curious here, so I took them in to take a look."

"We should go directly to Anyi City later, you don't need to greet us specially..."

Hearing Yin Xiu's words, Jiang Yan quickly responded, but couldn't help but glance at Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao.

Among these people, only Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao did not know him, and he guessed that he also knew that the red face in the mouth of the "witch god" should refer to them.

Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xiaoxiao suddenly heard Yin Xiu introducing them like this, but they were a little embarrassed, their delicate cheeks were slightly flushed, and they glanced at Yin Xiu with a little bit of anger, but there was something in their eyes. Kind of sweet affection.

During this period of time, although Yin Xiu didn't know what to say to them, when teaching them to practice swordsmanship and spells, both words and manners were undoubtedly much closer than before.

Seeing Yin Xiu in front of everyone saying that they are his beauties, I couldn't help feeling a little bit ashamed. (To be continued.)

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