Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1158: A few weird brawny

Stepping into the hall, Jiang Li and others immediately saluted Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingxing, "Jiang Li (Jiang Ye, Jiang He...) has seen your Highness and your Madam!"

Because Ning Yuejing still has the identity of Yin Xiu's disciple, Jiang Li and others are accustomed to calling her "His Royal Highness." As for Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao, they directly refer to her as "Madam."

"Well, Jiang Li, since you are all here, let's go out with us to meet the three noble masters of Sanqing Palace." Ning Yuejing said.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Jiang Li and the others quickly agreed.

At the moment, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingxiao walked out of the Penglai Pavilion together with Jiang Li and other five half-witch Tianhou, and flew towards Ling Xuzi and others outside Yanyue Sanxian Island. .

Because Yin Xiu's strength is still unclear, even if Yanyue Sanxian Island did not start the guardian formation, Ling Xuzi did not dare to use their spiritual sense to investigate the situation in Yanyue Sanxian Island.

When Ning Yuejing and others just vacated the Yujian, Jing Qinghe's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Xiaojing, your master, he is cultivating a magic weapon, he asked me to ask you about your situation, do you want him? help?"

After hearing Jing Qinghe’s voice, Ning Yuejing quickly said: “Auntie, I don’t need it for the time being. I will take Jiang Li and the others to meet the three masters of Sanqing Palace. What is the specific intention of the other party? I won’t know until I’ve seen it."

"Well, OK. Then you will meet them first. Don't worry, your three uncles and I will pay attention to your situation. If you really want anything, we will immediately notify you of your uncle and rush over, so you don't have to. What worries and concerns..."

Jing Qinghe Road.

Although Ning Yuejing's voice couldn't reach the cave where Jing Qinghe was practicing, but Jing Qinghe's spiritual sense extended here, and she could naturally hear what she said.

After Ning Yuejing answered again, she led Jiang Li and others to continue towards Ling Xuzi and others outside Yanyue Sanxian Island.

The three Ling Xuzi who were waiting outside Yanyue Sanxian Island felt that several spiritual consciousness swept across them, but they didn't care.

Since they have already stated their identities just now, it is inevitable for the people in Yanyue Sect to release their spiritual sense to investigate the situation.

What's more, the three of them can also feel that two of the spiritual senses that have been swept over them just now are only at the level of the body phase, and the other is a little weird, it seems a little different from the ordinary spiritual sense. But the level should be the period of tribulation.

The three of Ling Xuzi took it for granted that the weird ‘spiritual awareness’ of the catastrophe period level should be Yin Xiu’s spiritual sense, but they didn’t know that it was actually the half-witch spirit that Jiang Li had released from investigating them!

Jiang Li and Jiang He and other five half-witch Tianhous live together on weekdays, so after Jiang Li has used the half-witch spirit to investigate Ling Xuzi and others, Jiang He and Jiang Ye and others Half-witch Tianhou did not use their half-witch spirit to investigate again.

This is also the reason why Ling Xuzi and others mistakenly believed that Jiang Li's half-witch spirit was Yin Xiu's'spiritual sense'.

Otherwise, if they find that there are several weird ‘spiritual senses’ that have reached the level of the Tribulation Transition stage sweeping over them at the same time, they should immediately feel something wrong.

As for the spiritual consciousness of the two-path combination period, it is obviously the possession of Jing Qinghe and Hang Boqian.

After a while, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing and others had already flown away from Penglai Fairy Island. And the three Ling Xuzi, who were waiting not far away from the island, could already see Ning Yuejing and others with naked eyes.

When they only saw a vague figure of Ning Yuejing and others from a distance, they all lifted their spirits and thought that Yin Xiu had come out.

But afterwards, they immediately discovered that there did not seem to be Yin Xiu's figure among the people who came out. Instead, they were three women first, and behind the three women were followed by several burly men!

This made Ling Xuzi's three people startled slightly, and they couldn't help but glance at each other.

"Senior Brother Ling Xu, Junior Brother Xuanzhen, it seems that Sect Master Yanyue is not among those people." Yuan Yizi frowned and said.

Ling Xuzi also nodded calmly, and said: "Looking at those people, I really didn't see the figure of the Yanyue Sect Master. The three women in front of them have a normal level of cultivation. They are only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, but the few men behind them make people unable to see the depth..."

Xuan Zhenzi said unpleasantly: "I see, maybe Sect Master Yanyue doesn't bother to show up to meet us."

Yuan Yizi looked at him, shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't think it should be. No matter how arrogant and arrogant the Sect Master Yanyue is, we are the Lord of the Sanqing Palace after all. He came to visit in person and he was justified. No matter what, you have to come out in person."

Xuan Zhenzi curled his lips and said, "Senior Brother Yuanyi, this is not necessarily. Otherwise, why is he not showing up now?"


Yuan Yizi also hesitated.

At this time, Ling Xuzi said solemnly: "No matter what medicine the other party sells in the gourd, we can't mess with ourselves. After those people come over, let's just ask."

"Well. Regardless of whether Sect Master Na Yanyue deliberately avoided seeing him, or because other things did not show up, we will continue to act according to the original plan when that happens."

Yuan Yizi also nodded calmly.

Upon hearing this, Xuan Zhenzi responded: "Okay, then listen to you two seniors."

After a slight pause, Xuan Zhenzi said again: "However, Senior Brother Ling Xu was right just now, and I also feel that the burly-looking men behind the three women are a bit weird. I can't see their depth."

As he said, Xuan Zhenzi couldn't help but frowned.

Jiang Li and others are half witches, and the fundamentals of cultivating are not the same way as the cultivators. Just by looking at them, how can the three of Ling Xuzi see the roots of Jiang Li?

In addition,, the aura of Jiang Li and others are quite different from those of ordinary cultivators, which undoubtedly made the three of Ling Xuzi feel quite strange.

However, under such circumstances, they did not dare to use their spiritual sense to investigate Jiang Li directly so blatantly.

Although their intention was to stimulate some conflicts, they forced Yin Xiu to take action and test Yin Xiu's strength.

However, when Yin Xiu's strength is still unclear, they also need to control the degree of conflict, not to really tear their skin, to irritate each other completely, and the two sides fight to death.

In addition, Yin Xiu did not show up right now, and the three Ling Xuzi were even more inconvenient to use their spiritual sense to directly investigate the cultivation level of Jiang Li and others.

After all, this is a naked provocation.

Under normal circumstances, any cultivator does not want to be probed by other people with spiritual sense, just like ordinary people would never like to be naked.

Before making up his mind to completely turn his face with Yanyuezong, the three of Ling Xuzi would definitely not dare to make such a mess. (To be continued.)

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