Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1177: I will "please" you over again

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Master Cheng Zhi waiting for a group of Jin Huazong high-level officials to look at Yin Xiu who had taken back the Fan Tianyin, just waiting for them in his spare time, couldn't help but glance at each other, and then glanced at Yin Xiu's side, completely imprisoned, unable to move. Elder Lin.

Master Chengzhi exchanged quick glances with several elders, then Master Chengzhi stepped forward a little bit, took a deep breath, and shouted at Yin Xiu: "Who is your Excellency, why did you break into me suddenly? Attacked my Jinhua Sect in the Jinhua Cave, and arrested the elder Lin of my Jinhua Sect?"

I guessed that Yin Xiu should be the person who rushed in from outside, so Master Chengzhi also used the Chinese language that he had just learned.

Hearing Master Chengzhi's opening and asking, Yin Xiu couldn't help pursing the corners of his mouth, sneered coldly, and said faintly: "Who am I? You don't need to know, and I have no obligation to answer you."

"As for why I arrested your people, I rushed in and attacked your sect, ha ha, I think you should be aware of this."

As Yin Xiu's voice fell, those Supreme Elders and elders of Jin Huazong couldn't help but commotion slightly.

"This person has such a crazy tone, he simply doesn't put our Jinhua Sect in the eyes..."

"Indeed. However, this person does have arrogant capital. If not unexpected, he should be the cultivation base of the tribulation period!"

"It seems that he really came for the people who were caught just now."

While the elders of the Jinhua Sect were talking in low voices and whispering, Master Chengzhi looked at the several elders on both sides, and then spoke to Yin Xiu: "It seems that this fellow Taoist should have been Did we invite those friends in here?"

"Please? Haha, what a "please" word!"

Yin Xiu sneered mockingly, and looked at Master Chengzhi and the other Jinhua Sect Supreme Elders and elders with a sneer on his face.

The next moment, Yin Xiu suddenly shot without warning, his figure flashed suddenly.

He appeared directly in front of Master Chengzhi in an instant, and grabbed Master Chengzhi's throat with his open hand.

Master Chengzhi and the elders and elders of Jinhuazong around him only felt that there was a flower in front of them. When they reacted, Yin Xiu had appeared in front of Master Chengzhi with one hand stuck in his throat.

This surprised everyone.


"Dare you!"

The several elders next to Master Chengzhi burst into anger subconsciously, and immediately attacked Yin Xiu. Master Chengzhi himself instinctively wanted to activate the true essence mana in his body and break free from Yin Xiu's shackles.

However, at that moment, Master Chengzhi suddenly felt that he had completely lost the sense of the true essence mana in his body, and could not mobilize even the slightest mana.

Moreover, he felt that his body was involuntarily being rushed forward by a force that made him completely irresistible...


After a whistling, Jin Huazong's attacks on Yin Xiu all failed.

When they looked intently, there were still signs of Yin Xiu and Master Chengzhi in the same place. The two of them had returned to where Yin Xiu had been in an instant!

Seeing that Sect Master Cheng Zhi didn’t even have a trace of resistance, he was caught by Yin Xiu in front of all of them. They didn’t even have time to react. Those Supreme Elders and elders of Jinhua Sect suddenly burst into an uproar. .

"This this……"

"How is this possible! He, he actually took the Sect Master!"

"His speed is so fast that even my spiritual sense can't catch him. Moreover, the Sect Master's cultivation in the later stage of the integration, how can he be directly affected by him without the ability to resist? To be taken away by imprisonment?"

"What kind of cultivation level is he? In the middle of the catastrophe? Or the latter? Or... he is already a figure in the Mahayana period?!"


The people of Jin Huazong widened their eyes and looked at Yin Xiu, who was cold in front of him, in disbelief, and Master Chengzhi who was stuck in his throat, staring at him, and unable to move.

This scene really made them feel incredible.

Even though I had guessed that Yin Xiu was likely to be a character in the tribulation period, but I never expected that Yin Xiu's strength would be so strong that it would completely crush them, and he would become a master in the later stage of the conjoined body. The Sect Master had no room for resistance in front of him, and he was not much different from an insignificant ant.

This is really shocking, surprised, and unbelievable to those Supreme Elders and elders of Jinhua Sect!

In fact, this is not surprising at all. With Yin Xiu's cultivation in the late stage of the Tribulation, how much room can Master Chengzhi in the later stage of the integration have in front of him?

What's more, Yin Xiu's three-level movement technique "Walker Without Borders" has reached an incredible speed, and even to a certain extent, it has been able to ignore the barrier of spatial distance. This is also the Jinhua Sect's superiors. The reason why the spiritual sense of the elders and elders could not capture Yin Xiu's Faced with Yin Xiu who suddenly rushed forward, the unsuspecting Master Chengzhi had no time to react. First, Yin Xiu confined the true essence mana in his body, how could he still resist?

The elder Lin who was imprisoned by Yin Xiu on the side saw that even the Sect Master was like him, and was grabbed by Yin Xiu without any resistance. Those eyes suddenly became swollen, and his eyes were full of shock.

At this time, Yin Xiu's gaze swept across the Jinhua Sect's Supreme Elder and the elders, and the mana in the hand that pinched Master Chengzhi’s throat was flowing. Suddenly, Master Chengzhi immediately rolled his eyes and his muscles stopped. He couldn't help but began to twitch and tremble slightly, but because of Yin Xiu's mana confinement, he could only tremble very slightly.

Later, Yin Xiu looked at Master Chengzhi and said faintly: "I will'please' you over now, how about my manners?"

Yin Xiu was obviously mocking what Master Chengzhi said just now.

After hearing Yin Xiu's words, Master Chengzhi shook his throat, but there was no half a syllable.

The true essence mana, soul, spiritual sense, and body in his body were all imprisoned by Yin Xiu, and there was no sound channel at all.

When the elders and elders of Jin Huazong saw Yin Xiu's actions, they suddenly became anxious.

One of the elders hurriedly yelled: "Senior, senior! Please also raise your hand and be merciful!"

"Yes, senior, it was me who didn't know Taishan before, and the collision offended you. Please be magnanimous. The adults don't remember the villain!"

Another Supreme Elder also quickly agreed. 8

Baidu asks the novel net to respond to every request! The return of cultivation is in the latest chapter of the city, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!

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