Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 308: Long Yin


The ground trembled suddenly, and a huge ball of light broke through the surface and rose. Baidu search Geli Literature Network

Yin Xiu stared at the light ball emerging from the ground and couldn't help taking a deep breath, with a little surprise on his face.

I saw that the ball of light was as huge as a house, and the surface was enveloped with a thick layer of blood, light and black air, as if a drop of dark red blood was dripping down continuously, raging and resentful!

In addition, the light ball itself presents a half-black and half-white yin and yang two colors, like Tai Chi, blending with each other and forming a whole body. There are countless different mysterious runes flickering on it, and it can be vaguely seen inside that is also full of dark red blood evil resentment...

"What the **** is it!"

Yin Xiu stared solemnly at the gradually rising ‘yin and yang’ light ball. His spiritual sense could not get close to the light ball, so he could only recognize it with his naked eyes.

Zhou Ting and others in the distance, as well as many people, also saw a huge ball of light slowly rising amidst a sudden burst of dark red blood.

For a while, everyone was surprised and talked in an uproar.

"what is that?"

"It looks scary."

"Could there be some ghosts or monsters in it?"


The voice of discussion sounded in all the villages or places where people gathered.

Zhou Ting and the others took a breath after seeing the light ball, staring in surprise. His expression was full of curiosity and surprise.

"Uncle Six, do you, do you know what this is? What a big ball of light!" The little fat man opened his small eyes as much as possible and asked in a whisper.

The middle-aged Taoist priest also looked terrified at this time, and he shook his head subconsciously after hearing this: "I don't know. But it must be something very amazing..."

The little fat man turned his head and looked at the middle-aged Taoist priest, then looked at the huge ball of light that was gradually rising higher and higher in the distance, and nodded in sympathy, "Well! I think so too!"

Compared with Little Fatty, Zhou Ting, Xu Lu and others are undoubtedly much quieter. Although they were equally surprised, they watched quietly and did not speak out.

the other side. Yin Xiu watched the light ball gradually rise, could not help but stepped back a little distance, and then stared at the flashing runes on the surface of the light ball.

The frequency of those runes flickering and extinguishing at this moment was gradually accelerating, and even Yin Xiu vaguely saw a very faint tremor on the surface of the light ball.

Not surprisingly. It is very likely that the existence that is blocked in the ball of light is constantly impacting the runes on the ball of light, "Zhen Feng"!

"What is blocked inside? These runes are all very particular..."

Yin Xiu stared at the rune on the surface of the ball of light, concentrating on it. What made him even more surprised was the extremely thick blood evil resentment faintly visible in the light ball.

"The power released from the sphere of light, blocking my spiritual sense, is obviously full of a mighty, majestic, and fierce power. Why is there so much filthy and evil blood evil resentment inside! "

This point made Yin Xiu extremely puzzled.

Just when Yin Xiu was puzzled, the ball of light had slowly risen to a height of several hundred meters. The mysterious runes on the surface suddenly erupted with a'crack' sound. In an instant, dazzling rays of light flickered, as if brilliance bloomed, and then, those runes quickly and completely extinguished...

Seeing this scene, Yin Xiu's spirit was slightly refreshed.

This is the existence in the ball of light has begun to break through part of the rune.

Then, as Yin Xiu had expected, the runes on the surface of the light ball gradually burst into dazzling brilliance one after another, and then completely died out.


Just now. A sudden long moan came out of the light ball very suddenly.

This long roar is majestic, high-pitched, loud and steady, revealing an incomparably majestic, majestic, and vast power, like a dragon's roar, it rushes straight into the sky, through the sky and the earth, spreading from all directions...

When this long chant, like a dragon chant, came out, the surrounding world seemed to have a slight pause. Within hundreds of miles, the birds and beasts were silent, and the trees were still. It was really ‘all silence’!

This long chant was also heard by people within hundreds of miles.

People who had been shocked by the previous ‘earthquake’ suddenly heard the majestic and majestic long chants as if they were coming from nine days away. Suspiciously, he looked around...

"Uncle Six, why is this so like the legendary'Dragon Yin' sound?"

After hearing the sound, the little fat man in the distance changed his expression slightly, and asked with a little nervousness in his surprised expression.

The middle-aged Taoist slowly nodded his head with a solemn expression. "It is indeed very similar to the legendary'Dragon Yin' in ancient books!"

Zhou Ting and others nearby couldn't help but turned their heads to look at the little fat man and the middle-aged Taoist priest in amazement.

"Dao Zhang, could it be... Could it be that a creature like a'dragon' really existed in this world?!" Xu Lu couldn't help but ask in surprise.

Tang Xiao was also surprised, and said: "Yes, it's not that dragons are just totems of our Chinese nation, are they made up of a variety of other animals? How could there be such a'dragon'? biological!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest glanced at him and looked at him with surprise, Zhou Ting and the others, and slowly said: "I can't be sure about this. It's just that there are only a few words about the'dragon' in some ancient books. Is it specific? There really was a'dragon' once...this, the poor way is unknown."

"oh, I see……"

Xu Lu responded slightly disappointed. Zhou Ting, Tang Xiao and others are also like this.

As a descendant of China, who doesn't want the totem "dragon" of their nation to be real? Even if I told myself that this possibility was almost impossible, I still hoped that there was a ‘dragon’ in my heart.

Compared to other people, Yin Xiu heard some other meanings from the sudden long moan, his face changed slightly, and a look of surprise burst out of his eyes looking at the light ball. .

"This, this breath, this kind of faintly contains endless sadness and anger, endless resentment, can it be..."

Yin Xiu suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

I saw that above the nine layers of high clouds, the wind and clouds suddenly rose, and a trace of dark red gradually appeared very abruptly at the place where the wind and clouds met.

There are also wisps of snow-white light quietly emerging from the inexplicable depths of the sky, gradually forming petals like snow lotus petals, slowly falling from the nine-layer sky...

An inexplicable sorrow and sorrow suddenly came to Yin Xiu's heart.

There was no sign, and it was completely beyond Yin Xiu's self-will. That grief suddenly emerged from the deepest part of his heart, from the soul, and couldn't be restrained...

At the same time, the slight low tremors above the vast ground also came without warning.

What is even more shocking is that on the sky, a layer of blood gradually enveloped the high-hanging sun. At the same time, on the other side, a full moon actually appeared in everyone's vision under the blue sky and white sun.

The surface of the white full moon was also gradually enveloped by a layer of blood, and the blood became deeper and deeper, as if it were about to condense into droplets...

Zhou Ting and others on the ground, as well as countless people farther away, gradually discovered this world and earth change. Even everyone within a radius of thousands of kilometers discovered this abnormal change between heaven and earth.

I saw the sky, the sun and the moon, the **** sun and the moon, and also saw the boundless sky above the sky, a trace of dark red was constantly appearing, more and more.

I also saw the scene where the petal gradually condensed into white like a lotus, and the petals exuding a holy shimmer gradually withered from the nine-layer sky...

I even felt the inexplicable whistling and trembling of the ground under my feet. And, that inexplicable sadness...

Within thousands of kilometers, all people and all creatures felt the sadness and sorrow that came from the deepest part of their hearts at this moment.

Even the flowers and trees unconsciously bent slightly in the direction of the light ball.

The rest of the creatures, whether they are animals or humans, have gradually reddened their eye sockets, and tears slowly flowed out of their sockets without their own control, quietly flowing...

All people don't know why they feel such depression, grief, and sorrow so suddenly in their hearts, let alone why they cry.

However, everyone was crying uncontrollably at this moment, and two lines of clear tears shed involuntarily in their eyes. Even when many people were unaware of it, tears flowed down on their own...

"Why do I suddenly feel a sense of panic and sadness in my heart? I really want to cry..." Xu Lu couldn't help holding her chest with one hand, and said with a calm expression.

"I also have this feeling……"

Zhou Ting frowned. Just halfway through the conversation, Tang Xiao next to him pointed to Xu Lu and said, "Sister Xiaolu, you are already crying."

Originally, Tang Xiao wanted to make fun of Xu Lu with two sentences, but when he said this, the feeling of wanting to laugh could not be mentioned. On the contrary, the sadness in his heart lingered. .

If it was in normal times, if Tang Xiao said about Xu Lu, Zhao Cheng and Ding Hao next to them would definitely laugh loudly. However, at this moment, they also couldn't bring up the slightest smile.

Xu Lu didn't seem to know that her eyes were already full of Hearing Tang Xiao's words, she only noticed it after a shock. Naturally, I was surprised and shocked.

However, when she saw Tang Xiao next to her with tears in her eyes and tears streaming down her face, she was supposed to be'breaking tears into laughter'. She wanted to mock Tang Xiao and fight back, but she also couldn't give birth to anything. Mind and thoughts that are a little joke.

He just said dryly, "I'm so embarrassed to say me, aren't you the same?"

Tang Xiao obviously didn't notice that he was already in tears. After hearing Xu Lu's words, he was shocked and quickly raised his hand to wipe his face, only to realize that his face was really full of tears.

"What's going on? I shed tears myself, but why don't I feel it at all?" Tang Xiao stared at the tears wiped from his hands, very incredible. However, tears continued to flow in his eyes... (To be continued.)

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