Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 321: Met uncle master

Yin Chongwen obviously didn't know about Yin Xiu's acceptance of his disciples. After hearing this, he looked at Ning Yuejing in surprise and looked at it carefully. Baidu search Geli Literature Network

Ning Yuejing also took the initiative to speak at this moment: "Xiaojing has seen Master Uncle."

Yin Chongwen couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and looked at Ning Yuejing and said, "Okay, okay. Haha, Xiaojing, right, so good-looking children."

"You don't have to be polite, just sit down."

Yin Chongwen greeted.

Lead Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing to sit down in the bamboo chair next to them. In the cold winter season, the bamboo chair is also covered with a thick cushion, so you won’t feel cold when sitting.

"Houde, go, bring me a pot of hot water, and make a pot of good tea for your uncle..."

After Yin Chongwen sat down, he instructed Yin Houde next to him.

Yin Houde hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Okay, Dad, I will go now."

After Yin Houde turned and left the bamboo house, Yin Chongwen said to Yin Xiu: "Brother, how are you in Yinhai recently?"

Yin Xiu nodded lightly, showing a smile, and replied, "They are all good. I have been in the realm of cultivation for these years. I have experienced a lot of fights and killings. I recently came back, and my days have become much more peaceful, and the whole person feels very relaxed. Comfortable..."

"That's good." Yin Chongwen said, "I also said that if you think you are a little colder in Yinhai by yourself, you should come to live with me. There are also a few children in the house, so you can talk with them. It’s not so cold to chat or something."

From the bottom of his heart, Yin Chongwen obviously hopes that Yin Xiu can come here to live with him.

However, Yin Xiu did not feel much familiarity here, and occasionally came to see my little brother, it would be okay for a vacation or something, if I lived here all the time. That's not what Yin Xiu wanted.

What's more, now he has accepted Xiao Jing as a disciple, and Xiao Jing still has to go to school.

Knowing the intention of Yin Chongwen's words, Yin Xiu just smiled lightly, and said, "I'm fine in Yinhai. I have Xiao Jing with me now. Besides, there are still these little guys at home, so I won't be deserted. ."

While Yin Xiu was talking, Xiaoman, who was sitting on his shoulders, yelled to Yin Chongwen, "Gaj!"

Xiaopi, who had been lying next to Yin Xiu, heard Xiaoman's cry, so he stood up and snarled. Show your own presence...

Yin Chongwen laughed dumbly when he saw these two little guys. He had seen Xiaoman last time and knew that this was a very powerful spirit beast that Yin Xiu had adopted.

But Xiaopi had never seen it before.

Especially when I saw that Xiaopi was just an ordinary puppy at the moment, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Brother, is this something you recently raised? Or is it raised by my nephew?"

With that, Yin Chongwen couldn't help but glanced at Ning Yuejing who was sitting beside Yin Xiu. Probably when he thought about it, there should be more little girls like Xiao Jing who can raise this kind of puppy.

Yin Xiu glanced at Xiaopi standing at his feet and said with a smile: "I raised it. Brother, don't you have to look down on this little guy, it's not a puppy..."


Yin Chongwen was startled, then looked at Xiao Pi, and asked in surprise: "This is not a puppy, what is it?"

Yin Xiu smiled slightly. He squeezed the Dao Fajue and removed the'phantom art' on Xiao Pi, and said, "Xiao Pi is actually a brave. It's just too dazzling outside. So I put it on him. Dao Illusion, transform it into the appearance of a puppy."

Yin Chongwen saw that Xiaopi's body had changed, from a very ordinary puppy to a dragon-like head, four hoofs like lin palms, and gray-white coat, although his head was still so small. But it seems to have a lot of mighty and majestic images of strange animals.

Isn't this look very similar to the description of Pai Yao in the legend?

"Brother, is this really a brave?" Yin Chongwen suddenly raised his head. Looking at Yin Xiu with a surprised look, he asked.

Yin Xiu nodded with a smile. "Yes. It was just born some time ago, so it's so small now."


Yin Chongwen couldn't help taking a long breath. Unexpectedly, Yin Xiu could even get an ancient alien beast like Pai Yao, which is really surprising.

At this time, Ning Yuejing suddenly pulled Yin Xiu's clothes lightly, and whispered: "Master, Xiao Jelly can figure it out, can you?"

Yin Xiu couldn't help turning his head to look at Ning Yuejing's pocket when he heard that, and he saw that Ling's hands were pulling the edge of Ning Yuejing's pocket, looking up at Ning Yuejing.

There are no outsiders here, so naturally there is no problem.

So Yin Xiu nodded and said, "Yes."

The opposite Yin Chongwen also noticed Yin Xiu's gaze, so he also saw the spirit hiding in the pocket of Ning Yuejing's clothes, and a look of doubt and curiosity suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He asked: "Brother, what is this? Why do I feel that the power in it seems to be very strong!"

He hadn't paid attention before, so he hadn't noticed the faint trace of powerful aura from the spirit body hiding in the pocket of Ning Yuejing's clothes.

When I saw it at this moment, I was naturally aware of it.

After all, Yin Chongwen was already at the peak of the Huayuan Period and was about to impact the existence of Jindan Avenue. He was quite sensitive to various forces, and it was not surprising that he could perceive the faint power of the spirit body.

Of course, if you change someone with a low level of cultivation, you may not be able to detect it.

"This is a spirit body. Its power is probably not much different from you now." Yin Xiu explained.

Yin Chongwen was surprised again when he heard the words. He watched slowly flying out of Ning Yuejing's clothes pocket, and then leisurely sitting on the spirit on Ning Yuejing's shoulders, and said in surprise: "It is so strong!"

After speaking, Yin Chongwen couldn't help but looked at Xiaoman on Yin Xiu's shoulders and Xiaopi on his feet, and couldn't help but sigh for a while.

My eldest brother is really powerful enough. The ‘thing’ he raises is either a top-level spirit beast or an ancient beast, or a spirit body whose strength is comparable to his own...

It is estimated that none of these little guys are much inferior to their own strength, right? Maybe stronger!

Yin Chongwen once again marveled in his heart that the cultivator was really different from the ‘common vulgar’. This level is simply two different worlds.

While Yin Chongwen was deeply moved, Yin Xiu said: "Brother, the true essence in your body should almost be able to impact the golden core realm, right?"

Counting that after teaching the cultivation technique to the younger brother, more than half a year has passed. Although Yin Xiu didn't use his spiritual sense to investigate the true essence of Yin Chongwen's body, he could feel it only from the breath of his body.

Hearing this, Yin Chongwen came back to his senses, so he nodded and replied, "Well, I feel that the true essence in my body has almost reached its limit."

Yin Xiudao: "In the past few days, you will continue to refine it carefully, and then relax for a few days, adjust your mentality and spirit to the best level. Then you will start to hit Jindan Avenue. Then I will personally There will be basically no problems for you to protect the Fa. You don't need to have any pressure or nervousness, you have brother in everything."

Yin Chongwen was slightly agitated. Is it finally possible to hit that Jindan Avenue?

Feeling excited for a while, he quickly replied, "Okay, brother, I will listen to you."

After a few more casual chats with Yin Chongwen, Yin Houde finally brought a pot of hot water that had just been boiled, and then made tea for Yin Xiu and the others on the side, waiting on the sidelines.

Ning Yuejing didn't feel bored listening to the conversation between Yin Xiu and Yin Chongwen's brothers. Although there was no change in expression on her face, her eyes wide open showed that she was listening carefully.

The three little guys, Xiaoman, Xiaopi, and Ling, were also quietly sitting or lying on their sides. The whole atmosphere seemed very peaceful, with a touch of warmth, as if it were home.

If there is another brazier in the middle, maybe a few more sweet potatoes are roasted on the side of the brazier, and the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes is faintly wafting out... it would be even more perfect.

Yin Xiu and Yin Chongwen were chatting in the bamboo house. In the front hall, Yin Tianlei and several other middle-aged three generations of the Yin family were already busy with dinner.

Yin Xiu is here, although today is not the New Year's Eve, but this dinner has to be more sumptuous and grand.

Yin Zhaowu and Yin Jiaqian also helped.

They both ran back from the city because they knew that Yin Xiu was here today.

They usually live in Jiangyuan City with their parents. Only Yin Houzhao lived in his hometown. Moreover, even Yin Houzhao's children are still outside, and they don't usually come back for nothing.

Most young people nowadays are accustomed to the life in the city outside. It is good for them to come back to the countryside occasionally as a leisure vacation. It is good to relax. If they are to live in the countryside for a long time, they may not be able to stay.

"Four brother, this one is ready, you help me bring the green vegetables over..."

Yin Jiaqian handed some mushrooms that had just been washed to Yin Zhaowu, and asked him to put them on the side table, and by the way, help her bring the vegetables to be washed next to him.

Yin Zhaowu took over the vegetable basket with mushrooms, and hurriedly responded, "Hey, good."

"Four brother, let's go find the grandfather later, okay?" Yin Jiaqian suddenly whispered.

Yin Zhaowu gave her a surprised look, and asked, "What do you want to do with the grandpa? He should be talking to the grandpa now."

Yin Jiaqian showed a little embarrassed expression and whispered: "I want to ask the grandfather to bring Xiaoman and Xiaopi out to play..."


Yin Zhaowu was I didn't expect that my cousin was just to find Xiaoman and Xiaopi to play.

"Four brother, okay? The grandfather is also talking to the grandfather anyway, can't we let Xiaoman and the little belt come out to play? There is also the little sister-in-law, let's ask her to come out and play together."

Yin Jiaqian said.

Yin Zhaowu thought for a while, nodded slowly, and replied: "Okay, then go and ask the grandfather later."

"Hee hee, thank you fourth brother!" Yin Jiaqian laughed happily. (To be continued)

ps: Today’s third update, ask for subscription, ask for recommendation ticket, ask for monthly pass~ Then, there will be no less than two to three chapters today.

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