Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 793: Old friends reunion

"Gaj, Gaj..."

Before Yin Zhaowu and Yin Jiaqian could speak back, Xiao Man jumped up to them with a grin and raised his head and yelled at them several times. Obviously Xiaoman still remembers them both.

Yin Jiaqian looked at Xiaoman and couldn't help but smile.

Yin Zhaowu directly responded to Yin Xiu's words: "Grandpa, we have been doing well for the past two years, thank you for your concern."


Yin Xiu smiled and responded lightly, and looked at Yin Jiaqian again, and said, "It seems that Jiaqian has been working hard as before in her cultivation for the past two years. Now she is about to break through to the Huayuan stage, yes, yes."

Yin Jiaqian's talents can only be said to be mid-to-high, and now that she can cultivate to the peak of the Qi Refining Period, she is indeed very concerned.

Hearing Yin Xiu’s compliment, Yin Jiaqian hurriedly replied: "You have passed the award. Thanks to my grandfather who gave me a few spirit stones and spirit fruits, I was able to cultivate so quickly to where I am now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I have to pay. Only a few more years of cultivation will achieve the current achievements."

At the beginning, Yin Xiu left a lot of spiritual stones for the Yin family and various elixir and spiritual fruits that could be used to lay the foundation and improve physical fitness. Those juniors with good talents in the family have gotten some more or less.

Yin Jiaqian should be regarded as one of the most outstanding among the four generations of the Yin family, and she has naturally received a lot of care in this respect.

Yin Xiu smiled, and tried to say a few more words, "Cultivate hard, there is no shortage of resources for various cultivation aspects here, as long as you work hard to improve your cultivation level, please ask you for all the resources you need. If you want grandpa."

Hearing this, Yin Jiaqian couldn't help but smiled sweetly, and said crisply: "Eh! Thank you, grandpa, I will work hard and will not disappoint your expectations."

After chatting with Yin Zhaowu and Yin Jiaqian for a while, Yin Xiu asked Xiao Jing to take Lu Luo and Xiao Man out to play with them.

Xiao Jing is very familiar with Yin Zhaowu and Yin Jiaqian. At the beginning, he followed Yin Xiu to Yin Chongwen and played with them.

The next day, as the New Year’s Eve arrived, the juniors of the Yin family also rushed back one by one.

A huge family, with one piece up and down, there are hundreds of people. For a while, the front yard and back yard of the entire Yin family seemed very lively.

Yin Xiu only came out with Yin Chongwen during the New Year's Eve dinner to take photos with these juniors, and spent most of the rest of the time in bamboo forests and bamboo houses.

On the contrary, Xiao Jing took Lu Luo, Xiao Man and a group of little guys around Yin Zhaowu and Yin Jiaqian for a while, and then ran to Yaoshan.

In a blink of an eye, it was the third day of the first lunar month. Most of the juniors in the Yin family have already returned to the city, and only Yin Zhaowu and Yin Jiaqian are still there.

And on this day, another old acquaintance of Yin Xiu came to Yin's house to celebrate the New Year.

It's Gu Shuyao.

Speaking of it, Yin Xiu and Gu Shuyao also haven't seen each other in a few years. Seeing me again now, I can't help but feel a little bit ‘reunited with old friends’.

Gu Shuyao's mood is obviously more complicated than Yin Xiu's.

Since learning Yin Xiu's identity that year, she felt a weird, sad, mixed feeling in her heart. She originally thought Yin Xiu was just a peer of her age, and regarded Yin Xiu as a friend of hers.

But I didn't expect that Yin Xiu would be a ‘fairy’, and even the elder brother of Grandpa Yin’s!

After Yin Xiu's identity was exposed, Gu Shuyao asked some things about Yin Xiu from Yin Zhaowu. It was precisely because Yin Xiu's identity had been exposed at that time that Yin Zhaowu was willing to confide this to Gu Shuyao.

Now that a few years have passed, plus a year ago, Yin Xiu appeared again and killed those Western pseudo-gods without leaving them. It is conceivable that when I see Yin Xiu again at this moment, how complicated Gu Shuyao's heart is. .

Yin Xiu was quite calm. Looking at Gu Shuyao who was following his father and grandfather to pay a New Year's greetings, with a faint smile on his face, he said: "Shu Yao, haven't seen me in a few years, how are you doing?"

Hearing Yin Xiu's words, Gu Shuyao looked at him with a complicated expression, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to call Yin Xiu.

Still continue to call by name?

Or...follow the grandpa of the Yin family and call him "Grandpa"?

Gu Shuyao's heart is a little messy.

As for her father and grandfather, naturally they also knew the identity of Yin Xiu, and I also remember that when they first met Yin Xiu, Yin Xiu and Gu Shuyao regarded themselves as friends.

Therefore, right now they didn't know how Gu Shuyao should call Yin Xiu, so they had to stand aside, silently.

Yin Xiu obviously saw Gu Shuyao’s embarrassment and couldn’t help but smiled, and said, “Shu Yao, you can still treat me as the original Yin Xiu. Don’t worry about identity or anything, let’s talk about each other. No need to care so much."

As a cultivator, in fact, the issue of this generation, unless it is in your own family, or in the sect, otherwise, many times outside, you don't need to be too particular about it.

Otherwise, with the longevity of the cultivator, how complicated would it be if this generation were to be more genuine?

In the realm of comprehension, unless it is in a family or a division, at most other times it is equal to one of its predecessors. Of course, the most important thing is still in terms of cultivation. The so-called master first is this reason.

Seeing Yin Xiu's words, Gu Shuyao relaxed a little, looked at Yin Xiu, and couldn't help but say: "Okay, then I'll just call your name just like before, Yin Xiu."

"Well, it should be."

Yin Xiu responded with a slight smile.

Seeing that Yin Xiu was still as casual and friendly as he did in the past, Gu Shuyao completely let go of the restraint in her heart, and immediately asked with some curiosity: "Yin Xiu, have you become so burly in the past few years? , It seems that even your height is significantly taller. Also, I have watched the video of you turning several hundred meters high in the God City of Europe. How can you do it?"

This was a question that had been in Gu Shuyao's heart for a long time. Now that Yin Xiu treated her as before, she couldn't help but ask.

In addition, Gu Shuyao was not blind, and it was natural that the figure of Yin Xiu in front of him was a few times taller and burly.

Although I feel that the temperament still seems to be very gentle and indifferent, but under this kind of gentleness and indifference, it seems to hide a very fierce, domineering, and wild feeling.

Yin Xiu didn't avoid Gu Shuyao's question, but there was nothing to hide.

Still with a smile on his face, he replied very casually: "It's very simple, because I'm just a clone in front of you. The main body is still in retreat, so I had to bring Xiaojing and them over to my brother. Stay here for a few days and get together for a year."


Gu Shuyao was surprised when she heard this

The several Gu family members standing beside her also looked at Yin Xiu in surprise.

However, after Gu Shuyao was surprised, she quickly recovered, and she looked at Yin Xiu up and down again, then nodded slightly, and said: "No wonder you look completely different from the original. And even your body is bigger and taller than before. So much."

"However, you could have grown so huge in the God City of the European Union. It should be several hundred meters high, which is really amazing."

Yin Xiu laughed twice and replied: "It's okay. Mainly because my body was conceived with the blood of a special ethnic group. The blood is special, so it has some characteristics and characteristics that are different from ordinary humans. power."

"For example, my incarnation as a giant is a kind of talented supernatural power of this race."

"That's it!"

After listening to Yin Xiu's explanation, Gu Shuyao couldn't help but suddenly responded. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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