Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 795: If we don’t meet again...

Time is like water, passing quietly.

In a blink of an eye, another six months passed.

When Xiaojing had already become a senior, and only the last year of his college career was left, Yin Xiu's body was finally out of the mountains.

After more than half a year of hard work, he has become more proficient in the mastery of the magical powers of the'three heads and six arms', and he can use it more easily.

Because I have felt that the cultivation of the three-headed and six-armed magical powers has reached a relatively gentle stage. Exit.

After Yin Xiu's body exited the barrier, he naturally worked with the witch **** clone to break the seal in the wooden bar.

Yin Xiu's body, who was already in the tribulation period, displayed three-headed six-armed magical powers, and coupled with the witch **** clone, the speed of refining the seal in that piece of wood was so fast.

At least it was more than twenty or thirty times faster than Yin Xiu's cultivation base had not broken through, and before the clone was conceived!

Such an astonishing speed of refining naturally caused the seal in the piece of wood to quickly disintegrate little by little...

When Yin Xiu turned a blind eye to things outside the window and focused most of his energy on his own affairs, the outside world has gradually recovered a scene of singing and dancing, prosperity and prosperity.

In all, almost two years have passed since those Western pseudo-gods of cholera.

In the past two years, countries around the world have rapidly recovered their wounds, and many things have gradually faded in people's lives and consciousness.

After all, if people are alive, they have to live on. No matter what has happened in the past, how tragic and miserable, but as long as you are still alive, then everything must look forward.

The cities in the world that were rebuilt after the disaster have also risen one after another. After nearly two years of construction, most of the cities have completed more than half of the reconstruction work.

There are also some faster ones, which are almost over.

Of course, there are still some countries and regions where the population is small and the country is poor, or the disasters are too tragic. The reconstruction work in many cities is still on paper after two years...

However, in any case, the overall tone of this world is already in a very stable process of continuous recovery.

There is no sense of worries among the people about the future. Everyone firmly believes that everything is over and life in the future will still be beautiful.

Just when everyone thinks that the world has calmed down since then and will completely return to the previous peaceful and peaceful world environment, some things are so without warning, and almost everyone is not prepared for the slightest psychological preparation. Then happened...

"Come, Xueqing, Xiao Jing, get ready to eat."

Yin Xiu brought out a pot of steaming, fragrant chicken soup from the kitchen and greeted Ji Xueqing and Ning Yuejing who were sitting in the living room.

Today is exactly the weekend, so Ji Xueqing ran over to Yin Xiu again to join in for dinner.

Kyoto has completed the second phase of reconstruction work more than two months ago, so Ji Xueqing's parents and those relatives have also returned to Kyoto.

After all, her father was an official in Kyoto before, and more than two-thirds of the reconstruction in Kyoto has been completed, and when functional departments at all levels are recovering quickly, Ji Xueqing's father was naturally recalled to Kyoto for reinstatement.

All of her relatives also hold the household registration of Kyoto, and now only the third phase of the reconstruction of Kyoto is left. Naturally, all of them, those registered in Kyoto, are properly arranged by the government.

Therefore, now Ji Xueqing is alone in Yinhai.

Even Jiang Xingxing is based in the magic city, busy with the affairs of the Xianzi Film and Television Production Company, and occasionally comes to Yinhai to find Ji Xueqing and Yin Xiuju.

Hearing Yin Xiu's greeting, Ji Xueqing quickly got up and walked over with Ning Yuejing and Luluo and Xiaoman.

"Yin Xiu, Xing said that we will come over on the 7th of next month. Then we will come to you to get together. By the way, you can also go to the Qingpingshan Park next to you to have a barbecue..."

Ji Xueqing said suddenly.

Yin Xiu couldn't help himself, smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, should I pick it up by then? It doesn't seem to be a weekend on the 7th."

Ji Xueqing smiled and said, "It's okay. Anyway, there is nothing big in the company, and I won't have a big impact if I am or not."

After a slight pause, Ji Xueqing said again: "Besides, sometimes I think why I make so much money. The money that Xianzi makes now is enough for me to lose every day in the most luxurious way for ten lifetimes. ."

"So, sometimes I think about it, this is a lot of money, it's really just a bunch of numbers..."

Yin Xiu couldn't help showing a faint smile when he heard the words, and said, "This is true. So, this person, he still has to pursue his own pursuit."

"Otherwise, it will be easy to be empty and feel life is boring and meaningless."


Ji Xueqing responded lightly and said: "You are right. I really feel that I stay in the company every day to work. It is quite boring to deal with those things."

Yin Xiu smiled and said, "Xue Qing, you should find some goals and some pursuits for yourself. Or..."

Speaking of this, Yin Xiu paused, looked at Ji Xueqing, and seemed a little hesitant to continue talking.

About seeing Yin Xiu's hesitation, Ji Xueqing asked, "Or what?"

Yin Xiu sighed softly, and said with a bit of joke: "Or don't you consider getting married and having children like ordinary people, raising children?"

Upon hearing Yin Xiu's words, Ji Xueqing was startled suddenly, her eyes a little dazed. It took a while before I gradually recovered ~ normal focus in the eyes.

Then she looked at Yin Xiu, and asked calmly on her face: "Do you think I should find someone to marry and have children?"

After speaking, Ji Xueqing fixedly looked at Yin Xiu.

Sitting aside, Ning Yuejing couldn't help but look up at Yin Xiu, then at Ji Xueqing, then silently lowered her head and bit her lower lip unconsciously...

Ji Xueqing's words made Yin Xiu a little confused about how to answer and respond.

Staring at Ji Xueqing for a while, Yin Xiu was silent.

After a long time, he sighed faintly and slowly said: "Xueqing, sometimes I can't help thinking, if after I rescued you that night, I didn't go to rent a house where we used to live the next day. , But lived in another place, we never met again, then maybe it would be better for you?"

Ji Xueqing looked at Yin Xiu without blinking. After he said these words, she suddenly laughed a long time later. The smile was particularly bright, brilliant, and...relaxed. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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