Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 807: Heaven's Orbit Return

‘Wow! ’

The crack in the sky finally collapsed completely under the bombardment of the mirror light released by the Kunlun Mirror.

In an instant, the sky shook violently, and a huge vortex gradually appeared, as if something was rushing out of the vortex.

Ling Wangyue raised his head and looked up at this scene, his expression extremely tense, his hands clasped uncontrollably. Even he has no time to pay attention to the Kunlun mirror on the side.

At the same time, in the Kunlun Wonderland, when everyone in the "Sanqing Palace" saw the seal shattered and collapsed, everyone couldn't hold back a burst of excitement and excitement.

Kunlun Wonderland, which has been sealed for countless years, is finally returning to the world!

Everyone in Sanqing Palace couldn't help looking at the vortex that gradually formed in the sky, and everyone was waiting for the moment when the outside passage opened...

At this time, among the mountains in the southwest, amidst the sky full of resentment, there was a sudden bang, and it was faintly visible as if there was a deep and strange ‘electric light’ across the air.

The next moment, the sky suddenly shattered like a mirror, and a deep vortex also appeared immediately...

The spirit of Yin Xiu, the witch god, was always watching the situation in these two places. When he saw this scene, he was completely sure that Ling Wangyue and Kou Hai were helping to break the seal of the secret realm.

At this time Yin Xiu even a little anticipated who would emerge from these two secret realms, and what level of strength those people could reach.

However, Yin Xiu's main energy at the moment is still suppressing that kind of catastrophe.

At this time, the brilliant glow in the sky has gradually faded, leaving only a very faint layer. The imprints of the rules in the sky began to fade gradually, seeming to be hiding a little bit...

This is a sign that the law has gradually fitted the world.

However, at this moment, a chain-like existence suddenly traversed the entire sky.

The ‘chain’ is surrounded by countless dense mysterious and mysterious textures, as if it contains the vastness of the universe, the origin of the great road!

When that ‘chain’ appeared, the entire sky suddenly surging, and almost immediately the entire sky was covered by a thick layer of thundercloud.

‘Crack! ’, ‘Bahla~’

In an instant, those thunderclouds seemed to be a sudden torrential rain, suddenly releasing countless lightning bolts, and the whole world was completely enveloped by lightning that pierced the sky, and the shining electric light completely illuminated the world.

The thunderous sky and the horrible sight of lightning flashing like rain suddenly made people feel that compared with it, it seemed that earthquakes, tsunamis, violent winds, volcanic eruptions, etc., these disasters were nothing at all. The sky was densely packed. , The lightning and violent thunder falling like a downpour is the real doomsday scene!

Before that, who can imagine what a scene of thunder and lightning looks like?

At this moment, people really saw such a terrifying and shocking scene.

Countless people stared blankly at the terrible sight of thunder and lightning above their heads in every corner, and their eyes were full of shock and incredible expressions.

After the law gradually conformed to the heaven and the earth, the pressure of the law pervading the heaven and the earth has weakened a lot. At this moment, many people have been able to stand up and resume their free movement.

But for the people on the land of China, the sight in the sky at this moment obviously made them stunned, and their entire minds became a little blank.

As for the people outside of China, those who have suffered all kinds of disasters from heaven and earth, but are still surviving for the time being, there is no time to care too much.

In the face of various disasters, how to save their lives is their only concern.

"Heaven's Orbit has also returned to its place, the sky is full of violent thunder, and there is a breath of heaven's punishment. From then on, as long as you cultivate on the earth to the peak of the post-transmission period, you can also normally elicit the sky thunder..."

Yin Xiu looked up at the violent thunder and lightning in the sky, and muttered to himself.

Before the Heavenly Track returns to its position, it is impossible to elicit the third Heavenly Thunder Tribulation that crosses the Tribulation Period. Because the origin of the power of Heaven's Punishment contained in the Tribulation of Heaven is in the Orbit of Heaven.

Without the heavenly track, there will be no heavenly punishment, and naturally, the "heavenly thunder robbery" will not be induced.

Of course, the Five Elements Tribulation and the Heart Demon Tribulation had no effect on the two tribulations before the Tribulation Period.


When the sky was shining, there was a loud noise in the huge whirlpool above Kunlun Mountain. Then, a huge boulder was slowly squeezing out of the whirlpool.

Seeing this scene, Ling Wangyue couldn't help holding his breath. He didn't even care about the crazy lightning thunder in the sky. Almost all his attention was in that whirlpool.

As the huge boulder gradually squeezed out, it was faintly visible that the boulder seemed more like a mountain. It is actually a bit unbelievable that the trees are covered with green pines and cypresses, which is a lush scene.

However, this is the case.

When the extruded part of the "big boulder" becomes more and more obvious, the shape of the mountain peak becomes more and more obvious. The pine and cypress growing on it are also extraordinarily green, glowing with vigor and vitality, and it looks even more like a jade carving. The same, there is even a faint emerald halo flowing.

This is in sharp contrast with the surrounding sky and thunder. One side is like a doomsday scene, and the other side is full of life...

At the same time, another whirlpool in the depths of the southwest mountain is a completely different scene.

I saw in the whirlpool strands of strong evil spirits were slowly overflowing, vaguely as if we could hear the sound of water from the whirlpool. .

And as the evil spirits that overflowed in the whirlpool became more and more dense, and gradually diffused, the surrounding vegetation suddenly began to be affected.

The original verdant trees in the forest withered quickly, and the green grass on the ground also gradually turned yellow. After a while, those plants and trees died completely.

And soon even the insects, snakes, mice, ants, and various animals living in the mountains and forests suffered. They were eroded by the evil spirits. Most of them quickly fell to the ground, convulsing and dying. The corpses were eroded away by those evil spirits a little bit, and in the end only a pool of blood remained.

But a small number of animals that had not been eroded by the evil spirit of death were demonized one after another, becoming extremely cruel and cruel, their eyes were glowing with dark red bloodthirsty colors, and the entire body was amazing.

In a very short period of time, the area a few miles around the vortex almost became a Jedi, completely corroded by the evil spirit, and the more and more powerful evil spirit even made the air gradually filled with wisps of darkness. The red smoke...(To be continued.) New website is activated

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