Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 809: Huangquan

"The three noble masters, this is the'Kunlun Mirror' that the disciples found." At this time, Ling Wangyue quickly took out the Kunlun Mirror and handed it over.

Ling Xuzi reached out to take the Kunlun Mirror and nodded slightly. He couldn't help but carefully looked at the Kunlun Mirror in his hand, and immediately said to Yuan Yizi and Xuan Zhenzi on the left and right: "You two juniors, please take a look."

After speaking, he handed the Kunlun mirror to Yuan Yizi first.

After taking a look, Yuan Yizi gave it to Xuan Zhenzi, and then sighed lightly: "Today this Kunlun mirror finally returned to my'Sanqing Palace'."

Ling Xuzi also responded: "Yes, it is recorded in ancient books that there are many treasures left by the Kunlun immortals, and this Kunlun mirror is undoubtedly one of the most powerful treasures."

"Brother Ling Xu, Senior Brother Yuanyi, I think we'd better go and take back the'Fan Tian Seal' as soon as possible. Since Wang Yue just said that he has found the location of the Fan Tian seal before, he can't open it just because of the seal. I have already come out, I believe it should not be difficult to open that seal..."

Xuan Zhenzi said.

Ling Xuzi nodded, and couldn't wait to retrieve another Kunlun treasure Fantian seal as soon as possible, so he said, "Good too!"

"Wang Yue, you immediately take us to the place where Fan Tian Yin is located."

Upon hearing this, Ling Wangyue quickly responded, "Yes, Lord!"

Immediately, Ling Wangyue jumped into the air, and Yu Jian led the way in front of him and flew in the direction of Shennongjia.

And Ling Xuzi, Yuan Yizi, Xuanzhenzi, and the elders of the Sanqing Palace also flew off one after another. Only the elders and ordinary disciples remained, but did not follow.

The appearance of the "Kunlun Immortal Gate", including Ling Xuzi who walked out of Kunlun Immortal Gate, was under the attention of Yin Xiu, the wizard god, and even their words and deeds were clear.

Knowing that they wanted to go to Shennongjia to find Fan Tianyin, Yin Xiu didn't care.

As long as these people who claim to be the "Sanqing Palace" don't do harm to the world, Yin Xiu doesn't need to care about them.

After all, Yin Xiu had no grievances or grudges with them, nor did he have any kindness or virtue.

However, the cultivation base of these people surprised Yin Xiu. In addition to the three masters of the "Sanqing Palace," there are also the few Supreme Elders who actually have the cultivation base of the fit period.

Among the other elders and disciples, there are also many characters in the distraction and out-of-aperture period. It's just that there are no figures whose cultivation base has reached the level of crossing the catastrophe.

Even if such strength is placed in the realm of comprehension, it belongs to the upper-middle school.

Yin Xiu also had to sigh secretly in his heart, this Kunlun Wonderland is indeed the world's most legendary wonderland!

On the other side, the situation in the Southwest Mountain is somewhat different from here.

At this time, deep in the southwest mountain, the original huge vortex above the four-shot blood streamer had disappeared, and a horizontal river appeared.

The river is a very turbid yellow color, and the surface of the river is filled with a strong evil spirit. There are demonized flying birds passing over this horizontal river, but when crossing the river, it seems to lose power suddenly, or say It was suddenly dragged down by a sudden invisible force, and fell straight into this horizontal river. It immediately sank to the bottom of the river and was completely destroyed...

From this, it can be seen that this river is extraordinary and possesses some very strange powers.

Kou Hai was standing under this horizontal river, looking up, excited and full of expectation.

He is no stranger to this river.

This is the "Yellow Spring" in the Huangquan Demon Abyss. If you don't have a strong enough cultivation base or some special treasures to protect yourself, you can cross the river at will, and you will be directly sucked into the river if you accidentally be drawn into the river and quickly be absorbed by the power of the'Yellow Spring' Melt away.

It can be said that this ‘yellow spring’ is completely a river of death.

It's just that this is also the entrance and exit of Huangquan Demon Abyss and the outside world. Whether you want to enter or exit from Huangquan Demon Abyss, you must cross this river.

Under Kou Hai's expectant gaze, the "Yellow Spring" river in midair suddenly fluctuated. Gradually, some figures slowly swam out of the yellow spring.

Soon, those figures directly flew out of the Yellow Spring River, and then slowly fell in front of Kou Hai. There are about no less than a hundred of these people, and each of them looks so angry and fierce.

The headed person was dressed in a dark red robe, and looked very violent and domineering. Looking around, his mouth couldn't help grinning, showing a smirk.

"Hahaha! Finally, finally came out! We no longer have to stay in that dark day, only the endless deep evil spirit and devilish abyss!"

The lead man let out a wild laugh.

The people behind him looked at the completely different scenery in the distance from Huangquan Demon Abyss, the lush vegetation that was completely strange in the distance, the birds, beasts, insects and snakes moving in the mountains and forests... a feeling of seeing the sun suddenly However, Sheng, and then couldn't help but burst into laughter.

At this time, Kou Hai hurriedly stepped forward and bowed down to the man headed: "The disciple Kou Hai has seen the Demon Lord!"

Hearing Kou Hai’s words, the man finally stopped his laughter, looked at Kou Hai, and then said indifferently: "Kou Hai, very good! You did not live up to the trust that this seat placed in you, and successfully helped this seat break through. The seal outside the Demon Abyss is great!"

Kou Hai hurriedly said: "The disciple dare not take credit, everything is the devil's strategizing, and the disciple is just following the devil's instructions."

Hearing Kou Hai's words, the man grinned again, seemingly satisfied with Kou Hai's humility and respect.

"Kou Hai, starting from today, you are the eleventh disciple of this seat. From now on, I hope you can practice hard and don't let down the value that this seat puts on you."

Hearing this, Kou Hai was overjoyed and quickly said, "Yes! Disciple, thank you, Master!"

Being able to become a disciple of the Demon Lord can be said to be a step to the sky. This is more real than any reward. How can Kou Hai not be excited?

The man nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Kou Hai, you have been out of the outside world for nearly ten years. Now you first tell us what the main world is like now."


Kou Hai quickly responded.

Then immediately began to say what he had learned.

However, in recent years, he has been cultivating and feeding the ninth generation to the ghost and the ninth generation to the evil infant in the deep mountains in the past few years, only occasionally ran out to catch some people to supplement the consumption of the blood pool. In fact, he didn't understand what happened.

His understanding basically remained a few years After listening to Kou Hai’s words, the demon Lord Huangquan couldn’t help but said: “So, the mortals in this world are becoming thinner in the heavens and the earth, making it difficult to practice. After that, I went another way and created many incredible artifacts and weapons?"

"Yes, Master. They call these ‘technologies’! If Master wants to figure it out, we only need to leave the mountains and visit any city at will."

Kou Hai replied.

Demon Lord Huangquan nodded slightly. He had released his spiritual sense to investigate, but this area of ​​hundreds of miles was full of deep mountains, old forests and wilderness, and no cities existed, only a few remote mountain villages.

Therefore, apart from seeing electric lights in those mountain villages that can light up by himself, he basically didn't see many other incredible so-called ‘tech’ products.

Although there are TVs in those mountain villages, there is no signal, and naturally no one is watching TV. In Huangquan's eyes, those TV sets are just black boxes that are square and do not know what they are used for. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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