When the disasters in various countries around the world and the floating "Kunlun Mountain" were exposed, the entire Chinese people were in an uproar.

Because there is no disaster in China, except for those who live in coastal areas and have seen with their own eyes the shocking tsunami that is like ten thousand horses, hundreds of meters high, and was blocked by an invisible force when it comes. They all feel incredulous and overwhelmed by the disasters that have occurred all over the world.

As for the ‘fairy mountain’ that suddenly appeared 10,000 meters above the Kunlun Mountains, they were even more shocked.

However, there are also many people who speculate in their hearts why various devastating disasters have occurred in the entire world, but China is safe and sound, and nothing has happened.

Those who thought of this quickly thought of Yin Xiu. In addition, they couldn't think of other possibilities.

After all, the whole world has been turned into ruins in the disaster, but Huaxia has nothing to do with it. This is too unbelievable, and it cannot be a coincidence at all.

No matter how much God cares, there will not be such a huge contrast between **** and heaven, and he alone has no crime against China's autumn.

In the face of such terrifying natural forces, probably only the ‘immortal’ has the ability to allow China to avoid such a disaster.

When people in those coastal areas posted on the Internet that they saw the tsunami blocked by invisible forces, many people immediately became more and more convinced that China was'unharmed' in this catastrophe that enveloped the entire world. It must be the'fairy' who made the move and saved China.

For this, no one will doubt.

After all, when those Western pseudo-gods harmed China, it was the ‘fairy’ who killed them and saved China from the fire.

No one would think that when China encounters a huge disaster again, the fairy will stand by and ignore it.

Moreover, people still remember that this'Xianren' was the big boss behind Xianzi Company. He was angrily attacked because Xianzi suffered unfair treatment in Mi Di and destroyed most of Mi Di's military bases. It even destroyed the entire bull market!

Although there is no clear proof to prove it, this kind of speculation is what most people believe and accept. Suddenly, in the eyes of Huaxia people, Yin Xiu's position suddenly became more lofty and respected.

It is completely true to respect Yin Xiu as an immortal **** who'saves hardship and rescues'.

Countless people are also grateful from the bottom of their hearts that there is such a "fairy" in China. Otherwise, China will be destroyed in ruins in the face of disasters like other countries and regions in the world, and there will be countless deaths and injuries...

There are also many people talking about the fairy mountain that appeared above Kunlun.

Many people firmly believe that there must be ‘fairies’ on that ‘fairy mountain’, but that ‘fairy mountain’ is too high, and ordinary people simply can’t go up and verify it.

But this does not prevent people from appearing on this "fairy mountain"...

Of course, as the government, after learning about the situation of the ‘Kunlun Immortal Mountain’, the South China Sea immediately relayed the order and immediately dispatched a plane to investigate the situation.

An altitude of 10,000 meters is nothing for modern aircraft.

When the South China Sea side sent a plane to investigate the situation of the "Kunlun Immortal Mountain", Yin Xiu's avatar of the witch **** had already returned to Yinhai.

"Friends, here you are."

After Yin Xiu's body returned from the witch **** clone, he immediately took out the magic knife from the storage ring that he had obtained from Song Bingkun, the master of the heavenly sword gate, and handed it to the witch **** clone.

Ning Yuejing and Ji Xueqing on the side looked strangely, and unconsciously looked at the magic knife.

After taking the magic knife, Yin Xiu, the witch god, took a closer look, then opened his mouth and spat out the **** long knife.

When the **** long knife appeared, the magic knife that Yin Xiu took out suddenly vibrated fiercely, as if cheering excitedly.

The blood-colored long knife also trembled lightly, and a faint blood glow appeared...

Upon seeing this, Yin Xiu, the wizard god, couldn't help muttering to himself: "Sure enough!"

Yin Xiu's body on the side also said, "It seems that the magical thought that resides in this knife should be the spirit of this blood knife."

"Hmm! It should be."

The witch **** Yin Xiu nodded lightly, and then said again: "I will try to reintegrate that magical thought into this blood knife and repair it."

"It's rare that this is a witchcraft, which is suitable for me."

Yin Xiu's ontology also said, "Friends, let me help you."

"it is good!"

Yin Xiu, the witch god, responded.

Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Luluo at the side looked at the two knives in Yin Xiu's hand with some incomprehension.

At this time, Ning Yuejing couldn't help but curiously asked: "Master, is this blood-red blood-red knife very powerful? But how come there are so many cracks on it, where did you get it?"

Yin Xiu, the witch god, smiled at Ning Yuejing and said, "Master just snatched this knife from a devil's hand. Don't look at it now, it is full of cracks, it looks like it was accidentally touched. It will break, but in fact, this knife is powerful."

"As long as it can be repaired, Master will also have a good weapon."


Ning Yuejing nodded slightly, and couldn't help asking again: "Master, you just said that this knife was obtained from a demon repairman? What's the matter?"

Ji Xueqing also looked curiously.

Yin Xiu, the witch god, casually explained, "As I told you before, just now when the law of heaven and earth returned, two secret realms opened the way."

"One of the secret realms is the secret realm of magic repair. There are a lot of magic repairs coming out of it. I heard that they wanted to use people to sacrifice magic weapons, so I shot them all directly. This sword is from The leader got it from the demon repairer."

"Two secret realms? What about another secret realm?"

Ji Xueqing couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Master, someone also came out of another secret realm?" Ning Yuejing also asked.

The witch **** Yin Xiudao: "Well, some people have come out. Another secret is the legendary Kunlun Wonderland. Inside are some righteous cultivators who seem to be better than those magic cultivators, so I ignored them."

"Kunlun Wonderland?"

What Yin Xiu said made Ji Xueqing and Ning Yuejing seem quite surprised.

After all, this is the "Wonderland" that frequently appears in Chinese myths and legends!

"Master, where is the Kunlun Wonderland? Can you take me to see after you repair this knife?" Ning Yuejing asked expectantly.

"of course can!"

Yin Xiu naturally wouldn't refuse Ning Yuejing's small request.

None of the people who came out of the Kunlun Wonderland were cultivated beyond the Tribulation Period. Yin Xiu didn't need to be afraid of anything at all, and even if he didn't want to, those people might not be able to find his trace.

Hearing Yin Xiu's promise, Ning Yuejing suddenly looked happy.

At this time, Yin Xiu, the witch god, said again: "Alright, Xiao Jing, you will stay with your sister Ji first, and the master will repair this knife first."

At the same time, Yin Xiu's ontology also said to Ji Xueqing: "Xueqing, we may take a few days to complete it. I will trouble you to take care of Xiaojing in these few days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Xueqing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry. Yeah, I will. "

Ning Yuejing also snorted and said, "Master, people are no longer young, okay, they are all 21 years old, even if there is no one to take care of them, nothing will happen."

Yin Xiu's body and the clone laughed suddenly, Yin Xiu's body raised his hand and rubbed Ning Yuejing's hair, and said with a bit of doting in his eyes: "Yes, in a blink of an eye, our little Jing has also grown up. Up."

Ning Yuejing pursed her thin lips, looked at Yin Xiu with a pair of clear and bright eyes, and said nothing.

At this time, Yin Xiu said again: "Okay, let's go to retreat and repair this knife. If you have anything, just call me."


Ji Xueqing and Ning Yuejing responded one after another.

Right now, Yin Xiu's body and the clone went upstairs to his room. Just repair the scarlet long knife, but there is no need to go to the deep mountains and wild retreat. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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