Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 827: Strike up a conversation

"Qin Feng's cousin actually worshipped the Three Immortals, which is really surprising."

While others were talking and staring at Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong with amazement, Li Sitian also whispered to Ning Yuejing and Lin Fang beside him with a surprised look.

Lin Fang looked at Qin Feng, Zhang Yunsong, and Gu Xuanzhong who were standing together, with a look of surprise on their faces, and whispered softly: "It is indeed surprising. Three years ago, the Three Immortal Sects only received it. There are only five disciples, I didn't expect one of them to be Qin Feng's cousin."

After a short pause, Lin Fang continued: "Moreover, it seems that this cousin of Qin Feng should be doing pretty well in the Three Immortals Sect, otherwise he won't even follow a real person in the Three Immortal Island Wonderland. He came out to experience the world, and he also came to our class reunion..."

In fact, when Qin Feng revealed the identity of Zhang Yunsong and Gu Xuanzhong, even Ning Yuejing was a little surprised.

At first, she didn't care much about Zhang Yunsong and Gu Xuanzhong. After learning their identities, she took a closer look and found that both of them had quite good cultivation.

Especially in that ancient Xuanzhong, he was already at the late Huayuan stage cultivation base, and was about to reach the peak of the Huayuan stage. Judging from his appearance, he is probably around twenty-three or four years old.

As for that Zhang Yunsong, he was not bad, he was already at the initial stage of Qi refining.

After all, Zhang Yunsong had just joined the Three Immortals Sect three years ago, and being able to cultivate to the Qi refining period in such a short period of three years is already very good, which shows that his qualifications are indeed good.

After the initial surprise, Ning Yuejing quickly calmed down. To be honest, in fact, the Three Immortals Sect was not so great in her eyes, she was the only disciple of Yin Xiu.

As for Yin Xiu's cultivation realm, Ning Yuejing is also very clear. Compared with Yin Xiu, the current Three Immortal Sect is really nothing.

While Lin Fang and Li Sitian were talking, Qin Feng showed off his pretence and forced his eyes to patrol the crowd quickly, looking for Ning Yuejing's figure.

After a while, he finally found Ning Yuejing, Lin Fang and Li Sitian sitting together, and his eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze swept across the crowd, and he said: "Dear students, we have only rarely met once after three years of graduation. I will cover all the consumption of the gathering today! Everyone eats and drinks openly. After dinner later, let's go have fun together, sing or sing, don't be polite to me!"


Hearing Qin Feng's outspoken words, there was a loud scream at the scene, and many people flattered and flattered Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, how embarrassed to let you spend money alone!"

"If I want to tell you, our class is still the most interesting of Qin Feng. I used to be refreshed when I was in school. Now I have graduated for so many years, it still hasn't changed!"

"Who said no! Since Qin Feng, you have all spoken, today we have to have a good drink!"


Hearing a burst of flattery from those classmates, Qin Feng's face was full of smiles, and he felt it.

At this moment, Qin Feng turned his head and looked at Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong. He couldn't help pointing at the table where Ning Yuejing and the others were at, and said, "Brother Gu, cousin, let's just sit there. "

"Well, that's fine."

Gu Xuanzhong nodded faintly, and Zhang Yunsong also responded.

Then the three of them walked over together.

Seeing Qin Feng and the others coming, Li Sitian couldn't help but lowered his voice and whispered to Ning Yuejing: "Xiao Jing, look, Qin Feng and the others are coming. Isn't he still thinking about chasing you?"

"It's hard to tell. After all, his cousin is now a disciple of the Three Immortals. Maybe he feels that he has the capital to pursue Xiaojing now."

Lin Fangdao.

Both of them knew exactly what Qin Feng wanted to pursue Ning Yuejing.

I also know that the reason why Qin Feng gave up at that time was because Ning Yuejing revealed his extraordinary family background and great skill that made Qin Feng retreat.

But what Qin Feng was thinking now, the two of them really couldn't tell.

Regarding Li Sitian and Lin Fang's words, Ning Yuejing just smiled indifferently and didn't say anything.

At this time, Qin Feng had brought Zhang Yunsong and Gu Xuanzhong to the table. Qin Feng directly said to the girl sitting next to Ning Yuejing: "Zhao Minjia, can you change positions and sit there? "

Then they said the same to the other two people next to each other, so that they vacated three positions.

The three of them looked at Qin Feng, but in the end they responded one after another, got up and moved to the other side, giving up their seats to Qin Feng and the others.

Ning Yuejing frowned slightly when she saw this.

However, she didn't say anything, just glanced at it lightly, and sat on her own.

Gu Xuanzhong, standing behind Qin Feng, seemed to notice Ning Yuejing at this time. He looked at Ning Yuejing's exquisite and gorgeous profile, his eyes lit up instantly.

Before Qin Feng could speak, he first sat down in the seat next to Ning Yuejing, and then pretended to calmly picked up the tea cup in front of him and poured himself a cup of tea.

On one side, Qin Feng was a little startled when he saw Gu Xuanzhong sitting next to Ning Yuejing. Immediately he couldn't help but look up at his cousin Zhang Yunsong.

Zhang Yunsong was not clear about Qin Feng's thoughts. Seeing Qin Feng, he didn't take it seriously, and said directly, "Cousin, then we sit here?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng looked at Gu Xuanzhong who was sitting next to Ning Yuejing, and replied a little depressed: "Well, just sit here."

Gu Xuanzhong had already sat down, so it was natural for him to ask Gu Xuanzhong to get up again and change his position.

Qin Feng had to sit in the seat next to Gu Xuanzhong, while Zhang Yunsong sat on the other side of him.

Gu Xuanzhong raised the tea cup in front of him, took a gentle sip of tea in an elegant manner, and then glanced at Ning Yuejing who was beside him pretendingly. After a pause, he asked casually: "This are you and Yun Song and his cousin in the same class?"

This is obviously an answer to the question.

Ning Yuejing glanced at him, but gave a faint ‘um’, and didn’t mean to say more to him.

Seeing Ning Yuejing's expression plain and unwavering in Gu Xuanzhong, he was somewhat surprised. After all, Qin Feng had already stated his identity just now.

When he wanted to come, relying on his disciple of the Three Immortals and his identity as a member of the fairyland of Sanxian Island, Ning Yuejing should appear very enthusiastic, even excited, when he saw him take the initiative to speak. It shouldn't be such a plain reaction!

It feels as if one's own identity does not seem worth mentioning in the other person's eyes.

However, the more so, the more Gu Xuanzhong became interested in Ning Yuejing. If he spoke a few words casually, the other party rushed to post it immediately, but he didn't think it was interesting.

Even if the other party has the most beautiful and alluring appearance, it is not worth paying attention to in the eyes of Gu Xuanzhong. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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