Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 835: 3 First disciple of the Immortal Sect

On Penglai Fairy Island, Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong came to a pavilion in another courtyard. Standing at the door, Gu Xuanzhong said respectfully, "Junior Gu Xuanzhong, there is something I want to see Brother Min!"

As Gu Xuanzhong's voice fell, a moment later, a clear voice suddenly came from the attic, "Junior Brother Gu, come up."

"Yes, thank you Brother Min!"

Gu Xuanzhong quickly responded, and then gestured to Zhang Yunsong beside him, and the two hurriedly walked to the attic together.

After a while, they saw a man sitting cross-legged in front of the pavilion, sipping the fragrant tea in a leisurely manner.

"Meet Brother Min!"

Gu Xuanzhong hurriedly bowed to see a gift.

Zhang Yunsong, who was following him, also hurriedly greeted respectfully, "I have seen Brother Min!"

Min Fanglei didn't even lift his eyelids. He was savouring the fragrant tea. He just gave a faint ‘um’, and then casually said, “Gu, Brother Zhang, you can sit as you please.”

"Thank you Brother Min!"

Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong quickly responded, and then sat down cross-legged on one side.

Seeing that Min Fanglei was still tasting tea, the two did not dare to bother casually, but just sat there quietly and waited.

After a while, Min Fanglei finally put down the tea cup in his hand, glanced up at Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong, and then faintly said: "Gu Ji, you just said that you want to see me for something, I don’t know if you are looking for me. What's the matter?"

Gu Xuanzhong quickly said: "Brother Min, I came to you this time, hoping that Brother Min can help me out and ask Senior Brother Min to make it happen!"

Hearing this, Min Fanglei couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and said, "Oh? I don't know what happened to Junior Brother Gu. I need to come out to help you out?

A look of resentment appeared on Gu Xuanzhong's face, and he replied, "Brother Min, it's like this..."

Immediately, Gu Xuanzhong said the matter roughly. Of course, there are inevitably some "modification" elements.

After hearing what he said, Min Fanglei frowned, his face was slightly cold, and he hummed softly: "No matter what she has or not, she dared to deceive my Sanxian Sect on the head and wound you, my junior. Can't let it go!"

After a slight pause, Min Fanglei looked at Gu Xuanzhong, and said: "Gu Junior Brother, with this breath, Senior Brother promised to do it for you! I want to see what she has for her, dare to despise my Three Immortals Sect. Do I teach no one in the Three Immortals? Humph!"

Min Fanglei snorted coldly.

After listening to Gu Xuanzhong, he couldn't help feeling anxious. Before that, he was somewhat worried about whether Min Fanglei would agree to give him such a sigh. Now that Min Fanglei agreed, he was instantly delighted.

Immediately responded quickly: "Thank you Brother Min!"

"With Senior Brother Min going out in person, even if that **** has the ability to reach the sky, he can only catch him obediently!"

Gu Xuanzhong gritted his teeth for a while.

Being wounded by Ning Yuejing in front of so many people, losing face, and being threatened, the Gu Xuan Center bears hatred.

The reason why he didn't go to his master directly was because he was worried that his master might not agree to him, to bully the big one and vent his anger on his behalf.

Therefore, he directly approached Min Fanglei, who had a good cultivation level.

Min Fanglei waved his hand lightly to Gu Xuanzhong and said, "Since she dares to humiliate me, as the first disciple of the Three Immortals, I will naturally teach her some lessons on behalf of the Three Immortals and let her know about my Three Immortals. Not everyone can be humiliated! My disciple of the Three Immortals Sect, let alone bullying!"

After that, Min Fanglei stood up and said to Gu Xuanzhong: "It just happens that I have nothing to do now, so I will go to the secular world with you, and solve it as soon as possible, so I can come back to practice the exercises sooner. Now the dispute between the chief disciple It's not far, and I have to prepare well and strive to be among the top ten this time!"

Gu Xuanzhong hurriedly said, "Yes! I believe that with the strength of Brother Min, this time the chief disciple contest will definitely be in the top ten!"

Gu Xuanzhong gave a flattering flattery.

Min Fanglei smiled in satisfaction, raised his hand lightly, and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Right now, Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong left Sanxian Island with Min Fanglei and headed to Yinhai City again...

On the other side, Ning Yuejing was teaching Li Sitian and Lin Fang to practice martial arts in a secluded corner of a park.

Except for a pavilion, there were only some rockery and rocks, and some trees, and no one else was there.

Ning Yuejing deliberately found such a spacious and empty place to teach Li Sitian and Lin Fang to practice.

Ning Yuejing had brought the two exercises and the practice methods for the foundation building stage that Yin Xiu wrote to her, and directly passed them to Li Sitian and Lin Fang, and then explained them carefully.

Of course, the content of the explanation is mainly focused on the physical practice during the foundation building phase.

After all, Li Sitian and Lin Fang are still far away from the Qi refining period. They have told them too much about the Qi refining period and the two Qi refining methods in advance, and they may not be able to truly understand.

At present, what is more important to them is undoubtedly the practice of building foundations and refining bodies.

In addition to those written by Yin Xiu, Ning Yuejing also taught the two of them a martial arts mastery that can help them build a foundation.

At this moment, Ning Yuejing was teaching and correcting Li Sitian and Lin Fang's moves to that slap.

"Si Tian, ​​you have to raise your arms a little bit here, and then don’t stretch your frame too much, relax a little, and look natural. This way you can connect to the next move more smoothly, and it won’t make the connection between moves so much. Stiff and rigid."

Ning Yuejing stood beside Li Sitian, demonstrating the standard posture to her while explaining.

After helping Li Sitian to correct, Ning Yuejing looked at Lin Fang next to him again, and said: "Lin Fang, you are the opposite of Sitian here. Your posture seems too soft and you don't have any strength at all. You In this way, it is very difficult to use the upper force and exert the power of the moves."

"This move must be It must be natural, smooth, or like flowing water. However, in the process of performing the move, you also need to work hard, and even wait for you to practice in the future. After the qi, the true qi in the body must be stimulated to blend into the move..."

Ning Yuejing was very careful to explain their shortcomings and essential points to Li Sitian and Lin Fang.

Speaking very carefully, both Li Sitian and Lin Fang nodded their heads repeatedly as they listened, carefully remembering what Ning Yuejing had said, trying their best to understand.

The relationship between Ning Yuejing and the two of them is indeed very good, so in the process of teaching them, Ning Yuejing also appeared very patient.

Anyway, Ning Yuejing now has nothing else to do besides her own practice. It would be nice to teach Li Sitian and Lin Fang.

Not only can I help these two friends, but at the same time find something for myself to do, it won't be so boring in addition to practicing every day.

This is also helpful for her to adjust her mood. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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