Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 839: Pick one way to die by yourself!

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At this time, a shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

When Ning Yuejing saw the shadow below, she was immediately overjoyed, and quickly put away her upper armour, and shouted, "Master!"

"Well, Xiao Jing, are you all right."

Yin Xiu turned around, looked at Ning Yuejing, smiled at her, and said.

Ning Yuejing shook her head, and then said anxiously: "I'm fine, Master. But my two classmates, they"

"Master, you must find a way to save them!"

Ning Yuejing glanced over and lay on the ground, Li Sitian and Lin Fang, who were already on the verge of death, had two tears in their eyes unconsciously.

Yin Xiu's spiritual sense also found out the situation of Li Sitian and Lin Fang. Seeing Ning Yuejing's sad look, he couldn't help but stepped forward and gave her a light arm, patted her on the head, warmly and calmly said: "Don't worry, although they are seriously injured, Master has a way to save them back."


Ning Yuejing was instantly overjoyed when she heard this, and suddenly raised her head to look at Yin Xiu.

Yin Xiu smiled, stroked her hair lightly, and said, "Why, you don't even believe what the master said?"

Ning Yuejing hurriedly said: "No, no. I'm just too happy. Master, then you should hurry and save them first, OK?"


Yin Xiu responded softly, and opened his hand to take pictures of Li Sitian and Lin Fang from the distance, and then took the lump of wood from the cave where Luluo was in from the storage ring. come out.

This group of wood has been kept in the storage ring by Yin Xiu.

After taking out the wood, Yin Xiu immediately extracted two wood spirits from the mass of wood, and then entered the bodies of Li Sitian and Lin Fang respectively.

In an instant, the bodies of both of them were caged by a ball of bright emerald green light.

It is not unreasonable that Mu Zhi is hailed as the'source of life' in the cultivation world. It can not only improve the lifespan of the human body, but also can quickly recover almost all kinds of wounds.

No matter how serious the injury is, as long as there is still a breath, Mu Zhi can rescue the person and let him recover quickly.

Although Li Sitian and Lin Fang were seriously injured and dying, they were injured by Min Fanglei's aura until Yin Xiu appeared, and the total time was only a few seconds.

In such a short time, they will not be completely killed.

And at this moment, with Yin Xiu's Mu Linghua, their wounds are recovering quickly at an astonishing speed, and it is even more impossible to worry about their lives.

Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong on one side looked at the scene in front of them, both looked very surprised.

From the time Yin Xiu appeared, to the conversation between Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing just now, as well as the wood rescue Li SI Tian and Lin Fang that Yin Xiu took out, both of them were shocked.

They also thought of the ‘roll’ from the sky that Min Fanglei gave to Zhenfei just now. It was very likely that it was made by the person in front of them.

Moreover, this person is still Ning Yuejing’s master, and the two of them have to worry about their future fate.

"Okay, Xiaojing, they won't have anything to do. It is estimated that they will be able to heal in 30 or 40 minutes at most." Yin Xiu put away the lump of wood and said to Ning Yuejing.

Both Li Sitian and Lin Fang were just injured by the aura, and there is no trouble, so they will recover very quickly.

Upon hearing this, Ning Yuejing couldn't help feeling a surprise on her face, and she also secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Master!"

After Ning Yuejing yelled to Yin Xiu happily, her eyes focused on Li Sitian and Lin Fang, waiting for them to recover.

After Yin Xiu responded softly, he asked Ning Yuejing again: "Xiaojing, did they tell Master that day, those two disciples of the three immortals?"

While speaking, Yin Xiu raised his finger and was shackled by him, Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong, who were unable to move.

Mentioned by Yin Xiu, Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong couldn't help but tighten their hearts, there was a touch of tension on their faces, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.

Ning Yuejing glanced at the two of Gu Xuanzhong, nodded to Yin Xiu and responded, "Well, Master, it's them!"

Thinking that both Li Sitian and Lin Fang were almost killed by Min Fanglei, the anger in Ning Yuejing's heart reappeared.

Dang Even pointed at Min Fanglei who was far away, gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Master, that person is the helper they both found. Just now he saw that I was a pure Yin spirit body, and he said he wanted to catch me. Go back to Sanxian Island, and when his cultivation base reaches the neck, use me as a cauldron to break through!"

After Yin Xiu heard this, his face shook, and it instantly became cold.

Min Fanglei, unwilling to feel resentful because his Yuan Ying was shattered and his gaze swept away, he immediately snorted, suddenly opened his hand, and took a picture of him from the air.

Not to mention that Min Fanglei's Yuan Ying has been shattered by Yin Xiu at this moment, and his cultivation has been lost. Even when his Yuan Ying is still intact, he does not have any resistance to Yin Xiu.

Min Fanglei had been losing his soul just now because his Yuan Ying was shattered and his cultivation base was abolished, so he didn't notice the appearance of Yin Xiu.

When a majestic force was on him, dragging him involuntarily to fly to one side, Min Fanglei suddenly woke was shocked.

When he fixed his eyes on Yin Xiu, he had been caught by Yin Xiu from a few hundred meters away.

"Who, who are you? What do you want to do?"

Min Fanglei was photographed by Yin Xiu in midair, unable to move, a panic flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in panic.

Yin Xiu looked up at him, squinted his eyes slightly, snorted softly, and said coldly: "Dare to oppress my disciple, still have evil thoughts, and want to take her back as a furnace, you are so bold!"

"How you want to die, you can die by yourself!"

Hearing Yin Xiu's words, Min Fanglei's heart suddenly became more panicked.

Although his Nascent Soul is broken now and his cultivation is basically abolished, he definitely does not want to die like this.

Therefore, when Yin Xiuran wanted to kill him, he suddenly yelled in panic: "You, do you dare to kill me? I am the first disciple of Sanxian. If you dare to kill me, Sanxian will never let you go. Yes! Even if you have any strength, you will definitely die in front of the Three Immortals!"

Min Fanglei was obviously intimidating Yin Xiu severely.

It's a pity that Yin Xiu didn't pay attention to Sanxian at all, so he didn't care about his intimidation.

I saw Yin Xiu sneer, staring at Min Fanglei coldly, and said disdainfully: "Sanxian? Shit, what about Sanxian? Do you think I care about Sanxian and Sanxian?"

After that, Yin Xiu glanced over Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong who were aside, and then a sneered sneered at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Min Fanglei again and said, "Since you think the name of Sanxian can scare me, I want to See how capable you three immortals can be, and see if you three immortals can rescue you from my hands..)

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