Cultivator Returns to the City

: Everyone, get up tomorrow morning and watch again~

It's still three watch today. I never thought that this book would have more than two hundred rewards in a single day. It feels a bit unexpected.

For a long time, the results of this book at the starting point are actually not high, and the results in various channels are also not high. My anti-theft will have a certain impact on readers who read it on the channel platform. Here I I can only apologize, and I hope you can go to the starting point if you can.

In addition, in view of the fact that someone in the group asked me why the original source of a certain book X device is also an anti-theft chapter, I would like to state once again that I responded to the editor of the starting point a few months ago, and the editor of the starting point told me very clearly Said that it was a pirated version!

As for some other channel platforms, the same sentence was the same. I said that day, when I turned on anti-theft, I was ready to abandon the interests of other channel platforms. In addition, since the anti-theft has already started, it will not end. As long as I have the time and energy, as long as I have the conditions, I will continue to prevent it until the end of the book.

As for those who ran to the starting point BB after reading the thief, no matter how **** my writing is, it has nothing to do with you. If you think it is rubbish, then you should look for a book that you think is not rubbish. You didn't spend money to subscribe, I'm just a small rusher, can't afford to wait, where should I go.

Before swearing, think about your parents, how your parents educate you when you were young.

Finally, because anti-theft has been opened in the past two days, the single chapters have been opened frequently. The main reason is that the starting point client does not seem to display the PS content under the chapter, so I have to open a single chapter to explain it.

Well, that's all~(~^~)

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