Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 848: Master, become the lord!

"Master, you use Jishu to control him, you are planning to..."

Ning Yuejing looked at Yin Xiu questioningly and asked.

Yin Xiu didn't answer her directly, but smiled and said, "Xiao Jing, how do you think we will move to Sanxian Island in the future?"


Ning Yuejing gave a soft cry, and immediately understood what Yin Xiu meant, and suddenly said in surprise: "Master, want to occupy Sanxian Island and turn it into our territory?"

"Yeah. What do you think of this idea?" Yin Xiu responded with a smile.

Ning Yuejing couldn't help but squinted and laughed, then nodded vigorously, and responded crisply: "Well! I haven't seen what this fairyland is like yet, so I really want to see it. Living in the fairyland of Sanxiandao, I think it would be great!"

Yin Xiudao: "That's natural. Now that the spiritual energy in the earth is gradually recovering today, Sanxian Island, as a secret realm comparable to Kunlun Wonderland, has unique conditions in all aspects, and the recovery speed of the spiritual energy inside is bound to be faster than The outside world is much faster, and there may be many rare wonders that the outside world does not have."

"Then Master, what are you going to do?" Ning Yuejing asked.

Yin Xiu glanced at the real Jingming who stood respectfully on one side, and said: "It's very simple, just like him. You only need to control all the high-level figures in the Three Immortals Sect who have reached a certain level of cultivation."

"As for the remaining ordinary disciples, Master can also come to a comprehensive cleansing, use all skills to check their minds, to see if there are people with unpredictable hearts, and then they will be cleaned up."

Ning Yuejing hesitated for a while, and said: "Master, then... do you want to continue to let the Sanxian Sect exist? I think, since we are going to occupy Sanxian Island and also control all the high-levels of Sanxian Sect. , Then there is no need to let the name Sanxianjiao continue to exist."

"We can change the name, and then you will be the master of the Three Immortals Sect, so that ordinary disciples of the Three Immortals Sect will not always remember their status as a disciple of the'Three Immortal Sects'. Only then can we completely eliminate the original Sanxian Sect disciples’ identification and sense of belonging to the Sanxian Sect..."

Yin Xiu was quite surprised by what Ning Yuejing said. He had never expected that Ning Yuejing would have such an opinion.

As she said, this is indeed a good way to completely eliminate the influence of the "Three Immortals".

Even if the disciples of the Three Immortals Sect will not forget their identity as a disciple of the "Three Immortals Sect" in a short period of time, the name of the "Three Immortals Sect" will naturally be forgotten over time.

Especially those who will worship the newly named sect in the future will definitely not have any sense of identification with the "Three Immortals".

"Xiao Jing, you are right, this is indeed a good way."

Yin Xiu replied, then looked at Ning Yuejing again, smiled, and said, "It seems that Xiaojing in our family has really grown up, and I can see things so thoroughly."

Hearing Yin Xiu's compliment, Ning Yuejing chuckled suddenly, stepped forward and held Yin Xiu's arm, and said softly: "Master, that's because you used to treat people as children."

"Others are as old as me, like my classmates, many of them are already married and their children's parents. That is to say, you always think that I am still young..."

Yin Xiu smiled and rubbed Ning Yuejing's hair fondly, but did not deny Ning Yuejing's words. It seems that in the eyes of most parents, no matter how old their children are, they will always be children.

Although Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing are only a teacher-apprentice relationship, there are some similarities.

In Yin Xiu's perception, Xiao Jing has always been the same stubborn little Lori when she first met her.

In fact, Ning Yuejing, who is now more than 20 years old, has grown up a long time ago, and her face has long since faded away from the youthful and immature face of the year. Although she is not mature enough, she has long been out of touch with youthfulness. Edge.

"Okay, let's go. Do you want to go to Sanxian Island with Master to clean up all the people of Sanxian Sect?" Yin Xiu looked at Ning Yuejing and asked with a smile.

Ning Yuejing nodded vigorously, and said, "Yeah! Of course I have to go with Master!"

"Okay! Let's go then. Master will take you..."

Right now, Yin Xiu took Ning Yuejing into the sky with him. At the same time, he sacrificed the Tianfang Zhuo Gu Sword, and the Yujian flew in the direction of Sanxian Island.

Jingming Zhenren also rose into the air under Yin Xiu's order, and then Yujian flew to Sanxian Island...

Although Ning Yuejing was already at the Golden Core Stage cultivation base, she could fly with her own sword.

However, how could her speed be comparable to Yin Xiu's, waiting for her to slowly fly to Sanxian Island by herself, how long it will take.

Standing on the Tianfang Zhuogu Sword, Ning Yuejing hugged Yin Xiu's back from behind, feeling the strong wind hunting on both sides.

At Yin Xiu's speed, it didn't take much time to fly from Yinhai City to Sanxian Island, just a few tens of seconds was enough.

Soon, the Sanxian Island filled with clouds and mist was already in front, faintly visible.

From the memory of Jingming Zhenren, Yin Xiu already knew everything about Sanxian Island.

After all, Jingming Zhenren is the island owner of Penglai Immortal Island. It can be said that he is one of the highest-ranking people in the entire Three Immortals Sect, and he has a clear picture of the entire Three Immortal Sect.

In a blink of an eye, Yin Xiu showed up outside Sanxian Island with Ning Yuejing.

Sanxiandao Wonderland is actually the three fairy islands floating in the air, which is different from Kunlun Wonderland. Kunlun Wonderland is a relatively independent secret space, and the floating Kunlun Fairy Mountain is just the gateway to Kunlun Wonderland.

Yin Xiu was not in a hurry to bring Ning Yuejing into Sanxian Island immediately.

Instead, I just stopped outside Sanxian Seeing these three in front of me, surrounded by the sea of ​​clouds, mountains, and mists, seemed to be full of charm and immortality, I couldn’t help feeling a little bit inside. .

Although Sanxian Island is shrouded in formations, it is impossible to see the situation inside, but even so, Yin Xiu has to sigh, it is worthy of the legendary fairyland that is comparable to Kunlun fairyland!

"It's really beautiful and magnificent! It's worthy of the title of'Wonderland'!"

Ning Yuejing's eyes were full of wonder, looking at the steaming clouds and the misty three fairy islands in front of her, she couldn't help but wonder.

It was the first time that she saw such a wonderland island with her own eyes!

Yin Xiu also nodded lightly, and replied, "It's really beautiful and spectacular."

Immediately, Yin Xiu turned around and said to Ning Yuejing: "However, from now on, this place belongs to us!"

When Yin Xiu said this, Ning Yuejing was also happy and replied, "Well! I believe the scenery inside will definitely be more spectacular and beautiful, and living here in the future will definitely be very good." (To be continued~^~ )

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