Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 863: 9 Dragon Island 5 cents

A few minutes later, Yin Xiu took Ning Yuejing and dozens of Yanyuezong disciples to greet Hang Boqian outside Yanyue Sanxian Island.

At this time, Hang Boqian had also flown out of the East China Sea. Spiritual Consciousness discovered the Yanyue Sanxian Island suspended in the air, and also saw Yin Xiu leading the Yanyuezong disciples waiting outside Yanyue Sanxian Island.

For a time, Hang Boqian couldn't help but feel joyful, and hurried to Yanyue Sanxian Island at the fastest speed...


The brilliant sword light rushed from a distance, and Yin Xiu looked at the sword light, with a faint smile on his face, "Brother, I haven't seen you for many years, don't you come here?"

As soon as Yin Xiu's words fell, Hang Boqian's hearty laughter followed, "Fourth brother, don't come here unharmed! It seems that you have successfully broken through the bottleneck and reached the tribulation period, right?"

As Hang Boqian's words spread, the sword light flew in front of Yin Xiu and the others and stopped.

Seeing Hang Boqian standing on top of the flying sword, Yin Xiu smiled and hugged Hang Boqian, then smiled and said: "I can't hide anything from you, Brother Third, I have indeed successfully broken through to the tribulation period. "

Hang Boqian smiled and said, "Fourth brother, you can find your brother's traces thousands of miles away, and you can return to your brother's voice transmission. Doesn't this clearly tell your brother that you have broken through the catastrophe period?"

Yin Xiu smiled, and then turned his head to signal Ning Yuejing to come forward, and then said to Hang Boqian: "Brother, this is the disciple I received after I returned to my hometown. Her full name is Ning Yuejing. You call her the younger brother. Jing will do."

At this time, Ning Yuejing also respectfully greeted him with interest, "Xiaojing has seen her uncle!"

"Okay, okay! Haha, I didn't expect the fourth brother to accept such a well-behaved disciple." Hang Boqian looked at Ning Yuejing and responded with a smile.

Immediately he took out another item from the storage ring, and then handed it to Ning Yuejing, saying: "If your uncle is right, you should be an innate pure yin spirit body? This was obtained by uncle accidentally. A group of'extremely cloudy cloud crystals', it can help you stably strengthen the Nascent Soul, and make the true essence mana in your body more refined and condensed..."

While talking, Hang Boqian directly handed the lump in his hand that was shrouded in a layer of white mist, which looked like a crystal, but was actually soft and soft to Ning Yuejing.

Ning Yuejing didn't take it right away, but looked up at Yin Xiu.

After seeing Yin Xiu nodded slightly to her, Ning Yuejing took it from Hang Boqian and said to Hang Boqian, "Thank you, Uncle's generous gift!"

Hang Boqian chuckled, and immediately said to Yin Xiu: "Fourth brother, it seems that you, a disciple, are still a little stiff towards me!"

Yin Xiu smiled and said, "It's the first time she has seen the third brother. It's normal if she can't let go."

"Okay, third brother, I think we'd better sit down on the island and talk."

"Well, so good!"

Hang Boqian replied, and couldn't help but glance at the dozens of Yanyuezong disciples who followed Yin Xiu.

In a short while, Yin Xiu led Hang Boqian to the Penglai Pavilion on Penglai Fairy Island.

After sitting down, Hang Boqian asked with some curiosity: "Fourth brother, didn't you say that your hometown lacks aura, and you can't even break through during the Golden Elixir period? Why, it seems to be very different from what I have seen. Different?"

Yin Xiu smiled and replied: "Brother, this is because of some changes. This is indeed what I told you before. It is a deserted place for cultivation, lack of spiritual energy, and even the golden period. Can't break through."

"However, a few years ago, some abnormal changes occurred in this world. Not only the spiritual energy began to gradually recover, but also several secret realms appeared. These three floating fairy islands came from a secret realm. The third brother just saw Those who arrived are the original cultivators in this secret realm."

"I only occupied this place a few years ago, and included the original sect in this secret realm. Now, those people have become disciples under my sect..."

After listening to Yin Xiu's explanation, Hang Boqian showed a sudden realization, "That's it."

At this moment, it happened that Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao also rushed over from Yanyue Cultivation Academy.

"Yin Xiu, what can you do if you call us back?" The two walked into the Penglai Pavilion and asked Yin Xiu.

After speaking, they found out that Hang Boqian, who was sitting opposite Yin Xiu, was completely stranger. For a moment, the two couldn't help but glanced in surprise.

Hearing this, Yin Xiu couldn't help but get up and said, "Xue Qing, Xing Xing, let me introduce to you, this is my third brother Hang Boqian."

"Third brother, these two are friends I met after I returned to my hometown. This is Ji Xueqing, and this is Jiang Yanling..."

Yin Xiu introduced them to each other separately.

Hang Boqian didn't feel sloppy because of Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingying's low cultivation level. He quickly got up and said: "The two girls are polite. In Hang Boqian, they are friends of life and death with Fourth Brother Yin."

Hearing Yin Xiu's introduction, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao were still in the mist, and they didn't quite understand why Yin Xiu suddenly came up with such a "third brother".

Moreover, they also felt that Hang Boqian's voice and intonation were a little weird and not very natural.

In fact, after Hang Boqian came to the earth, he heard the words spoken by many people through spiritual sense completely different, so he found someone in the city to use soul search, and directly searched the memory of that person before he learned the language of China. .

Therefore, speaking at this moment naturally seems a little less natural and smooth.

"Hello, this is Ji Xueqing!"

"I'm Jiang Xingxiao!"

Although he felt that Hang Boqian's words were a bit weird, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xing responded quickly.

At this time, Yin Xiu said again: "Xue Qing, Xing Xing, sit down first."


Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xiaoxiao responded and sat down next to Yin Xiu.

At this moment, Yin Xiu asked about the business, "Brother, why did you find here? Is something wrong?"

Seeing Yin Xiu's question, Hang Boqian's face suddenly became serious, looked at Yin Xiu, and slowly said: "Fourth brother, this time, you must go back to the'Wan Xianhai' with me as soon as possible to save the eldest brother and the second sister, I I'm afraid it's too late, the eldest brother and the second sister will not be able to support it!"

When Yin Xiu heard this, his heart suddenly tightened, and he quickly asked, "Third brother, what is going on? What happened to the eldest brother and the second sister?"

Hang Boqian said solemnly: "It's'Nine-Dragon Island'!" ℃≡miào℃≡bi℃≡ge℃≡

"Nine Dragon Island?" Yin Xiu was startled.

Hang Boqian nodded lightly and continued: "The eldest brother and the second sister are now besieged by the Five Immortals of Nine Dragon Island on the Biluo Island in the'Ziyuan Sea Area'. My sister has already been so fierce."

"Even so, it is difficult for the eldest brother and the second sister to resist the five immortals on Kowloon Island for long. After all, three of the five immortals on the Kowloon Island have already been cultivated during the tribulation period, and the eldest brother alone cannot compete."

"I also learned of this matter through the transmission of the second sister through the'Bitian Conch', so I can only come to the fourth brother to see if you have broken through the tribulation period."

"Now the fourth brother, you have successfully broken through. With the strength of you and the eldest brother, even if you lose to the Five Immortals of Kowloon Island, you will at least be able to defend yourself against them."

Hang Boqian and the "Second Sister" in his mouth are all only in the fit period. If they directly confront the three of the five immortals on Nine Dragon Island who have broken through to the catastrophe period, then they will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, the three of them can only rely on Yin Xiu and the "big brother" Yu Changsheng who is also the cultivation base of the tribulation period.

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