"Xiaojing, come, this is for you, and you take it too." Yin Xiu handed another copy of the wood essence to Ning Yuejing.

Ning Yuejing looked at the mass of wood essence that Yin Xiu handed in front of him, and then looked up at Yin Xiu, her eyes were red and her mouth was flat, and she gasped, and still silently accepted the mass of wood essence. .

Yin Xiu looked at Ning Yuejing's appearance, smiled and patted her on the shoulder, put it in his arms, and said to her: "Okay, Xiaojing, don't be sad, Master will be back."

"You are here to practice well, manage Yanyue Sect well, if you don't understand, just ask your sister Ji, sister Xiaoying and your uncle."

Because he was going to save people, Yin Xiud wanted to let the witch **** clone follow along with him to make sure that nothing was lost.

After all, as far as Yin Xiu knew, two of the three masters of the Tribulation Period among the Five Immortals of Kowloon Island were in the middle period of the Tribulation, and one was even a figure in the latter period.

Yin Xiu also had to treat it with caution.

After comforting Ning Yuejing for a while, Yin Xiu said to her again: "Okay, Xiaojing, Master, first go to your Master's uncle and explain some things to your Master's uncle. You are here to accompany Master's witch **** clone. Right."

Yin Xiu's witch **** clone is concentrating on refining the'Lei Yuan Destruction Spirit Talisman' and the'Hou Tu Imperial Talisman'.

Ning Yuejing looked at Yin Xiu, the **** of shaman, and finally let go of Yin Xiu's body, and said in a very low voice: "Master, Xiao Jing... Xiao Jing is really reluctant to leave!"

Yin Xiu stroked Ning Yuejing's hair softly, and said softly, "Master can't bear you either. But there are some things Master has to do."

"When Master first went to the realm of comprehension, thanks to the care and shelter of his brother and sister, he was able to have Master today. Now that they are killed, Master has to rescue them..."

"Well, Xiao Jing understands it, but Xiao Jing is reluctant to part with Master. If she can, Xiao Jing really wants to go with Master you. But Xiao Jing knows that her cultivation level is too low, if she really follows Master. If you go, it will only become a burden to Master."

Ning Yue said sadly.

Yin Xiu lightly squeezed Ning Yuejing's face and said, "Silly girl, how long have you been practicing? With your qualifications, it won't take long, and you will definitely be able to catch up with Master in the future. At that time, maybe Master will pay. It must be protected by you."

Yin Xiu smiled, trying his best to make his tone more relaxed and cheerful, hoping to dilute the sadness of parting.

After a while, Yin Xiu's body came to the other courtyard where Yin Chongwen lived.

When Yin Xiu told Yin Chongwen about his departure to the realm of cultivation, Yin Chongwen was shocked.

"Brother, you... are you really leaving?"

"Well, I'll come over to explain something to you. I should leave soon." Yin Xiu nodded and said.

Yin Chongwen stayed for a while, and took a deep breath for a long time, trying to calm the inner shock. After all, he had lived for hundreds of years. Although he also refused to leave Yin Xiu, he was still able to accept and understand.

"Brother, since you have important things to go to the realm of cultivation, then go. If you have anything to explain to me, just order it." Yin Chongwen said slowly.

Yin Xiu nodded lightly, and said, "Brother, after I'm gone, Xiao Jing will have to trouble you to take care of her. Although she is already good at cultivation level, she is still young and has experienced less things. Maybe she's not that mature, so I'll have to trouble you to remind her."

Upon hearing this, Yin Chongwen nodded vigorously immediately, and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will!"


Yin Xiu answered, and said, "There is one more thing..."

With that said, Yin Xiu took out one of the wood essences that he had just divided into five from the storage ring, and then said to Yin Chongwen: "This is the wood essence, also known as the source of life, which can restore all kinds of A physical injury can be brought back to life as long as there is a breath. In addition, it can increase longevity. You can hold this portion and use it to save life or extend life if necessary."

Yin Chongwen looked at the green light in front of him, full of vitality of the wood essence, his eyes couldn't help but wonder.

Immediately, he raised his head again, looked at Yin Xiu, and said, "Brother, since it can recover from various injuries, you should take it yourself. I am on Yanyue Sanxian Island, and nothing will happen, and My birthday is nearly two hundred years away, and it’s useless for me to hold it."

"And if you are going to the realm of cultivation to save people, you may encounter some dangerous moments, so you can bring it just in case..."

Yin Chongwen is still only in the middle stage of the golden core, after all, his aptitude is far from comparable to that of Ning Yuejing. Naturally, his cultivation speed cannot be as fast as Ning Yuejing.

Yin Chongwen's words inevitably moved Yin Xiu's heart.

Then Yin Xiu smiled at Yin Chongwen, and immediately took out the remaining wood essence from the storage ring, and said to him: "Don't worry, brother, here is another one."

After a slight pause, Yin Xiu said again: "Xiao Jing and Xueqing, Yan Xing and others, I also gave each of them a copy. So you take this one."

Seeing Yin Xiu's words, Yin Chongwen no longer hesitated anymore, nodded lightly, and replied, "Okay! Brother, then I will take it."


Yin Xiu answered, and said, "By the way, brother, you can also hold these spirit stones and spirit fruits. This is for the juniors in the family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Penglai fairy island is full of spiritual energy , But after all, it's still faster than not having a spirit stone to assist in cultivation."

Yin Xiu took out a lot of spirit stones and various spirit fruits and gave them to Yin Chongwen.

Yin Chongwen did not refuse, but accepted everything.

He knew that these things were only trivial things for Yin Xiu, as long as Yin Xiu went to the realm of cultivation, he basically wanted as many as he wanted.

As for the juniors of the Yin family, with these spirit stones and spirit fruits, their cultivation speed can be much faster and they can achieve higher achievements in the future.

"Okay, brother, I'm going back to Penglai Pavilion first." Yin Xiu said after explaining these things.

Yin Chongwen hurriedly asked: "Brother, when will you leave? I'll see you off."

Yin Xiu nodded lightly and said, "My witch **** clone is still refining witch charms, and it will take about two hours to complete. I should be leaving by then."

"So fast?"

Yin Chongwen was a little surprised.

Yin Xiuying said, "Yes, but you have to hurry up."︽②miào︽②bi︽.*②ge︽②,

Yin Chongwen said: "Brother, let me go to Penglai Pavilion with you. I will see you off later..."

Yin Xiu thought about it, and said, "It's okay. By the way, I also introduce you to the third brother I know in the realm of cultivation."


Yin Chongwen responded and immediately followed Yin Xiu to Penglai Pavilion.

After returning to Penglai Pavilion to see Hang Boqian, Yin Xiu immediately introduced Yin Chongwen to him.

Just now Yin Xiu mentioned to Yin Chongwen about Hang Boqian and Yu Changsheng, so Yin Chongwen knew how much the person in front of him had taken care of his elder brother.

Therefore, he was also very polite to Hang Boqian.

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