Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 884: Tianji Building

Those disciples on Kowloon Island are nothing but trivial little people to Yin Xiu, Yu Changsheng and others.

Seeing that Yin Xiu killed them all, Yu Changsheng didn't even blink their eyelids, but said with a plain expression: "Let's deal with the other people as well."

Before long, the entire Kowloon Island was cleaned up by Yin Xiu, Yu Changsheng and others.

In addition to leaving some servants, all the disciples of Yu Yuanhua and others, and those servants who had a good impression of Yu Yuanhua and others were all killed.

After cleaning up, Kowloon Island completely changed ownership.

Yu Changsheng also deliberately repaired the guardian formation on Kowloon Island. Among several people, he has the highest attainments in formation.

A few days later.

"Big Brother, I am going to go to Tianji Tower to find out about the five-element holy lotus." Yin Xiu said to Yu Changsheng.

Jing Qinghe and Hang Boqian also sat aside.

Upon hearing this, Yu Changsheng couldn't help but said, "Fourth brother, I will go with you."

Yin Xiu shook his head lightly and smiled and said, "No, I can go by myself. If necessary, I will contact you guys again."

Yu Changsheng thought for a moment, then slowly nodded, and replied, "Okay, but the fourth brother, you are alone, so you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, brother, I know it in my heart." Yin Xiu responded with a smile.

Yu Changsheng nodded lightly, and said nothing more.

Although Yin Xiu's cultivation base is a bit worse than him now, his strength is far better than him, and Yu Changsheng has nothing to say.

Moreover, after seeing the tyrannical strength shown by Yin Xiu's easy killing of Yu Yuanhua and others that day, Yu Changsheng also believed that no one could have won Yin Xiu except for those above the Mahayana period.

Even if he encounters the existence of the Mahayana period, Yin Xiu should be able to retreat completely. Therefore, he had nothing to worry about Yin Xiu.

The next day, Yin Xiu bid farewell to Yu Changsheng, Jing Qinghe and Hang Boqian, and left Jiulong Island by himself.

Tianji Tower is a very large force in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Immortals, specializing in buying and selling all kinds of news. It can be said that in the entire Wanxianhai, there is almost nothing they don't know.

In every sea area of ​​Wanxianhai, Tianji Tower has their sub-buildings.

The Tianji Sub-building in the Luoqiong Sea is located on the Luosheng Island in the center of the Luoqiong Sea. It is still a little far away from Kowloon Island, even at Yin Xiu's speed, it takes a long time to get there.

As for Narosan Island, it is a large island with a very wide area.

If it is resting on the earth, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a piece of land, it is about half larger than the Australian continent on the earth.

However, in the Wanxian Sea, Luosheng Island can only be regarded as an island.

And such a huge island is actually not owned by any party's forces, but a neutral place. Because the various conditions here can only be regarded as the upper-middle level, it is not a treasure of cultivation.

It's just that this is the largest free trade place for cultivators in the entire Luoqiong Sea, so there are not a few cultivators who come and go here every day.

Moreover, there are several large auction venues on the island, and some precious treasures will be auctioned from time to time, which also attracts many cultivators.

In addition, there are many people like Rashen Island, and places where many people are mixed with dragons and dragons are naturally the most well-informed places. It is not surprising that Tianji Building has a branch here.

It is not only convenient to collect some news, but also convenient to sell the news to people in need.

After a long journey, Yin Xiu finally arrived at Luosheng Island.

With a light figure falling outside the'Luosheng City' on Luosheng Island, Yin Xiu glanced at the cultivators who were going in and out of the city gate, and then walked towards the city gate.

Although Rashen Island does not belong to any party's power, there is a consensus that no one is allowed to fly in the city in this major trading area, "Rassen City."

No matter who gets here, he must fall outside the gate and walk in and out.

The main purpose of this consensus is to maintain order and prevent everyone from flying in the city and making a mess.

For this reason, the large and small chambers of commerce, auction houses and other parties in the city of Luosheng specially jointly funded the masters of the formation to engrave the no-fly formation in the city of Luosheng.

It's just that this no-fly circle is basically only effective for practitioners who are below the tribulation period.

Cultivators whose cultivation base has reached the tribulation period or above can still ignore those no-fly formations and forcefully fly.

Of course, generally even those who cross the catastrophe period and even the Mahayana period would not break the rules here and offend the anger. Therefore, most of the time, no matter how high the cultivation level is, the cultivators basically walk into and out of Rasheng City.

This Luosheng City deserves to be a gathering place for cultivators' trade. As soon as Yin Xiu stepped into the city, he saw that all-inclusive, spacious streets were full of cultivators selling various items.

There are also many cultivators stopping in front of the stalls to talk to the stall owners and bargain.

Here, in addition to some very precious and inaccessible items, various other things that practitioners can use, whether it’s elixir or refining materials, or various magical implements and gongs. Laws, spells... etc. can all be bought.

Of course, most of the things that are set up on the roadside are relatively ordinary items, and the truly valuable boutiques still have to be bought at several auction houses in the city.

Yin Xiu is no stranger to Luo Shengcheng, he has been here many times before.

After all, the area where he and Yu Changsheng and others were active was mainly in the Luoqiong sea area, so they were naturally familiar with the situation on Luosheng Island.

Quickly passing through the noisy and bustling streets, Yin Xiu quickly came to the front of Tianji Tower.

The Tianji Building in Luosheng City occupies an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, with a seven-story loft. Obviously, there are not a few people who come to the Tianji Building to inquire about the news, and there are people coming in and out constantly at the door.

Yin Xiu stood in front of the Tianji Building, looked up at the plaque, and then stepped in.

"This real person, what do you need?"

As soon as Yin Xiu stepped into the Tianji Building, a small servant greeted him and said with a smile on his face. △≧miào△≧bi△≧gé△≧

Yin Xiu glanced at him and said, "I want to inquire about you."

"I don't know what kind of information this real person wants to inquire about? People or things?" the young man asked again.


Yin Xiu said lightly.

Hearing the words, the little servant hurriedly responded, and then said: "Real man, please go up to the third floor here."


Yin Xiu responded and immediately followed the guidance of the young man and walked up the stairs on one side...

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